
  1. 以地学背景分析为基础,探讨了地学背景与半坡仰韶文化遗址的关系。

    This paper analyzes the geological background and the relationship between the background and Banpo Yangshao culture relic .

  2. 现生野猪头骨解剖形态学与仰韶文化遗址出土猪骨材料的鉴定分析

    Analysis and Identification of Living Boar and Pig Bone Excavated from Yangshao Culture Site on the Morphology of Anatomy

  3. 西安的半坡遗址和陕西省临撞姜寨的仰韶文化遗址都反映出当时村落与建筑的整体布局。

    The Banpo Site in Xi'an and Yangshao Culture Site in Jiong village , Lintong , Shaanxi Province revealed the overall layout of villages and constructions of this period .

  4. 今天在中国已发现上千处仰韶文化的遗址,其中以河南省和陕西省为最多,是仰韶文化的中心。

    Today in China has found thousands of the Yangshao culture site , Henan and Shaanxi Province to the maximum , Yangshao culture is at the centre .