
mín yònɡ shí
  • civil time
  1. 1952年后,格林威治的民用时,已称为世界时。

    Since 1952 , the civil time at Greenwich has been called Universal Time .

  2. 所以,自适应天线技术应用于民用通信时,要结合空时信号处理技术,即,利用每个用户信号的特征信息来实现多输入多输出(MIMO)的信号提取技术。

    So adaptive array must combinate with spacial-temporal signal processing to realize the MIMO ( Multiple Inputs and Multiple Outputs ) .

  3. 但只要我驾驶赛车的前一天开民用车时有一点快,以此来给自己打气的话,这就说明老子还想玩。

    But when in the days before I drive the race car I drive my road car a bit fast to pump it up , it means I still want to drive .

  4. 讨论了热辊式FDY涤纶民用丝生产时,油剂对产品质量和稳定运行的影响。

    Discussion is made with focus on the influents of ZHY-2000 finishing oil on the product quality and steady running for polyester filament by hot pin spin-draw system .

  5. 即使是民用飞机在着陆时也采用躲闪策略避免地对空导弹的袭击。

    And even the civilian planes use evasive tactics to avoid surface-to-air missiles when landing .

  6. 民用航空器喷漆作业时喷枪喷射流区域的爆炸试验

    Explosion experiment of the spray area in the spraying of the civil aerostat Aerostat Simulate Flight-Test Technic

  7. 这次投票是印度跟美国签署一项民用核协议引发的,印度各党派围绕这项核协议产生了深刻的政治分歧。在印度总理辛格本月早些时候决定推进跟美国签署的民用核协议时,他不得不赌上政府的命运。

    When Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh decided , earlier this month , to move forward with a civilian nuclear pact signed with the United States , he had to put the survival of his government at stake .