
  • 网络Enterprise Management Thought;business mentality
  1. 企业经营思想嬗变

    The Development of Enterprise Management Thought

  2. 它是企业经营思想的体现,是一系列战略性决策的结果,又是制定中长期计划的依据。

    It is the embodiment of the business mentality , and a result of a series of strategic decision , it is the basis of the long-term plan while making .

  3. 创新是现代企业经营思想的灵魂

    Innovation & the Soul of Modern Business Management Mentality

  4. 在中国现阶段,创新是现代企业经营思想的灵魂。

    In the current stage of our country innovation is the soul of modern business management mentality .

  5. 本文通过对国内铜原料供应市场变化情况分析,阐明了原料供应市场变化对企业经营思想观念根本上的变革,对企业经营必须以市场为导向具有参考价值。

    Through analysis on change situation of domestic copper raw material supply market , this article illustrates the influence of raw material market change to operating concept reform of enterprise and emphasizes that enterprise management should be guided by market .

  6. 刘鸿生企业经营管理思想研究

    Study on the Operation and Management Ideas of Liu Hong-sheng 's Enterprises

  7. 新经济新营销新观念&论新经济时代企业经营管理思想的五大变化

    New Economy , new marketing , new ideas

  8. 网络时代电信企业的经营思想探讨

    Operating Consideration of Carrier in Network Times

  9. 第四章是华西集团战略分析与选择,确立了企业的经营思想和发展战略。

    Chapter four is strategic analysis and selection and set up strategic targets and demonstrate selection of development tactics .

  10. 在这种严峻的形势下,对我国企业的经营思想、管理哲学、管理水平提出了新的要求。

    Under such severe circumstances , it arises up new requirements to the operation thoughts , management philosophy and management level .

  11. 客户资产概念提出后,企业的经营思想从经营产品转变为经营客户。

    After the proposal of Customer Equity concept , the operational idea of enterprise has transformed from the managing products into the managing customers .

  12. “以人为本”是现代过剩经济、客户经济、知识经济条件下企业经营管理思想及实践的必然选择。

    It is an inevitable choice for business management and operation under the current conditions of surplus economy , customer economy and knowledge economy .

  13. 改革开放后,西方企业的经营思想开始传入我国,利润最大化和成本最小化的企业经营理念等迅速为广大企业和社会广泛接受。

    After the reforming and opening up , the business philosophy of Western companies rapidly into our country and under the influence of such thinking .

  14. 我国已有一些企业转变经营思想,以“顾客”为中心,并已取得一定的绩效。

    Many Chinese enterprises have already changed their philosophy of management , which regards " customer " as the center and have achieved some success .

  15. 由此企业战略经营思想发生了根本性的转变,供应链管理成为了企业管理的新型手段,它改变了一些传统的管理理念,并引发了一场管理革命。

    Supply chain management is a concept of management integration . The strategy is completely changed as it brings about a revolution to traditional concept of management .

  16. 本文介绍了网络时代电信企业的经营思想,指出了在网络时代最后的赢家是大型、松散专业化的企业集团。

    This paper introduces the operating consideration of carrier in network times , at last points the last winner is the large , loose , speciality group .

  17. 虽然现代企业经营管理思想肇始于西方,但是以道家、儒家、法家为代表的东方智慧与思想精髓对探求现代企业经营管理的基本规律有着极强的指导及启示作用。

    Although contemporary management theory originating from western , the Confucian on behalf of eastern wisdom and essence plays a enlightening role in the research of contemporary managing theory .

  18. 根据现代质量管理理论和现代企业经营的思想,探讨我国高校内部管理创新的问题。

    The Paper mainly probes the issues of innovation in college 's interior administration in reference to the theory of modern quality administration and thoughts of modern business management .

  19. 保险产品创新的制度建设,是关于保险体制、国家政策、保险企业经营指导思想、保险资源及保险专业人才培养等内容的整合。

    Policy establishment of insurance product innovation is about insurance system , state policy , and guiding principles of insurance enterprises , insurance sources and training of the insurance professionals .

  20. 范旭东企业经营管理思想及特色述论旭日东升,光芒四射。

    Commentary on the Operation and Management Ideas and Characteristic of Fan Xu-dong s Enterprises ; The morning sun rises in the east , shedding its rays in all directions .

  21. 随着企业经营战略思想的发展,战略的观念被逐渐引入到财务管理中来,将财务战略作为企业战略的子战略。

    With the development of enterprise management strategy thought , the notion of strategy has been introduced into financial management gradually , and financial strategy will be the sub-strategy of enterprise strategy .

  22. 国门洞开促进了资本主义工商业的发展,引进了西方的企业经营管理思想,使中国传统管理思想融进了新鲜的内容。

    The opened entrance to our country promoted the development of capitalistic industry and commerce , introduced the management thoughts of western enterprises , and made the new content melt into Chinese traditional management thoughts .

  23. 为此必须大力发展和完善资本市场,完善上市公司治理结构,强化上市公司股权融资行为的管理,转变企业经营管理思想,提升经营管理能力,提高企业盈利能力。

    Therefore it is necessary to develop and perfect the capital market actively , improve the administrative structure of listed companies , strengthen the management of equity financing behavior of listed companies , change the administration thoughts , promote the managerial ability , and improve the companies ' profit ability .

  24. 近代民族企业的经营管理思想

    Operational Management Thought of National Enterprise of Modern Times

  25. 论商业企业经营的生命系统思想

    On the Life System Concept of Business Enterprise Operation

  26. 并进一步提出了煤炭企业多种经营的战略思想、战略目标体系和战略对策。

    Strategic targets system and strategic countermeasures of diversified business of coal enterprises .

  27. 本文运用企业经营战略管理的思想,对太阳食品集团发展战略进行了系统研究。

    This article studies the development strategy for Sun Foodstuff ( Group ) Corp by enterprise strategy management theories systemically .

  28. 市场营销观念作为企业经营活动的指导思想,决定着企业经营活动的成败。

    As the guiding ideology of the business management activities , the marketing concept decides the activities ′ success and failure .

  29. 我国通讯运营商要建立客户忠诚,必须以客户导向的营销理念作为企业经营管理的主导思想;

    To build customer loyalty , China 's telecommunication operators should regard the customer-oriented marketing idea as the dominant ideas for enterprises ' operation and management ;

  30. 从现代管理角度探讨这种有机管理思想,发掘其现代价值并使之具备可操作性,对于发展具有中华文化特色的管理理论,提高华人企业经营管理者的思想方法水平,有着十分重要的意义。

    From the view-point of the modern management , the organic management ideology is discussed and its modern operational value has been found . It plays a very important role in developing the management theory with the characteristics of Chinese culture and improving Chinese business managers ' way of thinking .