
tínɡ zhàn xié dìnɡ
  • armistice;truce;truce agreement
  1. 那一晚,随着停战协定的生效,战争的枪炮停止咆哮。

    That night , as the armistice took hold , the guns of war thundered no more .

  2. 这一动作之前,北韩进行了地下核试验并且宣布拒绝承认1953年签署的朝鲜战争停战协定。

    They acted after North Korea tested a nuclear device and threatened to discard the1953 armistice that ended the fighting in the Korean War .

  3. 这次袭击是对国际和平与安全的挑战,违反了停战协定(ArmisticeAgreement)。

    This attack constitutes a challenge to international peace and security and is a violation of the Armistice Agreement .

  4. 最后,联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)应考虑通过一项决议,授权使用武力应对任何违反1953年停战协定的无端侵略行为。朝鲜战争就是通过该协定终止的。

    Finally , the UN Security Council should consider a resolution authorising force in response to any further unprovoked acts of aggression in violation of the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean war .

  5. 第二部分……n.休战根据停战协定,法国的战舰由纳粹德国掌管。

    Part 2 ...... armistice The French battleships were placed within the power of Nazi Germany in accordance with the armistice terms .

  6. 哈马斯称这次停战协定象征着抵抗的胜利。

    Hamas said the deal represented a victory for the resistance .

  7. 双方目前正在遵守为期5天的停战协定。

    The two sides are currently observing a five-day temporary ceasefire .

  8. 他指示我们严格遵守停战协定。

    He directed us to adhere strictly to the cease-fire agreement .

  9. 他们很可能设法拒不实施停战协定的条款。

    They will very likely try to wriggle out of the armistice terms .

  10. 停战协定并未使法国免遭剧烈的创伤。

    The armistice did not spare France a pang .

  11. 9月29日,保加利亚签署停战协定。

    On september 29 , Bulgaria signed an armistice .

  12. 9月11日,敌对行为随着军事停战协定的签订而告终。

    On September 11 , opposition ceased with the signature of a military truce .

  13. 他们公然无视停战协定。

    They blatantly ignored the truce agreement .

  14. 但是要签停战协定需要调停者。

    But a ceasefire needs a mediator .

  15. 这里是1953年签订《朝鲜停战协定》的地方。

    The same place where the truce ending the Korean war was signed in 1953 .

  16. 按照停战协定的规定,翌年召开了政治会议。

    A political conference was held the following year , as provided in the Armistice Agreement .

  17. 这个联合国的世界比任何可能,因此,停战协定。

    This united the world more than anything could , and so an armistice was signed .

  18. 是否赢取停战协定之决定,完全落在我一人身上。

    It was squarely up to me to decide whether or not the procurement of an armistice .

  19. 根据停战协定,那些法国战舰被纳入纳粹德国的军力之中。

    The French battleships were placed within the power of Nazi Germany in accordance with armistice terms .

  20. 以色列&黎巴嫩全面停战协定

    Israel-Lebanon General Armistice Agreement

  21. 这种停战协定,将使苏联增加对于中国援助的可能,而不是减少其援助。

    These truce agreements will enable the Soviet Union to increase rather than decrease its aid to China .

  22. 朝鲜政府已宣布,不再履行1953年与韩国签署的朝鲜战争停战协定。

    Pyongyang has since vowed to ignore the 1953 armistice signed with South Korea after the Korean War .

  23. 根据停战协定,法国的战舰由纳粹德国掌管。

    The French battleships were placed within the power of Nazi Germany in accordance with the armistice terms .

  24. 第一个条件,由于停战协定的,是完全废除该条约。

    One of the first conditions as a result of the Armistice was the complete abrogation of the treaty .

  25. 周六,朝鲜举行阅兵式,以纪念朝鲜战争停战协定签订60周年。

    North Korea held a military parade marking the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice Agreement on Saturday .

  26. 朝鲜官方媒体报道,平壤将废除已有60年历史的《朝鲜停战协定》。

    North Korean state media say Pyongyang wants to cancel the 60-year old agreement that ended the Korean War .

  27. 到六月下旬蒋介石便公开撕毁了停战协定,向解放区发动了全面的进攻。

    By July Chiang Kai-shek had openly torn up the truce agreement and launched an all-out offensive against the Liberated Areas .

  28. 遵守停火协定的条款是照搬过去的条文。他们很可能设法拒不实施停战协定的条款。

    The provision for observation of the cease-fire was boilerplate . They will very likely try to wriggle out of the armistice terms .

  29. 尽管乌克兰总统和抗议者间已达成停战协定,但在基辅市,抗议者和警察间却爆发了新的冲突。

    New fighting between police and protesters in Kiev , Ukraine , despite a truce between the country 's embattled president and the protesters .

  30. 本周,朝鲜军方发表声明决定于下周一起不再承认《朝鲜停战协定》,中方就此事做出了回应。

    This follows the announcement this week by the North Korean military that it is going to nullify the Korean War armistice on Monday .