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  1. 主成分分析与聚类分析在民族分化研究中的应用比较

    A Comparative Study of Population Differentiation by Using Principal Component Analysis And Cluster Analysis

  2. 城市管理部门应当正确认识城市少数民族分化和整合的关系,推动各民族的和谐发展。

    The city administrative department should recognize the relation between the disintegration and integration of urban minorities , so as to all nationalities develop accordingly .

  3. 而造成壮泰语借词的差异性,主要有四个方面的因素:一、壮泰民族分化之后,分处不同的国度,与不同的民族接触;

    But the difference of the Zhuang and Thai loanwords , mainly has four aspects the factors : After first , the Zhuang and Thai nationality splits up , branch different state , contact with different national ;

  4. 甘肃省传统民族服饰的地域分化及其发展趋势

    Regional Differentiation and Development Trends of the Traditional Ethnic Garment in Gansu Province

  5. 矛盾性和相对性成为当代族群关系中的两个基本特点,当代族群关系也大体可划分为民族联合、民族分化两大基本类型。

    Modern relationship among ethnic communities may be classified into two categories unity and break up of nationalities .

  6. 回族大学生的民族认同程度有分化趋势,表现出积极认同和消极认同两个维度。

    They have different identity . Their identity assimilation trend might be shown from active identity and passive identity in the two dimensions .