
  • 网络israeli air force;Iaf;Jane's IAF Israeli Air Force
  1. 以色列空军在2007年9月处理了这个问题。

    The Israeli air force took care of that problem in September 2007 .

  2. 根据军校学生通过玩游戏所取得的进步,美国空军和以色列空军甚至改变了各自的训练方案。

    S.Air Force and the Israeli air force have even changed their training regimens based on how cadets fared as players .

  3. 以色列空军准备从以色列北部地区到南部地区的飞行,海军则将在地中海沿岸展示军舰。

    Israel 's air force prepares a flyover from northern Israel to the south , while the navy shows off its warships along the Mediterranean coast .

  4. 平台是在以色列空军地面控制器的控制之下,据信已经与无人机失去联系后,它失去高度撞上一个高压线。

    The platform was under the control of an Israeli Air Force ground controller , who is believed to have lost contact with the UAV after which it lost altitude and hit a high-tension cable .

  5. 另一起事件则没有被很好地记录下来,不过这件事也引发了诸多消息灵通人士的猜测。2007年以色列空军袭击了当时被怀疑是核武器研究机构的叙利亚的一处设施。

    Another incident , this one not as well documented but the subject of a great deal of informed speculation , concerns a 2007 Israeli air strike against what was at the time a suspected nuclear weapons research facility in Syria .