
fèn zi
  • Component;one's share of expenses for a joint undertaking;as in buying a gift for a mutual friend;share in group contributions to wedding gifts;share of expense for a joint action
份子 [fèn zi]
  • [share in group contributions to wedding gifts;share of expense for a joint action] 若干人均摊等份额的钱同办一件事

  • 老太太出主意让凑份子给凤姐过生日。--《红楼梦》

份子[fèn zi]
  1. 这个班的男生们凑份子买了一个足球。

    The boys in the class clubbed together to buy a football .

  2. 希望你能感到你就像这个家的一份子。

    We 'd like you to feel you 're as part of the family .

  3. 如果有的话,那么你就是21世纪无礼行为“低头症”的一份子。

    If so , then you 're guilty of a 21st century impropriety now known as phubbing .

  4. 不出乎大家所料,我偏爱使用HPVirtualRooms,尽管我不是创建团队的一份子,我还是要说这是一个非常有效的解决方案。

    Not surprisingly , I 'm partial to HP Virtual Rooms , despite not being on the team that created that very useful solution .

  5. 如果它的技术一样,我想,CA真的做的很好,我很自豪能成为其中一份子。

    It 's techniques like that , I think , CA does really well . I 'm proud to be a part of that .

  6. 我开始习惯成为cohen家的一份子了。

    I was kind of getting used to becoming a cohen .

  7. 哇哦。我打赌如果我们出份子的话,可以给Sheldon买货车。

    Howard : I bet if we all chipped in , we could buy Sheldon a van .

  8. 我深信能成为USC的一份子将会是我人生中的一个最重要的经历和体验。

    I am convinced that attending USC will be one of the best experiences of my life .

  9. 随着电子商务在全球的风靡,作为C2C交易模式中最为活跃的一份子&在线拍卖越来越受到人们的关注。

    Online auction system which is the most active part of c2c is concerned by more and more people with the popularity of e-commerce .

  10. 本公司近来发现有不法份子模仿ASA交易平台,利用ASA公司名义进行行骗。请各位客户留心,小心受骗。

    A counterfeit ASA trading platform was found recently , the name of ASA has been embezzled for illegal issue . , please be cautioned for it .

  11. 他会是推动俱乐部前进的一份子,很快他会接受一次LFCTV的深度采访来解释他的角色定位。

    He will be part of the team moving the club forward , and he will be doing a full interview with LFC TV shortly to explain his role in greater depth .

  12. 执导开幕式演出的奥斯卡最佳导演丹尼・博伊尔(DannyBoyle)说,我们希望在场观众都能成为其中的一份子,真正感受到这种体验。

    We wanted the people in the audience to feel truly part of the experience , ' said Danny Boyle , the show 's Oscar-winning director .

  13. 在这样的背景下,WiFi在手持设备上的应用越来越广泛,而智能手机就是其中一份子。

    Under such a background , WiFi applications are being used in increasing numbers on handheld devices , while the smart phone is one of them .

  14. 其中一次营救行动使法瓦中尉引起了教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)的注意。上个月,法瓦中尉作为受邀前往梵蒂冈的意大利海岸警卫队代表团的一份子,见到了教皇方济各。

    One such scene brought Lt Fava to the attention of Pope Francis , whom he met this month as part of a delegation of Italian coastguards invited to the Vatican .

  15. 一天到晚,Shaun把他的生命放在死亡的绳索上为了确定可以成为狼群的一份子。

    Day in and day out , Shaun puts his life on the line to be accepted as a member of the pack .

  16. SOPERA应该成为这个未来堆栈的一份子。

    SOPERA should become part of this future stack .

  17. 所以,拜托!如果你尚未赞助,请花点时间来帮忙我们并成为ICTS网络剧的一份子。

    So please , if you haven 't sponsored yet , take the time to help us out and become part of the ICTS series community .

  18. 从部份子统计模型出发,用重标度方案确定符合EMC效应实验数据的核内参数;计算了大pT实光子产生过程的两种显示出EMC效应的截面比。

    Starting with the statistical model of partons , we make use of the rescaling model to estimate nuclear parameters fitting experimental data of the EMC effect , and calculate the ratio of the cross section for large-P_T direct photon production which manifests the EMC effect .

  19. 关于Jodi的离队&参与「拥抱丝路」项目的每一份子,对这位坚毅的团员提早离开都非常的不舍。

    A word on Jodi 's departure-everyone involved in the project was very sad to see such a committed team-member leave so early .

  20. 该集团发言人普利图(ChristinaPretto)周四说,作为机构的一份子,我们将做出我们的努力,帮助扩大经济中的信贷流。

    Spokeswoman Christina Pretto said Thursday that'we will do our part , as one of a group of institutions , to help expand the flow of credit in the economy . '

  21. 位于Bajaur的政府部落行政办事处就急不可待宣布胜利,但其实只是对极端份子的绥靖姑息。

    And in the tribal agency of Bajaur , it has declared a " victory " that looks like another accommodation with the extremists .

  22. ZCML也许显得有点繁杂,我也不总是它的狂热份子,但我认识到清晰明白几乎总是要比晦涩不明来得好。

    ZCML may appear to be verbose , and I have not always been its biggest fan , but I have learned that it is almost always better to be explicit than implicit .

  23. 他们随和,喜欢到人多的地方并成为他们的一份子。

    They 're easygoing and like being part of the in-crowd .

  24. 安保人员掌握的分裂份子的情报。

    To whatever intelligence your security people have on these separatists .

  25. 我认为你仍然是其中的一份子。

    Zead : I see you are still in one piece .

  26. 他想要把那些下层社会份子的对话完全抄录下来。

    He wanted to transcribe completely the conversation of the lowlifes .

  27. 能够成为其中的一份子我非常荣幸。

    I am very honored to be part of it . '

  28. 我们都很幸运地成为其中一份子

    We 've both been lucky to be part of it ,

  29. 在这,我只是这个大社区的一份子。

    Here I was just one person in this large community .

  30. 一直都很感激我是飞轮海的一份子。

    Still , I 'm grateful to be part of fahrenheit .