
  • 网络enterprise value maximization;maximization of firm value
  1. 如何实现企业价值最大化目标,在具体的企业经营活动中,往往通过企业经营的财务指标来考核,其中最重要的指标就是每股净利润(EPS)。

    How to achieve enterprise value maximization , in specific business activities , we often assess it through the business of financial indicators , in which the most important indicator is the net income per share ( EPS ) .

  2. 企业价值最大化是现代企业追求的目标。

    Enterprise value maximization is the goal of the modern business .

  3. 在价值管理(valuebasedmanagement,VBM)越来越受到重视的今天,以企业价值最大化作为现代企业理财目标已是不争的事实。

    Today , with value based Management has gained more and more attention , it is an indisputable fact that maximizes enterprise value is a modern enterprise financial goal .

  4. 笔者认为:以EVA作为评价指标,企业价值最大化目标将会被更多的企业应用于财务管理实践。

    The author of this paper reckons that if EVA is employed as the assessment index , the target of the maximization of enterprise value will be put into financial management practices by more and more enterprises .

  5. 论企业价值最大化目标下的收益分配

    On the Income Distribution under the Aim of the Enterprise Value Maximum

  6. 基于企业价值最大化的财务管理框架探讨

    An Exploration for Financial Management Framework Based on Business Enterprise Value Maximization

  7. 分散风险提高收益实现企业价值最大化

    Dispersing Risk for Heightening Benefit to Realize the Biggest Value of Enterprise

  8. 负债融资、公司治理与企业价值最大化

    Debtor Financing , Corporate Governance and Business Value Maximization

  9. 实现企业价值最大化是财务管理的主要目标。

    Realizing maximum value of enterprise is the main target of financial management .

  10. 资本结构问题一直是金融领域的热门话题,合理的资本结构有助于企业价值最大化的实现。

    Captial structure is always a hot topic in the field of finance .

  11. 因此,应进一步完善资本市场,达到企业价值最大化。

    Therefore , we should further improve the capital market to maximize enterprise value .

  12. 线性规划在企业价值最大化决策中的应用

    Application of Linear Programming in Making a Strategic Decision for Achieving Maximum Value of Enterprise

  13. 我国目前颇为流行的企业价值最大化的财务管理目标理论的缺陷在于可操作性太差;

    But in China , the defect of financial management purpose is lack of operation .

  14. 资本结构与企业价值最大化

    On Capital Structure and Maximum Enterprise Value

  15. 对企业价值最大化的冷思考

    Rethinking About the Greatest Value of Enterprises

  16. 对“企业价值最大化”的反思&兼论理财目标的选择

    Reflecting on Value Maximum of Enterprises

  17. 第二,经营者必须有足够的素质和能力,实现企业价值最大化;

    Second , managers must be fully qualified and capable to maximize the enterprise 's value ;

  18. 如何使得经营者按照企业价值最大化目标经营,是当前众多理论学者进行苦心钻研的问题。

    How to make executives maximize the enterprise value is a difficult problem for numerous theories scholars .

  19. 远期目标应是涵盖生态效益最大和社会效益最大化的企业价值最大化。

    Long-term goal should be maximization of enterprise value including ecological benefits maximum and social benefit maximization .

  20. 企业价值最大化意味着治理

    Maximizing enterprise value means governance

  21. 利益相关者理论实质上与企业价值最大化理论具有内在的一致性。

    Theory of stakeholders mode have inherent consistency with the theory of maximum of enterprise value in fact .

  22. 二者之间相互影响,相互促进,共同影响企业价值最大化的实现。

    And the mutual effects that existing between the two affects the maximization of the companies ' value .

  23. 以人才、技术、品质、服务为竞争优势,促进企业价值最大化。

    Take the talent , technology , quality , service as competitive advantage to make enterprise value maximum .

  24. 上市公司的目标是企业价值最大化,投资活动应该服务于这一目标。

    Investment activity should serve the goal of listed companies that is to maximize the value of the enterprises .

  25. 企业价值最大化已经成为人们普遍接受的企业目标假设。

    The maximum of enterprise value has already become the enterprise goal that people have generally accepted to suppose .

  26. 因此,基于利益相关者理论的企业价值最大化逐渐成为社会各界关注的重点。

    So , the maximization of enterprise value based on stakeholder theroy gradually becomes the focus of social circles .

  27. 从企业价值最大化的目标导向出发构建企业财务管理理论体系;

    To take the purpose of corporation wealth maximization as direction , to establish corporation financial management theory system ;

  28. 利用实物期权的方法,本文分别建立了以股东利益最大化以及企业价值最大化为目标时的负债企业多元化投资模型。

    This paper establishes diversified investment models of debt-financed firms aiming aim at maximizing equity value and firm value respectively .

  29. 实现企业价值最大化的支撑基础是R&D人力资本价值的最大化。

    Therefore , R & D human capital is the base for analyzing governance structure and mechanism of software enterprises .

  30. 当多元化发展战略会损害企业价值最大化目标时,就需要对其进行有效的战略调整。

    When diversified strategies harm the objective of firm value maximization , it is very necessary to appropriately adjust them .