
  • 网络Enterprise personality;corporate personality
  1. 70年代以前,以美国为代表的CI策划主要局限于视觉识别领域,通过视觉形象来突出企业个性。

    Before 1970 's , CI , led by America , was limited to the field of vision identity which displayed an enterprise 's character only through visible figures .

  2. 人们很少见到这些企业个性鲜明地起誓,畅想光明的未来。

    Larger-than-life personalities plighting their troth and looking towards a bright tomorrow rarely feature .

  3. 企业个性与特色的设计、创造是一个系统工程,并强调其内在的连续性。

    The design and creation of enterprise personality and characteristic is a systems engineering , it also emphasizes its inner continuity .

  4. 内部环境状况是企业个性因素,它是财务战略管理的关键,脱离一定的企业内部环境,要制定一个良好的财务战略管理方案,并组织实施成功是不可能的。

    Internal environment conditions are the particular factors of companies , and they are the key to strategic financial management . In order to make a sound financial management strategy , it is impossible to success without a certain internal environment of companies .

  5. 现有的非平台ERP难以满足企业的个性需求。

    The existing non - platform ERP is hard to meet the individual demand of enterprise .

  6. 丝绸企业文化个性特色浅说

    On the Characteristics of Silk Enterprise Culture

  7. 塑造企业文化个性;

    Molding the personality of corporate culture ;

  8. 企业文化的个性特征和员工对原企业文化的习惯认同,决定了这种文化冲突的客观必然性。

    The personality of enterprise culture and the staff 's approval to the former enterprise culture has determined the necessity of the cultural conflict .

  9. 企业应根据个性需求和共性需求的程度以及这些需求的实现时间和地点确定不同的实现策略。

    Also enterprises should have different tactics according to the extent of different and common demands and then the time and then place to meet these demands .

  10. 首先,研究汽车零部件制造企业信息化的个性和共性特点,提出了基于IT需求的企业细分方法。

    This thesis firstly studies both individual and general features of automobile parts suppliers ' e-manufacturing and brings forward the enterprise segmentation theory that bases on information technology ( IT ) requirements .

  11. 在比较了几种工艺决策系统的基础上,根据企业制造资源个性和零件加工工艺的相似性特点,提出了基于零件特征/零件族的工艺决策系统模型。

    This paper discusses several kinds process decision systems . According to enterprise 's situation and the part 's feature , a process decision model based on features and part families is introduced .

  12. 该体系结构应该能灵活有效地应对市场需求的变化,能满足企业客户对个性的需求,能较快适应企业外部和内部环境的变化,能较好地提高软件开发的效率。

    It should be able to reply to the change of market effectively , satisfy the individual demand of enterprise customer , fit the changes of outside and internal environment quickly , and enhance the efficiency of software development greatly .

  13. 面对着邮政体制改革即将带来的更深层次的竞争,磐石市邮政局不仅从内部找到了建立自己企业的独特个性的根据,而且从外部发现了在竞争中求生存和发展必须树立良好形象的要求。

    Faced Postal service system reform will take competition more and more , PanShi post office but find out unique basis of building own enterprise from inside also find out that achieve existence and development from competition must be built good image .

  14. 论企业礼仪工作的个性与原则

    On the Principles and Character of the Etiquette in Enterprise

  15. 企业高素质员工的个性特征与人事管理

    Individuality Features of High-quality Staff and Personnel Management

  16. 本文从几个知名品牌的案例,唤起企业增强塑造品牌个性的意识,以建立鲜明的具有个性的品牌。

    This paper analysis several cases , and call attention to establish distinct brand personality .

  17. 企业文化需要追求个性创新发展

    Enterprise Culture Need Pursuit of Individuality

  18. 浅析商业企业的公共关系个性

    Characteristics of Public Relations in Business

  19. 保险业务的特殊性决定了保险会计拥有与其他企业会计不同的个性。

    Insurance accounting holds unique individuality different from other firms accounting because of the special service offered by insurance .

  20. 不同发展阶段乡镇企业经营管理者个性特征与创业精神、创业精神与管理绩效之间存在着不同程度差异。

    There exist differences between the personality of township enterprises ' managers and entrepreneurship and management performance of different development stages .

  21. “价值观的执行天条”,导致了企业管理实践的个性行为原则的总结、提升。

    " the performance of the value day ", caused the business enterprise manage fulfillment of the summary of sexual behavior principle , promote .

  22. 本文把理论研究与应用研究相结合,从基本激励理论出发,依据中、西方激励的基本理论,通过考察我国高科技企业员工的主要个性特征和需要特征,及当前的激励机制状况。

    This text combines the theoretical research with application study , proceed from basic motivational theory , in the basis , basic theories that the west encourage , through investigate of our country high-tech enterprise main personality characteristics of staff and need the characteristic , and present incentive mechanism state .

  23. 品牌的塑造、企业文化的构建、以及富有企业个性产品的开发,成为各生产商在继满足基本功能技术条件后又一个重要的话题。

    So it 's becoming important for producers to establish well-known trademarks and to found corporate cultures and to exploit unique product full of corporation characters .

  24. 透过形象识别,能够充分表现企业的经营理念和企业精神、个性特征,使社会公众能够一目了然地了解企业传达的信息,从而达到识别企业并建立企业形象之目的。

    Through image recognition , we can easy know the full performance of the business philosophy and entrepreneurial spirit , personality characteristics , so that the public can understand the clear message from business to business to achieve recognition and the establishment of corporate image purposes .

  25. 面对激烈的市场竞争,谁能将优良鲜明的企业形象呈现在公众面前,从而使公众感受到企业个性的震撼力,谁就能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,稳操胜券。

    Face fierce market competition , which corporation can appear before the public with clear and vivid corporate image , thus make the public feel the power of the corporation , will hold the market and succeed .

  26. 要提升企业核心竞争力,必须在塑造优秀企业文化中,追求企业个性,避免雷同,求得创新发展。

    In order to promote the enterprise core competitive ability , molding outstanding enterprise culture should pursuit individuality , avoid being a duplicate and obtains the innovation development .

  27. 企业形象识别系统(CIS)就是结合现代设计观念与企业管理理论的整体性运作,以刻画企业的个性,突出企业的精神,使消费者产生深刻的认同感而达成促销目的的设计系统。

    Corporate Identity System ( CIS ) is a design system for sales promotion . By combining the modern design idea with corporation management theory , it represents the character and spirit of the corporation , and make consumers feel deeply identify with it .