
  • 网络cartel
  1. 我国房地产市场价格卡特尔行为的分析与规制

    Analysis and Regulation of Price Cartel in Chinese Real Estate Market

  2. 对我国价格卡特尔规制的法学研究

    Law Research of China 's Regulation on the Price Cartel

  3. 其次,要完善价格卡特尔规制的责任体系。

    Secondly , we should improve the system of liabilities .

  4. 行业协会价格卡特尔是行业协会组织协会会员协商后达成的价格卡特尔。

    Trade association price cartel is reached after consulting with members in association .

  5. 论我国价格卡特尔及其法律规制

    On China 's Price Cartel and Its Law System

  6. 发电商价格卡特尔之思考

    Thoughts on the Cartel Power Plant Price

  7. 主要介绍了协同的概念,价格卡特尔的构成要件以及协同行为豁免的场合及要件。

    Elements of the collaborative concept of a price cartel and concerted practices exempted occasions and elements .

  8. 近年来,行业协会的限制竞争行为呈现愈演愈烈的趋势,尤其是当行业协会和价格卡特尔相结合后,对市场产生的负面影响更是不可估量。

    Especially when the trade associations combine with price cartel , the negative effect for market is inestimable .

  9. 行业协会价格卡特尔具有执行的牢固性,行为更具隐蔽性,并且和一般的价格卡特尔相比危害更为严重。

    Trade association price cartel has solid performance , more subtle behavior and more serious harm than general price cartel .

  10. 中国房地产市场价格卡特尔的反垄断法规制&以价格领导行为为例证的分析高科技产品市场多产品完全垄断研究

    Legal Regulation on Price Cartel of Chinese Real Estate Market in Antimonopoly Analysis of Multi-product Monopoly in the Market of High-tech Products

  11. 价格卡特尔是对竞争危害最大的卡特尔,它严重限制了市场的竞争机制并损害了消费者的利益。

    Price cartel is most dangerous to competition . It imprisons the competitive mechanism of the market and damages consumers ' profits .

  12. 反垄断只是一个手段而不是一个目的;对价格卡特尔的规制也只是概括禁止而非绝对禁止。

    Anti-monopoly is only a measure instead of a purpose . The relation of prohibiting price cartel is also relative not absolute .

  13. 它可能导致价格卡特尔、产量同盟、划分市场、集体抵制等各种限制竞争行为的产生。

    It may lead to price cartel , production alliance , division , group boycotts , and other restrictions on competition in the markets .

  14. 价格卡特尔是行业协会所有危害自由市场、破坏市场机能行为中危害最为严重的一种。

    Price cartel is the most serious one in all behavior of industry association , which damages the free of market and undermines market functioning .

  15. 价格卡特尔作为一种广泛存在的限制竞争行为,一直是各国反垄断法规制的重点。

    As a kind of extensive action to restrain the competition , the price Cartel has always been the key point of anti - monopoly in all countries .

  16. 在此基础上,采用比较研究的方法,对行业协会价格卡特尔的构成要件、适用原则、表现形式、责任体系进行深入系统的分析。

    Based on the above , the article analyses the constitutive requirements , application principle , expressive form and system of responsibility for the trade association price cartel thoroughly and systematically .

  17. 这种权力在公司机构间的移动过程相应地改变了价格卡特尔的表现形式,进而改变了法律规制卡特尔的方法。

    Accordingly , the process of power shift in company structures has changed the expression form of price cartel , and changed the way in which the law regulates price cartel .

  18. 在美国,行业协会价格卡特尔行为适用本身违法原则判断其违法性,而在其他的大陆法系国家,都是在成文法中明确规定行业协会价格卡特尔行为的违法性。

    In the United States , trade association price cartel is suited for the per se rule to determine illegality , while in other civil law countries , trade association price cartel is clearly defined as illegality .

  19. 通过模型证明,技术联盟外企业的期望利润要低于技术联盟内企业的期望利润、技术联盟比价格卡特尔具有更大的稳定性。

    By using models , this paper proves that the expected profits in the enterprises outside of technology consortia is lower than those of enterprises inside the consortia and that technology consortia possess more stability than the Price Cartel .

  20. 价格卡特尔是指同行业有竞争关系的经营者,为获取垄断利润,通过协议、决议或协同一致的行为,固定、改变、控制商品或服务价格的行为。

    Price cartel is the behavior conducted by operators who compete in the same industry , which aim at obtaining monopoly profits , to fix , change and control the price of goods or services by agreement , resolution or concerted behavior .

  21. 豁免制度是适应我国现实需要的,我们应该对其进行明确合理的规定,并增加对知识产权限制竞争协议和行业协会自治管理的价格卡特尔的豁免。

    The exempt system is adapt to our reality , and we should definite it reasonably , to which we can add the following aspects , exempt about the intellectual property restrict competition agreement and the price cartel in the autonomous management of industrial association .

  22. 并提出如何学习这些先进的经验的建议;第四部分分三部分,分别阐述了行业协会价格卡特尔行为、集体抵制行为、信息交换行为以及标准化认证行为。

    And to put forward suggestions on how to learn the advanced experience of these countries and area above ; part ⅳ is divided into three parts , respectively elaborated Association price cartel behaviour , group boycotts , information exchange , as well as standardization and certification .

  23. 认为价格卡特尔是指两个或两个以上具有竞争关系的经营者,以合同、协议或其他方式,共同直接或间接固定商品或服务价格,以限制市场竞争,牟取超常垄断利润所实施的联合。

    The term of Price Cartel means that two or two more business operators having competition relations unit to restrict market competition and obtain exorbitant monopoly profit by commonly fixing the price of merchandise or service directly or indirectly by means of contact , agreement and some other forms .

  24. 由于公开联合固定价格的卡特尔明确属于非法,铁路业者转而以合并作为避免相互间竞争的手段。

    With overt price-fixing cartels clearly illegal , the railroads turned to mergers as the way to eliminate competition between them .

  25. 这是历史上第一次有一个国家政府承担责任调查并且在必要时起诉垄断集团和操纵价格的卡特尔。

    For the first time in history , a national government had taken responsibility to investigate and , if necessary , prosecute monopolies and price-fixing cartels .

  26. 她还强调,东盟及其成员国的下属组织都不会像泰国上周建议的那样,寻求创建一种类似欧佩克(opec)那样操纵价格的大米卡特尔组织。

    She also stressed that neither ASEAN nor a sub-grouping of its members were seeking to create an Opec-style price-fixing cartel for rice , as Thailand suggested last week .

  27. 为了维持较高的价格,这些钾肥卡特尔会将生产控制在与需求匹配的水平上&这与石油卡特尔石油输出国组织(Opec,简称:欧佩克)在石油市场中的手法大致相同。

    The potash cartels regulate production to match demand in order to keep prices high , much in the way that Opec , the oil cartel , does in the oil market .

  28. 因此,一个温和的价格政策在促进卡特尔稳定的同时,又不致于驱使消费国家改换市场渠道。

    Thus a " moderate " price policy promotes stability of the cartel at the same time that it does not push consumers into alternative market channels .