
  • 网络Ehud
  1. 以笏也并不是《圣经》中提及的唯一的左撇子,这些《圣经》中的左手武士大多来自于本杰明部落(Benjamites)。

    Ehud is far from the only left-hander that the Bible mentions . These Biblical left-handers were warriors that came from a tribe called the Benjamites .

  2. 以笏说,我奉神的命报告你一件事。

    And Ehud said , I have a message from God unto thee .

  3. 以笏来到王面前;王独自一人坐在他的凉楼上。

    And when Ehud came to him , he was sitting alone in his cool upper room .

  4. 以笏献完礼物、便将抬礼物的人打发走了。

    After Ehud had presented the tribute , he sent on their way the men who had carried it .

  5. 以笏说、我奉神的命报告你一件事。王就从座位上站起来。

    And Ehud said ," I have a message from God for you . " and he arose from his seat .

  6. 以笏之后,有亚拿的儿子珊迦;他用赶牛棒击杀了六百非利士人;他也拯救了以色列人。

    And after him was Shamgar the son of Anath , which slew of the Philistines six hundred men with an ox goad : and he also delivered Israel .

  7. 为了帮助以色列人摆脱摩押人的统治,耶和华派出了他的左撇子暗杀者——以笏来实施一场最恐怖的暗杀计划。

    Needing to free Israel from the rule of the Moabites , God sent Ehud , a left-handed assassin , to carry out one of the most gruesome Biblical assassinations .

  8. 以色列人哀求耶和华,耶和华就为他们兴起一位拯救者,就是便雅悯人基拉的儿子以笏;他是惯用左手的。

    Then the children of Israel cried out to jehovah , and Jehovah raised up a savior for them , that is , Ehud the son of gera , the benjaminite , a left-handed man .