
zūn chóng
  • worship;revere;venerate;respect;honour
尊崇 [zūn chóng]
  • [worship;revere;venerate;respect;honour] 敬重推崇

尊崇[zūn chóng]
  1. 封建统治阶级敕赐及道教派系的尊崇,为他身后成神提供了条件。

    The offer from feudal ruling class and the worship from Taoism provide condition for him becoming god .

  2. 他们提倡中西文化调和,主张尊崇孔教,在当时产生了一定影响,推动了孔教运动的发展。

    They advocated conciliating between Chinese culture and western culture , appealed to worship Confucius , having influenced ideology circles and the Confucianism movement to some extent .

  3. 他作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长而广受尊崇。

    He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor

  4. 备受尊崇的特威肯纳姆体育场是米德尔塞克斯七人制橄榄球赛决赛的比赛场地。

    The hallowed turf of Twickenham is the venue for the Middlesex Rugby Sevens Finals

  5. 那些对君主最为尊崇的右翼人士认为没有理由作出道歉。

    Those right-wing people who most honour their monarch see no reason for any apology .

  6. 他年近九旬,已成为该国最受尊崇的政界元老。

    He was in his late eighties and had become the country 's most respected elder statesman .

  7. 从我懂事以来,智力及对它的理解就一直在魂牵梦萦着我。我们生活在一个尊崇学术能力的世界,但是,事实上,确切地说,学术能力有多少的价值量?

    We live in a world which reveres academic ability , but in reality , exactly how valuable is it ?

  8. 一些早年受到尊崇的惯例,现在已经成了这代人嘲弄的对象了

    A number of institutions revered and respected in earlier times have become Aunt Sally for the present generation .

  9. 至于余秋雨的艺术理论著作,亦备受学术界重视和尊崇。

    As for Yu Qiuyu 's artistic theory work , also prepares the academic circles is taken and venerates .

  10. 全世界最受尊崇的学府牛津大学(universityofoxford),似乎即将发生一场静悄悄的革命。

    A quiet revolution looks set to take place at the University of Oxford , that most hallowed of academic institutions .

  11. 南非两家最受尊崇的矿业公司&GoldFields和伦敦上市的英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)目前都正在中国进行投资。

    Two of South Africa 's most venerable mining companies , Anglo American , the London-listed giant , and Gold Fields are both investing in China .

  12. FSA为全球最受尊崇的金融监管机构之一,负责管理此等法规。

    The FSA , one of the world 's most respected financial regulatory bodies , administers these regulations .

  13. 周一上午,时代公司(TimeInc.,旗下杂志包括《财富》)这家备受尊崇的杂志发行商从时代华纳分拆出来,开始在纽交所上市,交易代码为TIME(TIME-0.77%)。

    Time Inc. , the venerable magazine publisher whose titles include Fortune , this morning was spun out into an independent company by Time Warner and has begun trading on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol TIME - 0.77 % .

  14. 基于倍受尊崇的世界银行(worldbank)数据库,我们的分析同样显示,美国今年的产出将是第四大经济体中国(欧盟与日本分别排在第二与第三位)的两倍。

    Based on the highly respected world bank database , our analysis also shows that we will produce twice as much this year as the fourth placed economy , China ( the European Union and Japan are in second and third position , respectively ) .

  15. 米德曾是一家极受尊崇的广告公司AbbotMeadVickers(即现在的AMVBBDO)的联合创始人。

    He was a co-founder of the highly regarded advertising agency Abbot Mead Vickers , now AMV BBDO .

  16. 但这位化学工程师让英特尔(Intel)从一个卓越的科学项目转变为个人计算机时代的首个行业巨头,一直在硅谷传说中享有尊崇地位。

    But the chemical engineer who turned Intel from a brilliant science project into the first industrial giant of the personal computing era has long been guaranteed a revered place in Silicon Valley lore .

  17. 随着Facebook的不断发展,马克•扎克伯格不再担任编码工作,转而担任公司的管理工作,这就需要源源不断地招聘工程师。应聘者不仅要精通程序设计,而且要接受Facebook尊崇的黑客精神。

    As the company has grown , and Mark Zuckerberg has moved from coder to curator , he has needed a never-ending supply of engineers who are not only smart programmers but also embrace Facebook 's hacker ethos .

  18. 我尊崇的智者——斯坦福大学(Stanford)教授安迪·拉切列夫(AndyRachleff)曾鼓励我说:“要确保你能快速失败,失败的代价要小。”在商学院时,我有几个大的创业构想。

    As my sage Stanford professor Andy Rachleff encouraged me , ' Make sure you can fail fast and cheaply . ' In business school , I had a couple of big ideas .

  19. 电影《绝美之城》(TheGreatBeauty)为意大利导演保罗·索伦蒂诺(PaoloSorrentino)赢得了今年的奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,片中在罗马旅行的人们既受到尊崇,也遭到贬低。

    Rome 's tourists are venerated and degraded in " La Grande Bellezza " ( " The Great Beauty " ) , a film by the Italian director Paolo Sorrentino that won this year 's Oscar for best foreign film .

  20. 虽然Hoffman在科技圈备受尊崇数十年,但她的名字为外行人所熟知还是因为《史蒂夫·乔布斯》这部电影,她的角色由演员凯特·温斯莱特出演。

    But while Hoffman has been revered in tech circles for decades , her name only became more common to people outside the industry thanks to the Steve Jobs movie in which she was portrayed by actor Kate Winslet .

  21. 这个地方被称为“蜂房”(Hive),长期以来都有无拘无束的编程员和创新者搬进搬去,其中有很多人来到旧金山是为了逃离硅谷那极其单调、却被人尊崇的气氛。

    The hive , as the place is known , has long played host to a rotating cast of free-spirited programmers and innovators , many of whom come to San Francisco to escape what they regard as the stultifying atmosphere of Silicon Valley proper .

  22. 人们之所以会视新秀球星卡若念珠圣物般神圣,关键是这物件被赋予了无法衡量的意义,所以变得备受尊崇、珍爱和呵护——实际上,这种情况解释了“taboo(禁忌)”这个词鲜为人知的一面。

    The critical quality that leads people to treat rookie cards like rosaries is that of the sacred , whereby an object becomes worthy of boundless reverence , commitment , and protection . Actually , it explains one side of the word " taboo " which few people realize .

  23. 在莫罗的众多石头中,以Naususu最早受到尊崇,也最有地位,它被认为是最古老的石头。

    Of all the stones in Mollo , it is Naususu that is revered first and foremost – it is considered to be the oldest stone .

  24. 不知道是因为受到了来自拥有土地的拉杰普特族邻居的压力,还是因为本民族文化中的某些元素发挥了作用(或许是出于对母神MataDevi的尊崇),拉巴里人接受了豹子的存在。他们是被要求克制忍让的一方。

    Whether it is pressure from their land-owning Rajput neighbors or some aspect of their culture ( perhaps stemming from their veneration of Mata Devi , the mother goddess ) that leads them to accept the leopards , they are the ones who are called on to exercise forbearance .

  25. 她觉得,她对爱德华尊崇备至。

    She felt that Edward stood very high in her opinion .

  26. 富尔顿在黑人社会中有巨大的声望并广受尊崇。

    Fulton had immense stature and popularity in the black community .

  27. 总统受到他同胞的衷心尊崇。

    The president is enthroned in the hearts of his countrymen .

  28. 夸耀著老鹰的羽毛,用来礼赞受人尊崇的猎人。

    They also sported eagle feathers to honour an admired hunter .

  29. 对极度尊崇王者之道的统治者来说

    For a monarch who takes being a king extremely seriously ,

  30. 他们加给她一个特殊的头衔以示尊崇她的工作。

    They dignified her job by giving her a special title .