
  1. stunts实为一种力的自我测试运动,它来自于南美的民间游戏。

    Stunts actually is a kind of self testing exercise . It is developed from some folk games in south America .

  2. 因素A:训练方式,包括二个水平,A1:系列化的民间游戏训练,即实验组,A2:非民间游戏训练活动(如跳舞、唱歌、讲故事等),即对照组。

    Factor A is training mode , comprising two levels : A1 , serial folk play training activities , i.e. experiment group ; A2 , non-folk play training activities , i.e. control group ( in which training methods , such as dancing , singing and story-telling areused ) .

  3. 本部分将民间游戏的概念进行梳理。

    This section will be combing the concept of folk games .

  4. 民间游戏在幼儿园中的开发与利用个案研究

    Folk Game in Kindergarten Development and Use Case Study

  5. 传统民间游戏的源流、价值和保护

    The Source , Value and Protection of Folk Games

  6. 狂欢节民间游戏的变异&《巴黎圣母院》与文学狂欢化再探

    On the Variation of Carnival Folk Games & The Madonna in Paris and Literary Carnival

  7. 一种民间游戏的数学模型

    A Mathematic Model of One Folk Game

  8. 基于蒙古族儿童民间游戏的幼儿园游戏课程开发

    The Development of the Kindergarten Game-curriculum at the Base of Mongolic Children 's Folk Games

  9. 阿拉斯加原住民的传统体育传统民间游戏的源流、价值和保护

    Folk Games of the Native in Alaska The Source , Value and Protection of Folk Games

  10. 民间游戏训练对3-9岁儿童社会技能影响的实验研究

    The Experimental Research of the Influence of Folk Play Training on Three to Nine-year-old Children 's Social Skills

  11. 第二部分介绍了传统民间游戏的定义、内容及特性,论述了其与民俗以及民俗旅游的关系;

    In the second part , the definition , content and characteristic of the traditional folk game have been introduced mainly .

  12. 修正主义者认为板球与棒球存在一定渊源:两者都源自英国的传统民间游戏;

    BRITAIN and America are divided , not just by a common language , but also by their passion for summer ball games .

  13. 舞蹈与戏剧最早起源于宗教仪式,后逐步演变成娱乐,诠释了宗教节日和民间游戏之间的逻辑转换。

    Dances and dramas , begun in ritual and developed into entertainment , provide a logical transition between discussions of festivals and games .

  14. 民间游戏训练作为社会技能训练的一种方式在提高3-9岁儿童的社会技能上效果是显著的。

    As a means of social skills training , folk play training can markedly improve the social skills of three to nine-year-old children .

  15. 包括民间游戏的内容、种类及其特征等。第二部分:民间游戏与道德教育的关系。

    Including the contents , types and characteristics of folk games , etc. Second part : Folk games and the relationship of moral education .

  16. 此外,还有其他竞赛、民间游戏和活动,如射击柳树杖和划船。

    In addition , there is other competitive folk games and activities take place , such as shooting at willow wands and boat driving .

  17. 探讨了彝族儿童民间游戏“老虎抱蛋”的发源和变迁,论证了该游戏起源于彝族的虎图腾崇拜。

    The present paper explores the origin and change of the Yi Children 's play " Tiger Hatching Eggs ", which originated from tiger totem .

  18. 它的制作和应用大都与民间游戏、竞技密切相关;民间玩具作为民俗生活的产物,又与节日习俗、信仰民俗、地域文化有着割舍不掉的联系。

    As the material form of folk games and sports culture , the appearance and survival of folk toys are closely linked with folk life .

  19. 土家族民间游戏具有竞技性、表演健身性、群体性等特征,是土家族优秀民族文化的一部分。

    Tujia Folk Play is a part of Tujia excellent ethnic culture , with the features of competitive , performance fitness , groups , and others .

  20. 儿童原有游戏水平并不影响民间游戏训练的效果,训练后儿童的游戏水平整体上均有所提高。

    Folk play training is little effected by children 's initial play level . After training , children 's play level has been improved in general .

  21. 第五部分根据传统民间游戏的发展现状和旅游价值,对保护措施提出初步探讨;

    In the fifth part , I put forward a good deal of protective measures tentatively according to the current situation of the traditional folk game and travel value .

  22. 第一部分序言,主要提出了传统民间游戏的研究背景以及前人对传统民间游戏研究的总体介绍;

    In this part I will primarily introduce the background of the study on the traditional folk game and overall studies about the traditional folk game posed by predecessors .

  23. 浙江省西塘镇中心小学通过体育课和大课间活动等的成功组织实施,证明民间游戏的传承和发展是可以通过体育教学实现的。

    Physical education and sports activities of primary school in West-town Center have proved that the heritage and development of folk games can be achieved through physical education . 3 .

  24. 民间游戏训练消除了一般型儿童与忽视型儿童的社会技能差异,其他类型的小学生受民间游戏训练的影响并无显著差异。

    Folk play training eliminate the difference of the average children and the neglected children . Pupils of else sociality type are influenced by folk play training in the same degree .

  25. 不同社交类型的幼儿受民间游戏训练的影响程度不同,欢迎型幼儿比拒绝型幼儿可能更易受民间游戏训练的影响。

    Infants of different sociality type are influenced by folk play training in different degree . The popular infant is more easily influenced by folk play training than the rejected infant .

  26. 针对一民间游戏建立了相应的数学模型,给出了一般算法,讨论了相关性质和应用前景,设计了一个应用实例。

    The model , constructed on the basis of a folk game , gives a general arithemetic , discusses the concerned nature and its application prospects , and designs a practical example .

  27. 经过民间游戏训练后,儿童的社会技能总分及各项得分都显著提高,与对照组差异显著。

    After folk play training , the children 's total scores as well as each item 's score of social skills are notably improved , which forms a sharp contrast with the control group .

  28. 在理论上探讨土家族民间游戏的特点与价值,在实践中设计与实施土家族民间游戏活动方案,为幼儿园组织开展相关活动提供借鉴。

    It discusses features and value of Tujia Folk Games in the theory , in practice , design and implementation of Tujia folk games , activities and program related activities for kindergarten organizations provide a reference .

  29. 盛行于土家族地区的上大人纸牌游戏是一种通过借鉴汉族游戏文化,融合自身文化特征而形成的具有独特民族风格的民间游戏。

    The Shang-Da-Ren cards game is one of the prevailing civilian game in Tujia minority area , which came of Han Nationality folk culture and created the unique ethnic style from their own cultural characteristic forms .

  30. 本研究的主要结论如下:1.浙江省西塘镇中心小学的体育教师对民间游戏内涵的了解比较深刻,能认识到民间游戏传承和发展的重要性。

    The main points are as follows : 1 . The physical education teachers in West-Town Center have realized the significance and importance of the heritage and development for the folk game more deeply . 2 .