
zhònɡ cái zhì dù
  • arbitration system;arbitrational system
  1. ICSID仲裁制度自20世纪50年代创立以来,在一段时间内其受案率并不高。

    ICSID arbitration system was founded in the 1950s , the ratio accepting was low in a period of time .

  2. 在我国,作为新兴ADR方式之一的仲裁制度,凭借其特有的当事人意思自治、一裁终局的民间裁断的优势,在纠纷解决的领域也发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In China , as one of the ways the emerging ADR arbitration system , with its unique party autonomy , a final cutting edge of civil awards in the field of dispute resolution are increasingly playing an important role .

  3. WTO争端解决中仲裁制度研究

    The Study on the Arbitration for Dispute Settlement within the WTO

  4. 本文简介了世贸组织的仲裁制度,论述了我国加入WTO后仲裁制度的改革。

    This paper gives brief introduction about the arbitral system of World Trade Organization , and discusses the reform of the arbitral system of our country after entering WTO .

  5. 前一方面论述了WTO协议的有效实施要求我国建立独立、公平、高效的仲裁制度;要求我国公开仲裁立法与仲裁程序;

    Its effective implementation calls for the establishment of an equal , independent , highly - efficient arbitral procedure in our state , the publicizing of our arbitral legislation and procedure , the opening of legal service market and the adoption of WTO dispute - settling mechanism .

  6. 然后,进一步分析ICSID仲裁制度中存在的问题,为使它更好地适应当今国际投资环境,提出制度上的改善方向。

    In order to make ICSID arbitral system adapt to international investment environment better , the paper further analyses the problems of ICSID arbitral system , and puts forward advice of improvement .

  7. 伴随着20世纪90年代国际投资自由化浪潮的兴起,东道国与外国投资者之间的争端也随之增多,ICSID仲裁制度致力于解决此类矛盾,因此其在世界的影响力与日俱增。

    With the rising of development of international investment liberalization , during 90 years in the 20th century , disputes between the host and the foreign investors arise . The influence of ICSID arbitration system was increasing , because it committed to resolving such conflicts .

  8. 法经济学视野下的我国体育仲裁制度的建构

    Construction on Sport Arbitration System under the View of Law Economics

  9. 论仲裁制度中的意思自治原则

    The Rule of Autonomy of the Will on the Arbitration System

  10. 从理念到实践:临时仲裁制度构建初探

    From Theory to Practice : Exploration of Ad Hoc Arbitration Establishment

  11. 论台湾仲裁制度的理论基础

    Research on the Theoretical Foundation of the Arbitration Rule in Taiwan

  12. 目前,我国尚未建立体育仲裁制度。

    Sports arbitration system has yet to be established in China .

  13. 美国体育仲裁制度对我国的借鉴与启示

    The Effects And Enlightenment of The USA Sports ' Arbitration System

  14. 人事争议仲裁制度若干问题探析

    A Discussion about Some Problems in Arbitration System for Personnel Disputes

  15. 国际投资争端解决机制的构建研究评析国际投资争端中心仲裁制度

    The Research about Construction of Dispute Settlement System for International Investment

  16. 第一部分为劳动仲裁制度概述。

    The first part is labor arbitration system is summarized .

  17. 构建医疗纠纷仲裁制度的瓶颈与突破

    The Bottleneck and Surmounting to Establish Medical Disputes Arbitration System

  18. 当事人意思自治原则是仲裁制度的基石。

    The principle of Parties ' Autonomy is the foundation of arbitration .

  19. 这些不同正是商品贸易协会仲裁制度的精华所在,之所以形成有特色的仲裁实践是因为行业协会实行自治的原因。

    Distinctive arbitration practices emerge because of the autonomy of trade associations .

  20. 这从理论上证明了证券仲裁制度的价值。

    In that way , it proves its value theoretically .

  21. 关于我国建立临时仲裁制度的法律思考

    Legal Research on the Establishing of Ad Hoc Arbitration System in China

  22. 入世后应进一步完善仲裁制度

    Should perfect the system of arbitration further after entering WTO

  23. 建立我国体育仲裁制度若干基础性难点问题辨析

    Analyzing Some Basic Key Issues on Establishing Sports Arbitration System in China

  24. 确立教师仲裁制度;

    Secondly , the teacher arbitration system should be established ;

  25. 仲裁制度在解决证券纠纷过程中,表现出诉讼等传统纠纷解决方式所不具有的优越性。

    Securities arbitration system shows its superiority over traditional dispute solutions like proceedings .

  26. 建立我国体育仲裁制度的法律思考

    Law Thinking on Establishing Sports arbitration system in China

  27. 本文分五个部分研究了国际商事仲裁制度。

    There are five parts of the study of international commercial arbitration system .

  28. 监督过失论略第二部分,我国仲裁制度价值实现的现实问题考察。

    Simple Research on Supervisory Negligence the problem of judicature supervisory to arbitration .

  29. 美国仲裁制度的新发展

    The new development of arbitration in the United States

  30. 但现在,国际上最重要的体育纠纷仲裁制度还是体育仲裁院的仲裁机制。

    But now , the most important international sports arbitration system is CAS .