
  • 网络value leadership
  1. 三是基于价值观领导与组织文化建设密切相关。

    Third , value-based leadership relates closely to building of organization culture .

  2. 二是领导者具有高素质是成功实施基于价值观领导的必要条件;

    Second , high quality owned by leader is an obligatory condition to the successful application of value-based leadership ;

  3. 我们的价值包括领导、创新、表现、团队合作、注重顾客和尊重人。

    Our values include Leadership , Innovation , Performance , Teamwork , Customer Focus , and Respect for People .

  4. 第二部分为价值观领导理论分析部分,由第三章价值观与价值观领导构成。

    The second part leads the theory to analyze that is formed by the values of chapter three and values leader partly for the values .

  5. 你不仅可以学会有价值的领导技能,发掘自己以前没察觉到的才能,还可以赢得成为不可缺少的雇员的好名声。

    You 'll not only hone valuable leadership skills and discover untapped talents , but you 'll also build a reputation as an indispensable employee .

  6. 第四章首先对在行政组织中推行价值观领导进行基础分析,阐明了在我国行政组织中提倡价值观领导的优势所在。

    Chapter four to pursuing the values leader to carry on the foundation to analyze in the administrative organization at first , expound of our country administrative organization recommending advantage that values leading .

  7. 本文首先介绍了基于价值观的领导理论(简称VBL理论)的有关概念和发展历程,然后从三个方面切入:一、教育组织中应用VBL理论的必要性与可行性分析;

    This thesis introduces firstly the relative concept of Value-Based Leadership theory ( VBL theory ) and its process of development , and then discusses from three aspects : ⅰ The analysis of the necessity and feasibility of the application of VBL theories in the educational organization .

  8. 以价值为本领导行为与领导效能在中国的实证研究

    Value Based Leadership : An Empirical Test of Chinese CEO 's

  9. 这些特征可以被用来发展价值无限的领导才能和创业就能。

    These traits can be used to develop invaluable leadership and entrepreneurial skills .

  10. 基于价值观的领导理论在海航集团的实证研究

    Empirical study on value-based leadership in Hainan Airline Group

  11. 基于价值观的领导理论是由豪斯教授在二十世纪九十年代提出的最新领导理论。

    Value-based leadership theory is the most recent leadership theory proposed by professor House in the 1990s .

  12. 陈峰具备共有的价值观型领导行为特征,同时也有其他一些基于自身特点的行为特征。

    Chen Feng had the common behavior character of value-based leadership , together with other personal behavior characters .

  13. 基于价值观的领导是以领导者个人价值观为原动力进行领导。

    The leader based on values regards leader individual 's values as motive power and carries on leaders .

  14. 我们致力于根据我们的价值观,领导方法和员工政策管理员工关系。

    We are committed to managing employment relationships based on our values and leadership approach and our people policy .

  15. 从而,一种全新的领导理论&基于价值观的领导便应运而生。

    Thus , a kind of brand-new theory of leading - the leader based on values arises at the historic moment .

  16. 企业文化的日益多元化促使管理者们学习以更为宽广的文化价值观去领导和激励员工。

    Increasing cultural diversity is forcing managers to learn to supervise and motivate people with a broader range of values systems .

  17. 正是在这种变革的形势下,女性的价值观、领导风格以及她们特有的那种能力和素质,显示出无可比拟的优势。

    Under such background of reform , the feminine value concept , leadership style and their unique ability and quality show incomparable superiority .

  18. 基于价值观的领导与传统领导的根本区别就在于它把价值观作为组织成员的导向动机,以此来激励组织成员。

    Based on values leader and fundamental difference that tradition lead lie in it regard values as direction motive of member , encourage members with this .

  19. 本文选取了企业领导行为对员工态度的影响作为研究主轴,并根据中国的实际情况引入了情境变量&员工的文化价值观和领导与员工的亲信关系,以期研究对本土实践有一般指导意义。

    This paper mainly researches the effects of leadership on staff 's attitude , and according China 's characteristic situation , put the cultural value & trusted follower into medium variables .

  20. 校长领导行为方式的不同是校长领导素质、领导价值观及领导水平高低的直接体现,直接决定着学校办学质量的高低。

    Different styles of principals ' leadership behavior directly reflect the quality , ability and value tropism of the principals , and play the decisive role in the school educational qualities .

  21. 我们都想要重塑美国在世界上的声誉,结束伊拉克战争,重新被我们的价值观所领导

    And we all want to restore America 's standing in the world , to end the war in Iraq , and once again lead by the power of our values --

  22. 本文希望通过对基于价值观的领导理论的阐释及其在教育组织中的运用和实施分析,来探讨教育领导如何进行价值观领导,以促进教育组织的变革。

    Through the explanation , analysis of application and implementation of value-based leadership in educational organization , this thesis probes into educating leaders to lead on the basis of values so as to promote the reform of the educational organization .

  23. 道德领导理论是针对教育领导者加强道德素养的教育管理理论,它从批判传统的学校管理与领导模式出发,启示学校领导者应该以道德和价值观为领导原则和领导权威来进行领导实践。

    Moral leadership theory starts from the criticism on the traditional middle of school management and leadership . This inspires that the leaders in the school should base on the principle of moral and value and the leader authority when they doing practice .

  24. 普世价值是转换型领导的前提。

    Theseuniversal values arethe premisesoftransformational leadership .

  25. 第三在上述基础上,左派将政治判断标准和党派意志奉为文学实践的最高价值尺度,意识形态领导权的争夺,成为当时文艺思想领域的斗争焦点。

    They emphasized the literature 's counteraction and the ideological leadership , depending on the political criterion .

  26. 培训物流团队中的新员工,显示良好的价值观和团队领导能力。

    Training new staff of logistics staff and show a good value and ability for team 's leader .

  27. 第三部分为价值观在行政领导中的作用与应用研究,由第四章基于核心价值观的行政领导模式研究构成。

    The third part is the role in administrative leader of the values and application study , studied and formed by administrative leader 's mode based on core values of chapter four .

  28. 领导干部价值观是关于领导干部行为选择的价值观念系统,而作为一个系统的基本要素包括结构、功能、机制,三者共同决定该系统的特征及运行效果。

    Leading cadres ' values is a value system about what action they choose to take . As the basic elements of a system , namely , structure , function and mechanism , the three jointly determine the features of the system and its performance .

  29. 我们都想要重塑美国在世界上的声誉,结束伊拉克战争,重新被我们的价值的力量所领导并与我们的盟国一起对抗共同的挑战——从贫困问题和种族互相残杀到恐怖主义和全球变暖。

    And we all want to restore America 's standing in the world , to end the war in Iraq , and once again lead by the power of our values -- and to join with our allies to confront our shared challenges , from poverty and genocide to terrorism and global warming .

  30. 它开始成为脱离其内在价值的一种价值符号了。领导总是让刚开始工作的新职员值夜班。

    It was beginning to acquire a token value apart from its intrinsic worth . The supervisor always start his new employee on the lobster shift .