
  1. 中国现代企业制度建设研究(II):目标创新

    The Evolution Course of the Modern Enterprise Institution (ⅱ): " target innovation "

  2. 从公司治理和企业制度建设角度看,迫切需要建立和完善CFO制度及其功能和机制。

    From the perspective of corporate governance and enterprise system construction , it is crucial now to establish and enhance the functions and mechanism of CFO system in Chinese listed companies .

  3. 论集体合同制度在现代企业制度建设中的地位

    The Position of Collective Contract System in Constructing Modern Enterprise System

  4. 贯彻实施《会计法》促进现代企业制度建设

    To Implement Accountant Law and Promote the Setup of Modern Enterprise System

  5. 一是切实加强现代企业制度建设。

    First , a modern corporate system needs to be firmly established .

  6. 推进现代企业制度建设探索国有大企业稳定发展的体制基础

    Propelling Modern Enterprise System to Explore Structure Base for Development of Large-Sized SOEs

  7. 中小建筑施工企业制度建设及内控管理

    System Construction and Internal Control Management of Small and Medium Building Construction Enterprises

  8. 现代企业制度建设;

    To build modern corporation institution ;

  9. 现代企业制度建设继续深化,企业管理得到加强。

    The construction of a modern enterprise system is deepened constantly and enterprise management has been strengthened .

  10. 社会伙伴关系的四个关键要素是:强调伙伴之间的相互认可、共同参与决策制定、雇主对雇员实施综合职业培训以及进行企业制度建设。

    Four critical elements of social partnership are mutual recognition , participation , comprehensive vocational training , and institutional infrastructure .

  11. 其中,会计制度的建设作为企业制度建设的核心,起着至关重要的作用。

    The construction of accounting system as the core of the construction of enterprise system , plays a vital role in .

  12. 从长远来看,建立战略管理目标为导向的会计制度安排也是我国现代企业制度建设的重要组成部分。

    In the long run , establishment of a new accounting standard also is an important task for modern enterprises in China .

  13. 现代企业制度建设还不够完善,公司制改革不够规范,经营机制尚未根本转换;

    The modern enterprise system is incomplete , the corporation system established through restructuring is not standard , and operational mechanisms have not been transformed fundamentally .

  14. 造成这种差距的原因有很多,最根本的原因就在于企业制度建设的不完善,不能对技术创新提供充分激励。

    A variety of reasons may caused the gap , but the most fundamental reason is imperfect enterprise system can not provide adequate incentives for technology innovation .

  15. 本文研究我国现代企业制度建设历史进程,概述了一般认识,分析了认识的局限性,并作出了再认识。

    The paper studies the historical process of Chinese modern enterprise institution , summarizes the general understanding , analyse the limitation of understanding , and make further understanding .

  16. 公司治理在市场经济发展中一直扮演着非常重要的角色,如何建立有效的公司治理结构是现代企业制度建设的核心内容。

    Corporate governance is very important in the development of market economy . How to establish an effective corporate governance structure is the core content of modern enterprise system .

  17. 对股权性质的法律分析,目的是让股权真正成为一种新型的民事权利,从而为股权的正确行使、公司法人人格的独立和全面推进现代企业制度建设提供理论支撑。

    On the legal analysis of shares nature is to make the shares into a new civil right , and to provide the theoretical support for the correct exercise of .

  18. 应该从市场经济体制和现代企业制度建设的长远发展观点,制定与债转股政策相配套的各项改革制度。

    Taking long views of the development of market economy system and modern business system , all the reform institution should be formulated mating with the " debt-equity swap " policy .

  19. 国有商业银行改革是深化金融体制改革的重要步骤,国有商业银行的现代企业制度建设以及相应的公司治理机制的完善已成为改革的焦点。

    The reform of state-owned commercial bank is an important step of financial system reform , while the modern enterprise system construction and the perfection of corporate governance mechanism have become focus of the reform .

  20. 通过股份制改革和企业制度建设,并购一些中小型的问题券商以及争取利用证券市场上的各种融资手段,为自身的成长发展而努力着。

    They also solve the issue by acquisition of a number of small and medium-sized firms as well as the use of a variety of financing instruments for their own the growth and development efforts .

  21. 必须借助现代企业制度建设、企业法制建设、建立健全内部会计控制制度和营造良好的外部环境等措施加以解决。

    It must be solved with the aid of these measures such as modern enterprise system construction , enterprise legal system construction , establishment to improve internal accounting controlling system and external environment and so on .

  22. 电力行业存在一定的自然垄断性,随着电力行业市场化改革的深入推进、现代企业制度建设的逐步完善,企业战略经营业绩评价成为电力企业内部管理的一项重要手段。

    The power industry is a kind of natural monopoly in some certain degree , with the modern enterprises institution and the market reform of power industry improvement thoroughly , strategic achievement evaluation become an important means of management .

  23. 《条例》的有效施行还具有推动现代企业制度建设,促进国有资产保值增值和企业技术进步,防止社会不正之风等意义。

    The effective implementation of the " regulation " can also promote the system construction of modern enterprises , help in preserving and increasing the value of state-owned property , promote the technical progress of the enterprise and prevent social malpractice .

  24. 现代企业伦理制度建设探析

    Probing into the Construction of Moral Principle in Modern Enterprises

  25. x-低效率与企业激励制度建设

    X-low Efficiency and the Construction of Motivation System in Enterprises

  26. 浅论山西民营企业的制度建设与发展

    Discussion on the Construction and Development of Private Enterprise System in Shanxi Province

  27. 完善江西国有煤炭企业内控制度建设几点建议

    Suggestions on Improving Internal Control System in State-owned Coal Enterprises in Jiangxi Province

  28. 对企业规章制度建设中若干问题的思考

    Consideration of Establishment of Rules and Regulations in Enterprises

  29. 论中小企业财务制度建设问题

    On Construction of Financial System of Middle-small Enterprises

  30. 论强化现代企业会计制度建设的措施

    The Measure of Enhance Modern Enterprise Accountant System