
zūn shī
  • Respecting teachers;respect a teacher
尊师 [zūn shī]
  • (1) [respect the teacher]∶尊敬师长;尊敬教师

  • 尊师爱生

  • 尊师爱徒

  • (2) [Taoist priest]∶旧时对道士的敬称

  1. 尊师重教的历史与作用

    The History and Function of Respecting Teachers and Promoting Education

  2. 老师们经常感叹学生们缺乏尊师重教的精神。

    Teachers often bemoan the lack of respect from students .

  3. 看上来全是尊师。

    To all appearances this was done out of respect for the tutors .

  4. 孔夫子的哲学是首先要尊师重教。

    Confucian philosophy reveres the teacher above all .

  5. 中国古代是否提倡尊师和是否普遍地尊师是两回事。

    In ancient China , it is different from promoting respect for teachers to respecting teachers generally .

  6. 同时,我们还要饮水思源,尊师感恩。

    At the same time , we have to drink from the source , respecting teachers , Thanksgiving .

  7. 尊师观变化下尊师重教人文精神的失落

    The Humanistic Spirit that " Respect Teachers and Value Education " Is Lost under the Change of Concept of Respecting Teachers

  8. 重生退学伊饱即开端尊师重教活动,能够给教师教好、门生学好发明精良的氛围。

    Iraq began full admission of respecting teachers , teachers can teach and students can learn to create a good atmosphere .

  9. 尊师重教是中华民族的优良传统,也是我国传统教育思想的重要组成部分。

    Respecting teachers is a part of Chinese good traditions , as well as an important component of our traditional education thought .

  10. 本人欲加盟一所尊师重教、开拓进取、富有生命力的学校,在那里,我的才能将得到最大程度地发挥!

    I would like to join a respecting , enterprising , rich vitality of school , where , I ability will get maximize !

  11. 怀着对尊师极其崇敬的心情,热穹在内心深处和骨髓里向尊师祈祷。

    Feeling extraordinary veneration for the Master , he prayed to him from the depths of his heart and from the very marrow of his bones .

  12. 谦虚、谨慎、尊师,作为中国传统文化美德,在英语学习中,对学习者有着积极或消极的影响。

    Being modest , cautious and respectful characterizes the Chinese traditional virture . The Chinese traditional culture actually performs positive or negative impact on English language learning .

  13. 师范生免费教育政策就是要进一步在全社会形成尊师重教的浓厚氛围,让教师成为全社会最受尊重的职业;

    Students free education policy is to further honoring teachers in the whole society formed a thick atmosphere for education to become the most respected social undertakings ;

  14. 师范生免费政策是国度尊师重教的一项示范性举措,体现了国度对教育尤其是对教师教育的高度重视。

    The policy of free pay normal students education is the symbol of respecting teachers and valuing education , and its implementation is of great strategic significance .

  15. 发展教育事业又必须把教师放在首位,形成全民族尊师重教的社会风气。

    In developing education , we must put teachers in a first place and form a social moral of respecting teachers and giving more consideration to education .

  16. 古今中外大量事实证明,尊师重教在我国有着深远的历史渊源。

    A large number of facts , ancient and modern , Chinese and foreign , prove that respecting teachers and promoting education have a deep historical origins .

  17. 教育是立国之本,人们之所以把教师称之为人类灵魂工程师,提倡尊师重教,都是因为教师这个职业是人类走向文明的重要桥梁和纽带。

    Education is the state 's basic policy , and people call teachers engineers in the souls of mankind because the teaching profession is a bridge Leading humans to civilization .

  18. 反映到学习上,日本学生整体上是尊师守纪、刻苦勤奋的,总有一种不甘落后的劲头。

    When it is manifested in learning , Japanese students on the whole respect teachers and keep discipline , and work very hard . They have gumption of never lagging behind .

  19. 在我梦中讲法的佛和听佛讲法的人,巴日玛和其他人都指示我应该请求尊师讲述他的故事。

    He who was teaching the Doctrine in my dream and those who listened to him , Bharima and the others , indicated that I should ask the Master for his story .

  20. “尊师重教”是中国优秀传统,其中蕴含的人文精神是长期以来,维持教育和谐的一个重要内在因素。

    " respect teachers and value education " is a fine tradition of Chinese , the humanistic spirit of which is an important internal factors that maintain a harmonious education for long time .

  21. 对于学生,学校,教育管理部门以及相关媒体而言,应努力和积极配合,共同营造尊师爱生的良好氛围。

    As for the students , schools , education administration and the media , they should make their efforts to cooperate with each other to create a fine atmosphere for the teachers and students .

  22. 用第一手资料《黄侃日记》,结合有关文献,从律己、尊师、敬友、爱生四个方面,展现黄侃的学术风貌。

    Making use of Huang Kan 's Diaries and relevant literature , this paper displays Huang 's academic look from four aspects , namely , self-discipline , respecting teachers , honoring friends , and caring for students .

  23. 我应该停笔了,我说的既不是尊师也不是爱生,我只觉得师和生应当是互相尊重互相亲爱的朋友。

    Its time for me to stop writing now . Ive not been talking solely about students respecting teachers or teachers cherishing students because , to my mind , teachers and students should be friends with mutual respect and love .

  24. 中国的未来在于高度重视教育的发展,尊师重教和加强师资队伍的建设是振兴我国经济之本,有着其独特的战略地位。

    The bright future of China lies in the highly emphasizing education . Respecting teachers and promoting education and strengthening the construction of the teaching faculty are the foundation of vitalizing our economy , which holds its particular strategic position .

  25. 原因是多方面的,既有学生在信息化时代观念变化的原因,家长尊师重教历史传统在市场经济形势下发生碰击的原因,也有教师自身的原因,其中包括教师权威弱化的原因。

    In this problem , there are reasons which not only student 's sense has been changed at information society and parents ' honoring the teacher and revering teaching sense has been changed in market economy , but also teacher-self power is weaken .

  26. 形成一种尊师重教的社会环境20多年来,中国的环境专业教育培养的大批专业人才成为环保领域中的一支有生力量。

    Foster a social climate of showing respect to teachers and attaching great importance to education Over the past 20 years , large numbers of specialists trained by China 's professional environmental education have become a significant force in the environmental protection field .

  27. 要改变教师威信缺失的现状,我们必须加强教师威信建设,主观上从德、才、情、仪四方面入手,客观上从树立尊师意识和健全教育机制两方面入手来促进教师威信的树立。

    In order to change the current situation of deficiency of teacher authority , we must enhance the construction of teacher authority both subjectively in morals , ability , emotion , and justice and objectively in establishing of respecting teachers and perfecting educational mechanism .

  28. 如:营造尊师重教的良好社会风气、提高教师工资满意度、严把教师入职动机关、营造和谐的校园文化、建立有效的教师专业共同体以及树立教师积极的职业价值观等。

    Such as : Creating a good social atmosphere of respecting teachers , enhancing teachers ' satisfaction degrees on their salaries , strictly holding the pass of the motivation of entering teaching profession , establishing effective teacher professional community and establishing a positive professional values .