
  1. 游客关于旅游目的地的满意度对游客关于当地民族工艺品的感知度和满意度具有正向影响。

    Tour destination satisfaction exerts positive effects on perception and satisfaction for ethical handicraft of tourists .

  2. 提高了生产效率、降低了成本和废品率,是民族工艺品生产方法的改进、创新。

    This is vitally important improvement and innovation in ways of producing the nation handicraft products .

  3. 那么如何让手工艺品走向市场,产生良好的经济效益呢?构建民族工艺品品牌是良好的途径。

    So how to make crafts go to the market and to produce good economic results ? Construction of the national handicraft brand is a good way .

  4. 该情况说明云南省民族民间工艺品产业仍存在较大问题,同时也说明工艺品产业拥有极大的利润空间。

    This reveals that there is still a big problem in Yunnan folk crafts industry , but also has great profit margins .

  5. 从人类学角度对民族旅游工艺品开发问题进行研究,其主要目的就是对这种关系的变化做出自己的说明和体现出不同的声音。

    The main purpose of the anthropological research on the exploitation of tourist handicraft is showing the anthropologist 's explain to this change relationship .

  6. 客房内设计风格独具匠心,陈设全部采用古典家具,并饰以中式字画、古董及中国民族特色工艺品。

    Guestrooms'design is unique , displaying all the classic furniture and deserving to Chinese calligraphy and painting , antiques , and Chinese ethnic characteristics of handicraft .

  7. 本文还介绍了利用云南民族民间工艺品图形资源所开发的斑铜工艺品创新设计系统。

    At the same time , this dissertation introduces the spot-bronze creative design system , which utilizing graphics resources of Yunnan traditional folk crafts and civil arts .

  8. 随着经济全球化和旅游市场国际化的发展,民族旅游工艺品的开发已被纳入到全球化的市场运作当中。

    Along with the development of economic globalization and tourist market internationalization , the development of the traveling handicraft product has already been brought into the market of globalization and to be operated .

  9. 民族民间工艺品业是一种伴生性和复合型的产业,在市场培育的基础上,受外部力量的驱使将成长为一个外延拓展性能良好的产业。

    Ethical handicraft industry is a complex and associated industries . It will grow to be a good performance industry with expanding and extension tendency by the external forces of economical growing base on growing market .

  10. 借助现代计算机技术开展对云南民族民间工艺品的研究,有助于我们更好地认识和了解云南多姿多彩的民族文化,同时也可使计算机技术的应用领域得到新的扩展。

    Utilizing the technology of the computer to investigate the traditional folk crafts and civil arts of Yunnan , have good advantages of knowing and understanding extraordinary splendor national culture yet , and extending application field of computer technology .

  11. 斑铜工艺品是云南民族民间金属工艺品中的一种,是在云南地区比较普遍的工艺品形式。

    Spot-bronze craft is a kind of metal craftworks , and it is prevalent in Yunnan province .

  12. 我国与野生动物资源紧密相关的产业有野生动物养殖、传统医药、特种皮革、民族乐器、工艺品制造、观赏旅游等,在国民经济发展中占据主要地位。

    The using of wildlife resources are related with many industries , such as foods , traditional Chinese medicine , special leather , national music instrument , craftwork manufacture and so on .

  13. 但由于对文化产业的理论研究不足,使得在实践层面上,文化产业的运作存在一些随意性、盲目性和短视性,表现在文化旅游、民族歌舞、工艺品加工等方面较为突出。

    However , due to inadequate theoretical studies , the operation of the ethnic culture industry in Yunnan has shown some weaknesses in cultural tourism , ethnic songs and dances and the production of artifacts .

  14. 除了可以了解各民族的建筑风格之外,还可以欣赏和参与各民族的歌舞表演,民族工艺品生产和民族风味食品制作的表演。

    Not only can you get to know the architecture style of each nationality but also enjoy and participate the ethic singing and dancing performance , as well as the making of the ethic crafts and cuisine performance .

  15. 第一个问题主要介绍民族民间艺术及文化最基本的一些特点,第二个问题重在说明民族民间工艺品的产权保护同一般作品相比所具有的特殊性。

    The first issues introduces folk arts and culture some of the most basic characteristics , and the second issue emphasis on the folk crafts with the protection of the property rights of the general works compared with particularity .