
  • 网络GOAL;Business Goals;Business Object;company goals
  1. 在预算主管监督之下,各部门经理将本部门的预算估计数提交给预算委员会进行复核,其中有悖于企业目标的预算估计将被打回到相应部门进行调整。

    Under the supervision of the budget director , various department heads submit the budget estimates to the budget committee for review , and any estimates that are out of line with company goals are sent back to the departments for adjustment .

  2. SOA在使信息技术与企业目标保持一致方面向前迈出了重要一步。

    SOA is a significant step forward in aligning information technology with business goals .

  3. 基于目标规划的施工企业目标成本控制模型

    Target Cost Control Mode of Construction Enterprises Based on Goal Planning

  4. 从这个角度说,社会议题支持了企业目标。

    In this perspective , social issues support business goals .

  5. 企业目标:以最佳的方式展示您最好的产品!

    Enterprise Target : To best way to show you best products !

  6. 企业目标的欲求水准及确定方法

    The Desiring Levels and Determination Method for Corporations ' Aim

  7. 不同的企业目标导致不同的决策行为。

    Different enterprise target will result in different decision behavior .

  8. 要实现企业目标,首先必须对企业资源进行管理。

    To realize their goals , enterprises should manage their resources first .

  9. 现代企业目标成本设计与成本管理

    The Design and Management of the Target Cost in the Modern Enterprise

  10. 企业目标、会计目标、内部会计控制

    Enterprise Object , Accounting Object , Internal Accounting Control

  11. 对于企业目标:我们追求卓越。

    Towards enterprise 's aim : We seek excellent .

  12. 浅析虚拟企业目标管理

    Analysis of the Objective Management for the Virtual Enterprise

  13. 国家目标决定企业目标,企业目标决定企业会计目标。

    National objectives decide enterprise objectives , and enterprise objectives decide enterprise accounting objectives .

  14. 企业目标:弘扬艺术、出精品、出新品。

    Business Aim : Develop the art , yield the quality and latest products .

  15. 施工企业目标成本管理探析

    Analysis of aimed cost management of construction enterprises

  16. 这与传统的企业目标是取得竞争优势有很大的不同。

    It is different from the traditional aim which is to win competing advantage .

  17. 做好每一台设备,做好每一个客户是我们的企业目标。

    Do every machine right , treat every customer well is the goal of the company .

  18. 资本运营基本理论及资本运营与企业目标关系分析

    The Basic Theory of Capital Operation and the Analysis of the Relation between Capital Operation an Enterprise Target

  19. 在部署之前未成功确立企业目标就相当于没有地图和目标的旅行。

    Failure to identify business goals prior to deployment can be compared to taking a trip without a map and a destination .

  20. 建立科学的企业目标体系是制约因素管理最重要的理论基础之一。

    A logical system of enterprises ' goals is one of the most important theoretical base for Management By Constraints ( MBC ) .

  21. 针对旅游市场价格战愈演愈烈的情况,从博弈论角度对此进行合理的解释,并探讨了可能避免旅游市场恶性价格战的两条途径:一是旅游公司将企业目标从收入调整为利润;

    The price war in tourism market is more and more serious , this paper gives a reasonable explanation from the view of game theory .

  22. 本文依据盈亏平衡分析理论,采用盈亏平衡点或企业目标盈亏平衡分析的方法,对油田的经济界限值、经济产量等问题进行了分析研究。

    According to theory of profit and loss , this paper devotes the research and analysis of economical output and economical limited line in the oil field .

  23. 这些问题既是目标成本管理的基本理论问题,同时也是进一步阐述企业目标成本管理模式建立的重要基础。

    These problems not only target cost management of the basic theoretical issues , but also further business target cost management model to establish an important foundation .

  24. 通过跨文化管理解决文化冲突,寻找超越文化冲突的企业目标,使得企业文化的形成按所希望的方向发展。

    Cross-cultural management can solve cultural conflict and then seek the corporate goal beyond cultural conflict , which will regulate the development of corporate culture in the planned direction .

  25. 它的最终目标是使员工目标与企业目标达成一致,使企业赢得竞争优势,保持竞争优势。

    The goal of compensation system is to make the goals of the staff accord with those of the enterprise , and to help enterprise win and keep competition superiority .

  26. 通过上下沟通,共同研究制定目标,促进全员参与,增进团结,使个人目标、团体目标和企业目标融为一体;

    By communicating with each other , studying and making objective together , all members are involved and more united so as to combine objectives of individuals , groups and enterprise .

  27. 对于企业目标、公司治理结构和股票期权合约的现实考察为理解股票期权制度的发展轨迹提供了初步的线索。

    Thus , an investigation into the goal of enterprises , the structure of corporate governance and the contract of stock option provides some preliminary clues about the development of stock option .

  28. 内部控制作为董事会、经理层和其他员工共同实施的,为实现企业目标提供合理保证的过程,存在其固有的缺陷。

    Internal control implemented by the board of directors , managers and other staff together is the course that offers reasonable guarantee to actualize goals of the enterprise , which has its intrinsic defects .

  29. 如果你想要在这个高度能源激烈竞争的环境蓬勃发展,拥有自己的一席之地,帮助我们于实现企业目标,那么我们可以给你提供广泛的机会。

    If you are keen on thriving in a high-energy environment and you want a role where you can contribute towards achieving business goals , then we have a wide range of opportunity for you .

  30. 营销策略则是为了实现各种各样的企业目标,包括保持并扩大市场占有率、树立企业良好形象、提高品牌知名度、保有并不断取得忠诚顾客等,而采取的各种行动。

    Marketing strategy , extending from the above definition , is the activity by which a company reaches its various targets such as market expansion , excellent public image , brand enhance and good customer relations .