
yǎng mù
  • admire;respect;look up to
仰慕 [yǎng mù]
  • [admire;respect]∶敬仰思慕

  • 昔尧殂之死, 舜仰慕三年。--《后汉书.李固传》

仰慕[yǎng mù]
  1. 不妨谈谈你对安德森-霍罗维茨风险投资公司(AndreessenHorowitz)的仰慕之情吧。

    Then just mention how much you admire Andreessen Horowitz .

  2. 我非常同意这才是TDD真正的好处,我也很仰慕你〔如此自信〕敢于直接把它讲出来。

    I very much agree that this is the real benefit , and I admire [ your assertiveness ] in coming right out and saying it .

  3. 曾经一度仰慕他的人如今指责他是叛徒。

    His one-time admirers now accuse him of being a turncoat .

  4. 他低下头以掩饰他的仰慕之情。

    He ducked his head to hide his admiration

  5. 她仰慕他已有多年。

    She had worshipped him for years

  6. 朋友和仰慕者们挤进安葬梦露的洛杉矶小公墓的教堂里。

    Friends and admirers crammed the chapel at the small Los Angeles cemetery where Monroe is buried .

  7. 他富有、英俊,有无可挑剔的社会地位,是她孩提时就仰慕的那种男人。

    He was from the same mould as the men she had gazed at worshipfully when a child : rich , handsome , of impeccable social standing .

  8. 她很仰慕他,听不进别人对他的批评。

    She worshipped him and refused to listen to his critics .

  9. 久已仰慕盛名。

    I have long been aware of your high fame .

  10. Girlcrush指一个女孩对另一个女孩的仰慕和喜爱之情,这种感情可能跟发型、身材、妆容、座驾、衣装、事业以及才华等有关。

    Girl crush refers to the admiration that one girl has for another girl . It could be to do with hair , body , make-up , car , clothes , career , talents etc.

  11. 查理非常仰慕他的哥哥。

    Charlie really looks up to his brother .

  12. 或者是仰慕华尔街那些基金经理大胆的投资,

    or by following the intrepid4 trades of the wealthiest Wall Street fund manager ,

  13. 如果你十分仰慕苹果CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯,那么这个故事会使你深受启发。

    It helps if you have a strong admiration for Apple CEO Steve Jobs .

  14. 很多CEO都有仰慕者。

    Many CEOs have admirers .

  15. 巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)大选获胜一年来,他的仰慕者和反对者都开始焦躁不安起来。

    In the year since Barack Obama 's election victory , admirers as well as adversaries have grown restless .

  16. 我是怀着兴奋和仰慕的心情来到IBM的,因为一直以来我都很欣赏这个公司的企业文化和它的产品。

    I came to IBM with excitement and adoration because I have been appreciating its culture and products for a long time .

  17. Mancrush(男人间的欣赏)描述的是一个直男对另一个男人怀有尊敬、仰慕以及崇拜情绪时表现出来的那种强烈感情,而这一切与性无关。

    Man crush is a strong emotion a straight man shows when he respects , admires and idolizes another man , totally non-sexual .

  18. 如果模仿是最好的奉承,aig无疑有自己的仰慕者。

    If imitation is the greatest form of flattery , AIG certainly had its admirers .

  19. n.集团凯旋归国的冠军得主们在机场受到一大群仰慕者的欢迎。

    aggregation At the airport , the homecoming champions were welcomed by a huge aggregation of admirers .

  20. 周二,阿纳·赫扎雷(AnnaHazare)向仰慕他的追随者发表讲话,告诉他们,经过八天的绝食抗议之后,他仍然状况良好。

    Hazare spoke out to adoring followers Tuesday , telling the crowd he is doing fine after eight days of fasting .

  21. 1999年克里斯托弗·罗宾斯(ChristopherRobbins)所著的那部充满仰慕之情的传记《米歇尔·托马斯:勇气的考验》(MichelThomas:TheTestofCourage)出版后,托马斯对战时经历的叙述引起了一位作家的质疑。

    The publication in 1999 of Michel Thomas : The Test of Courage , an admiring biography by Christopher Robbins , led one writer to question Thomas 's wartime account .

  22. OmarBorkanGala对一家著名的西方杂志表示,他收到了这辆至少价值10万美刀的豪车,这是仰慕者送给他的生日礼物。

    Omar Borkan Gala told a well-known western magazine that he had been gifted the car , worth more than $ 100000 , to mark his birthday .

  23. 潘伟迪的一个最大仰慕者是美国前财长罗伯特•鲁宾(RobertRubin)。鲁宾已在花旗董事会呆了8年,是这次潘伟迪获得任命的主要幕后推手。

    One of his biggest fans is Robert Rubin , the former US Treasury secretary who has been on the Citi board for eight years , and was a prime mover behind his appointment .

  24. 但我必须承认自己使用各种化妆品的尝试也算有所收获,我想它会让《美国精神病人》(AmericanPsycho)一片中的帕特里克•贝特曼(PatrickBateman)驻足仰慕。

    But I have to confess that my experiment with a grooming regime that would cause American Psycho 's Patrick Bateman to look on in - I fancy - a respectful hush has not been wasted .

  25. 去年在女演员蒂尔达·斯温顿的生日聚会上,Lorde邂逅了大卫·鲍伊,而你知道,这是个彼此仰慕的社会:

    Last year , Lorde met David Bowie at actress Tilda Swinton 's birthday party , and it was a mutual admiration society :

  26. 因此,通过YouGov的第三次大规模名人受仰慕度国际调查,我们可以得出结论:相比于政治,全球公众更加看重人道主义。

    So in the third installation of YouGov 's massive international study of personality admiration , it 's safe to say the global public values humanitarianismover politics .

  27. 作为中国最大的打车应用公司,滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)毫不掩饰自己对苹果(Apple)的仰慕之情,该公司法定名字“小桔科技”就是参照了这家美国科技集团的名字。

    Didi Chuxing , China 's largest ride-hailing company , has made no secret of its admiration for Apple . The company 's official name , Xiao Ju Keji , which means Little Orange Technology , is a reference to the US technology group .

  28. 上个月因为长得太帅被沙特阿拉伯驱逐出境而上全球头条的阿联酋帅哥OmarBorkanGala,在他生日当天收到了一份来自其匿名仰慕者的大礼:一辆价值不菲的梅赛德斯G55。

    An Emirati asked to leave Saudi Arabia last month for being " too handsome " has received an expensive G55 Mercedes car from an unknown woman , just a month after he hit headlines worldwide following his alleged expulsion from the conservative Gulf Kingdom .

  29. 人们很容易将苏黎世保险两名高管先后自杀视为一场罕见、陌生的悲剧,类似于杰佛瑞•尤金尼德斯(JeffreyEugenides)1993年小说中的“少女之死”(那部小说是由多名仰慕者讲述的五姐妹自杀的故事)。

    It is tempting to view the Zurich Insurance suicides as a unique and alien tragedy , akin to the " virgin suicides " in the 1993 novel by Jeffrey Eugenides - the story of five sisters who kill themselves , narrated by a chorus of admirers .

  30. 爱因斯坦是查理·卓别林电影的强烈的仰慕者。

    Einstein was a great admirer of Charlie Chaplin 's films .