
  • 网络Corporate Philosophy;enterprise philosophy;business philosophy
  1. 这些承诺都源于我们的企业哲学:员工-服务-利润。

    These efforts stem from our commitment to our People-Service-Profit corporate philosophy .

  2. 这种做法延伸到了本田的基层制造部门,该公司的企业哲学敦促经理们前往一线。

    That carries down to the manufacturing floor , where Honda 's corporate philosophy urges managers to go to the spot .

  3. 这种技巧叫做kaizenWigCaps,是一个日文词汇,意即一种用来扭转行为与态度的美式企业哲学。

    The technique is called kaizen , a Japanese word for an American business philosophy adapted to change behavior and attitudes .

  4. 你要将自己的技巧与公司的期望结合起来,并且符合公司的企业哲学及愿景。

    You need to match your skills to the job expectations and to be aware of the philosophy and vision of the company .

  5. 战略管理的焦点是对变革的管理;战略管理的灵魂是企业哲学。

    The most important for strategic management of an enterprise is creativeness with the focus of attention on transformation management and enterprise philosophy as soul .

  6. 我们会发现怎么样正确融合企业哲学、商业进程、人员、问题解决才能让你的公司成为一个精益、学习型丰田模式的公司。

    You ll discover how the right combination of long-term philosophy , processes , people , and problem solving can transform your organization into a Lean , learning enterprise the Toyota Way .

  7. 混沌理论对企业管理哲学的启示

    The Enlightenment of Chaos Theory on the Philosophy of Business Administration

  8. 试论经济法的本质与企业经营哲学

    Talking about the Nature of Economic Law and Business Management Philosophy

  9. 企业管理哲学(一)

    Philosophy of enterprise management ( first part )

  10. 但事实上,企业和哲学有很大的关系。

    But in reality , business and philosophy have a huge amount to say to one another .

  11. 企业之哲学透视

    ENTERPRISE What 's Philosophy For

  12. 营销战略作为企业营销哲学的内核,正受到越来越多的关注。

    As core of enterprises ' marketing philosophy , marketing strategy has been paid more and more attention .

  13. 企业经营哲学,是指导企业进行生产经营、资本运作和管理活动的一种经营理念。

    The philosophy on business operation is a way that can instruct company to produce and manage capital and administer .

  14. 企业经营哲学:以人为本,以客为尊,科技为导,诚信为基。

    Company Management Philosophy Human as the root , guests as the respectable , science and technology as the guide , and faith as the ase .

  15. 伦理经营观念是企业经营哲学历史发展的逻辑结论,也是企业伦理学家们对市场经济条件下企业经营管理活动的伦理学总结。

    The idea of running an enterprise ethically is the logical result of the philosophical history of enterprises as well as that of ethicists ' ethical sum-up of the managing activities of enterprises .

  16. 从企业经营哲学角度看,品牌的价值不是在企业账面上,而是在消费者心目中。

    From the viewpoint of business philosophy in many enterprises , the value of a brand is not in the accounting record of these enterprises , but in the psychology of their customers .

  17. 随着现代企业经营哲学向以客户为中心的转变,服务成为现代竞争的焦点,客户满意成为评价产品或服务质量好坏的极为重要的标准。

    The competition of modern enterprises changes from the competition of quality and price to the competition of service level . Service becomes the focus of competition , and customer satisfaction becomes the very important standard to evaluate products and services .

  18. 第六部分是企业战略管理哲学层面的综述。

    The enterprise strategy that the sixth part is an overview manage the philosophy level .

  19. 人性是企业责任的哲学基础,人性的生态本质决定了企业必须对自然界承担道德责任。

    Humanity is the philosophy basis of ecological responsibility . Therefore , the nature of enterprise decides that it must assume moral responsibility for the natural world .

  20. 从企业文化的哲学与理念体系的构建、企业跨文化的沟通与管理两个方面论述了企业在跨国经营过程中文化准备的重要意义。

    This article recommends the rise and develop of international company , argue the importance of culture in a multi-nation operating business , described the importance of preparation for cross culture problems from the vive of philosophy of the corporate culture , communication and management .

  21. 花旗集团(Citigroup)驻上海的零售业分析师陈咏娴(SandyChen)表示,截然不同的方式反映出这两家连锁企业各自的经营哲学。

    Sandy Chen , retail analyst at Citigroup in Shanghai , says the radically different approaches reflect the two chains ' business philosophies .

  22. 企业文化:文化哲学的新课题

    Corporate Culture & a New Subject of Cultural Philosophy

  23. 福建民营企业文化建设的哲学思考

    Philosophical Vision on the Construction of Corporate Enterprise of Private Enterprises in Fujian Province

  24. 企业社会责任的哲学内涵解读

    Philosophical Analysis Concerning Social Responsibility of Enterprises

  25. 国有企业管理弱化的哲学反思

    Whys for Management Weakness of State-Run Enterprises

  26. 经营理念的更新要求新的营销模式与之配套,绿色营销必将取代传统营销模式而成为房地产企业新的经营哲学。

    Therefore , it 's necessary that the traditional marketing pattern be replaced with the green marketing pattern .

  27. 以市场为导向,已经成为现代企业最高的管理哲学,得市场者得天下。

    To navigate business by market has become the highest philosophy in management as whoever gains market will be successful .

  28. 公司和它们的内控因行业、规模、组织架构、企业文化和经营哲学的不同而不同。

    Companies and their control differ by industry , size and organizational structure , and by culture and management philosophy .

  29. 从世界范围看,欧美企业和日本企业的管理哲学模式是不同的。

    From the global view , the management philosophy pattern between western enterprise and Japanese enterprise is different .

  30. 企业文化是以企业管理哲学和企业精神为核心,凝聚企业员工归属感、积极性和创造性的人本管理理论。

    The corporate culture takes the philosophy of business administration and spirit of enterprise as the core , which represents the ' human-oriented ' theory for coagulating the identity , activity and creativity of the personnel .