
mín jiān chuán shuō
  • folklore;folk tale;folk legend;popular legend
  1. 据当地民间传说,那是个不祥的地方。

    According to local folklore it is an evil place .

  2. 在中国的民间传说中蝙蝠是好运的象征。

    In Chinese folklore the bat is an emblem of good fortune .

  3. 他不可能像民间传说的那样被下了毒。

    He could not possibly have been poisoned as popular legend has it .

  4. 诸葛亮在民间传说中是智慧的代名词。

    Zhuge Liang is a synonym for wisdom in folklore .

  5. 媒体上有许多对行星X过境之前的各种预言,历史证据和民间传说的讨论。

    Lots of discussion on the media about various prophecies and historical evidence and folklore about prior passages .

  6. SantaMuerte是民间传说的圣人之一,这些圣人被墨西哥的贫民所崇拜。

    Santa Muerte is one of several unofficial folk saints , most commonly worshipped by the poor in Mexico .

  7. Jacko'Lantern的传统来自于一个民间传说。一个名叫Jack的人戏弄了恶魔,之后就不得不提着一盏灯在地球上流浪。

    The tradition of the Jack o ' Lantern comes from a folktale about a man named Jack who tricked the devil and had to wander the Earth with a lantern .

  8. 英国的书店里还有许多地理书、童话、民间传说和神话故事,在我三年级的女儿眼中更是动人,因为她是波希·杰克逊(PercyJackson)系列故事的发烧友。

    They 're also particularly strong on fairy tales , geography , folklore and mythology - much of it highly appealing to my third-grade Percy Jackson fan .

  9. 早期的犹太民间传说中有魔像(golem)的故事,它是一种没有形状的泥人,由人类赋予生命。

    Early Jewish folklore recounted the tale of the golem , a shapeless clay figure brought to life by humans .

  10. 安吉拉·卡特(AngelaCarter,1940-1992),二十世纪英国最具独创性和知名度的作家之一,一生创作了九部长篇小说、大量短篇小说并翻译、编辑童话和民间传说。

    Angela Carter ( 1940-1992 ), one of the most original and well-known writers of the twentieth century from Britain , created nine novels , a large number of short stories and translated or edited fairy tales and folklores throughout her entire life .

  11. 在犹太人的民间传说中,指一个被赋予生命的偶像。

    In Jewish folklore , an image that comes to life .

  12. 吸血鬼和僵尸是西方民间传说中的家喻户晓的两种生物。

    Vampires and zombies are two popular creatures in Western folklore .

  13. 从乐山的民间传说看苏轼的民间文学形象

    Discussion on Sushi 's Literature Image from Leshan 's Folk Legend

  14. 她正在写一篇有关爱尔兰民间传说和神话的论文。

    She is writing a thesis on Irish legend and mythology .

  15. 非物质文化遗产与物质的关系&以民间传说为例

    Non-material Culture Legacy versus " Material ": A Case in Folk Legend

  16. 神圣的叙事&民间传说与民间信仰互动研究

    Sacred Narration & Research on the Interaction between Folk Legends and Beliefs

  17. 她的书常取材于民间传说和童话。

    Her books are often based on folklore and fairytales .

  18. 美元的符号$的起源与好几种民间传说有关。

    The origin of the $ sign has several folkloric stories attached .

  19. 中国民间传说中的三位星君。

    They are three gods popular among Chinese country people .

  20. 许多中国传统节日都与古代民间传说有关。

    Many of the traditional Chinese holidays are associated with ancient folklore .

  21. 本片故事来源于一个富有传奇色彩的民间传说。

    The film comes from a legendary story of folklore .

  22. 德国的格林兄弟,雅各布和威廉,决定把民间传说写下来。

    The German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm decided to write folktales .

  23. 这位母亲经常给她的孩子们讲童话和民间传说的故事

    The mother often tell her children fairy tales and story from folklore

  24. 地灵德国民间传说中在地下出没的地神。

    A gnome that haunts underground places in German folklore .

  25. 圣诞老人民间传说的因素还来自于德国的传统。

    Elements of Santa Claus folklore are also derived from Germanic traditions .

  26. 请原谅我并不知道一些民间传说的事情。

    So forgive me for not being conversant in the current folklore .

  27. 从木屋到白宫是美国民间传说中最常见的主题。

    The theme ' From log cabin to White House'dominates American folklore .

  28. 赵公明是中国民间传说的财神。

    Zhao Gongming is the God of Wealth in Chinese folk tales .

  29. 建立在文学作品或民间传说基础上的管弦乐。

    An orchestral composition based on literature or folk tales .

  30. 当时我认为那只是流传在这一地区的民间传说。

    I thought then that it was just the folkore of this region .