
  • 网络Task scheduling;scheduler;scheduling;task scheduler
  1. 一种基于角色Agent的教育网格任务调度策略

    Task Scheduling Policy Based on Role Agent in Educational Grid

  2. Linux集群系统任务调度策略的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Task Scheduling Strategy Based on Linux Cluster Systerm

  3. 基于多Agent的维修任务调度系统的研究

    Research on scheduling system for servicing assignment based on multi-agent system

  4. 基于多QoS的网格资源管理与任务调度算法研究

    The Research of Grid Resource Management and Task Scheduling Algorithms Based on Muti-QoS

  5. 基于QoS相似度的网格任务调度算法

    Grid task scheduling algorithm based on QoS similarity

  6. 基于网格任务调度的MonteCarlo仿真建模

    Monte Carlo Simulation Modeling for Grid-Based Task Schedule

  7. 综合模块选择、资源共享与任务调度的SoC设计方案搜索算法

    SoC Design Exploration Algorithm Intertwining Module Selection , Resource Sharing and Scheduling

  8. 基于GA的分布式任务调度算法的研究

    Research of Distributed MSP Algorithm Based on GA

  9. 对时间Petri网在水下航行器制导系统仿真多任务调度中的应用进行了探索和研究。

    The timed Petri nets application in multitask scheduling was investigated for underwater vehicle guidance simulation .

  10. 一个任务调度问题及其AI算法

    An AI approach to a task-scheduling problem

  11. 这些man页面中可能解释了如何使用cron,这是一个负责系统任务调度的守护进程。

    Chances are , these man pages explain how to use cron , the system job-scheduling daemon .

  12. 因此,QoS约束下的网格任务调度算法的研究更是网格计算的重点研究内容。

    Therefore , research on grid task scheduling algorithm based on Multi-dimensional QoS is the main focus of grid computing .

  13. 基于ARM7的嵌入式OS任务调度算法的剖析、移植与改进

    The Analysis , Transplant and Improvement of an Embedded OS Based on ARM7

  14. 在单机系统中,利用VC++语言搭建了一个模拟局部任务调度的仿真系统LD。

    Third we build a simulated system LD with VC + + simulating local task scheduling .

  15. PBS中的任务调度以及一类资源分配失效的解决

    Job Scheduler in PBS and Solution for One Kind of Resource Allocation Failure

  16. 任务调度是P2P计算中的一项关键技术,直接影响到整个系统的计算性能。

    Task scheduling is a key technology in P2P computing , which direct impact on the computing performance of the entire system .

  17. 基于PVM的并行分布计算中的任务调度策略

    Task Scheduling Strategy in Parallel and Distributed Computing Based on PVM

  18. 提出了一种利用Linux中的闹钟机制来实现IPC测控系统中多任务调度的简单方法。

    A simple method to realize multi-task scheduling in IPC measurement and control system based on Linux alarm clock mechanism is presented .

  19. 作为并行分布式系统中的关键问题,多处理机任务调度在一般形式上是一个NP完全问题。

    As a key issue in parallel and distributed systems , multiprocessor task scheduling is a NP-complete problem in many cases .

  20. 任务调度启发式信息可用于ACO算法构造任务调度序列。

    Task scheduling heuristics is used to construct the sequence of task scheduling for ACO algorithm .

  21. 研究了基于面向对象Petri网的任务调度方法,提出了基于面向对象Petri网的系统调度方法,以继电器装配为例,说明了调度方法的应用。

    Studied role plan approach based on Object-Oriented Petri Net ( OOPN ), present a way based on OOPN and proved the way by relay assembly planning .

  22. 介绍了应用Oracle10g新提供的DBMSSCHEDULER内置任务调度程序包进行的作业调度。

    This paper introduces the job schedule using task schedule package built-in Oracle 10g 's DBMS_SCHEDULER .

  23. 在单一资源上采用Globus的任务调度策略。

    In the single resource , Globus 's principles are adopted to determine the sequence of the subtasks .

  24. 基于OSEK标准任务调度算法的改进

    Improvement of Task Schedule Algorithm Based on OSEK Standard

  25. 利用MonteCarlo仿真的自然并行性,解决了网格任务调度问题,设计了基于网格的MonteCarlo仿真流程框架和节点状态机模型。

    To solve the problem of Grid schedule , statistical nature of Monte Carlo simulation is utilized . Grid based Monte Carlo simulation framework and node state machine were designed .

  26. 通过负载平衡机制,可以实现分布式GIS中多个应用服务器协同工作,完成GIS应用服务的任务调度和负载分配,提高整个分布式GIS的服务能力。

    Using load balancing mechanism , multi application servers can cooperate in the distributed GIS to realize task scheduling and load assigning . And in this way it improves the service ability of the distributed system .

  27. 自从有操作系统的诞生就有对多任务调度算法不断的研究发展,然而对单CPU的嵌入式多任务调度算法领域没有专门的涉及。

    Since the birth of the operating system , multi-task scheduling algorithms have continued research and development , however , single-CPU embedded multi-task scheduling algorithm does not specifically involving this area .

  28. 最后根据以上研究的QoS机制,将改进的任务调度算法与已有的网格资源预留策略相结合,提出一个能够适应网格动态变化的基于QoS的资源预留策略。

    At last , The strategy of the resource advanced reservation is combined with the scheduling algorithm to present a QoS based resource reservation strategy which can adapt the changes of the Grid .

  29. 对目前已提出的6种启发式任务调度算法进行了分析和研究,重点介绍了轮循(RR)算法。

    This paper analyzes and studies the proposed six kinds of scheduling algorithms and introduces emphatically the round robin ( RR ) algorithm .

  30. 其中RISC处理器可以利用专用信道,通过远程函数调用的模式高效实现对视频处理引擎的任务调度和DMA的配置启动。

    The RISC processor can schedule the tasks on video engine and configure and kick off DMA transaction efficiently in a remote procedure call mode .