
  1. 企业组织环境与转移定价策略

    Corporate Organizational Environment and Transfer Pricing Strategies

  2. 家族企业组织环境的复杂性呈现不断升高的趋势,这种趋势对于家族企业组织发展与变革的具有重要影响。

    It is a constant increasing trend which influences the development and organization change of the family business in the complexity of the family business organization .

  3. 信息技术随着互联网的普及得到了很大的发展,对企业组织环境、行为沟通、管理幅度、决策效率等方面造成巨大影响。

    Information technology has developed greatly with the popularization of Internet , which has produced immense impact on the organizational environment , behavioral communication , management range and policy-making efficiency of enterprises .

  4. 合资动机协调性、决策的价值前提、决策源定位和企业组织环境等是影响氢业管理决策效能的关键因素。

    The determinants of the effectiveness of managerial decision making included the fit of joint & venture motives , the value premise of decision making , the locus of decisions and some organizational environment factors .

  5. 本文简要介绍了企业组织环境和代理问题,对其与企业管理控制系统的内在联系进行了深入分析,并总结出管理控制系统的一般框架。

    After shallow introduce of organizational environments and deputy problem , we have a deep analysis on internal relationship between management controlling system of enterprise and them , then give a general framework of management controlling system in enterprise .

  6. 企业组织与环境关系的研究视野演进及未来研究预期

    Evolution and Prospect of the Relationship of Enterprise Organization and Its Environment

  7. 它要综合考虑贯穿企业组织的环境、战略、操作、金融风险等。

    It considers environmental , strategic , operational , and financial risks across the organization .

  8. 研究结果初步证实了管理控制论可作为在组织管理研究领域应用的一个理论基础;针对企业面临组织环境不确定性企业间协作问题以及信息系统应用这一管理现象也具有一定的启示。

    The research results testified the validity of managerial cybernetics ' application to the organizational research , and they also show the enlightenment for inter-organizational management practice .

  9. 企业的组织环境、战略环境和独特能力都与定义和推动过程存在正向相关性,表明与它们一致的项目更可能得到公司的批准,同时他们也推动了公司实现的战略。

    Corporate organizational context , strategic context and unique ability positively correlate with process of definition and impetus , which denotes that projects consistent with them have more chance to be approved , and help form corporate realized strategy .

  10. 另外,调查结果显示,该企业的组织环境较好,企业的高层领导者已经意识到由于工作压力给企业造成的损失,愿意尝试简单易行的员工援助计划。

    In addition , the survey results revealed that the business environment for better organization , a high-level business leaders have been aware of the pressure as a result of damage caused to the enterprise , willing to try a simple Employee Assistance Program .

  11. 网络经济作为一种全新的经济形态,带来了企业组织生存环境的巨大变化,为了生存和发展,企业制度不得不进行相应的变革以适应这种变化,而在这其中,组织制度的变革最为明显。

    Network economy as a new economic patterns brought about tremendous changes in the living environment of business organizations . In order to survive and develop , enterprise system had to change to adapt to these changes accordingly , and in which change is most obvious organizational system .

  12. 企业组织结构与环境不确定性程度的关系

    Relationship of Organizational Structure of Enterprises and Degree of Environmental Uncertainty

  13. 企业组织变迁、环境会计信息披露与政府管制之间具有相应的逻辑关系。

    Legitimacy theory would help to study the motivation of disclosing environmental accounting information .

  14. 论文第2章分析了球队型企业组织的生存环境与组织设计问题进行了研究;论文从总体上将球队型企业组织所面临的基本环境分为两类,即企业组织的内部环境与外部环境;

    Chapter 2 analyzes and studies the existing environment of the ball-team enterprise organization and the design of the organization .

  15. 同时此文总结出适合S公司发展低压电气产品研发项目的新型管理模式,即企业战略、组织环境、企业管理等是否已经调整到适合项目管理运行的状态。

    The strategy , organization environment and enterprise management , etc , whether it is adjusted to suit the operation of project management or not .

  16. 模块簇群是企业组织在市场环境高度不确定性条件下,既能保证生产的灵活性,又有利于交易成本节约的一种自主选择。

    Modular clusters are the autonomous options in order to ensure production flexibility , but also save transaction cost in the conditions of market environment high uncertainty .

  17. 伴随着全球化的飞速发展,企业组织面临的环境不确定性和工作任务复杂性急速增加。传统的管理方式已遭受极大的挑战与不适应,团队协作已成为组织工作的首选方式。

    With the rapid development of globalization , the environmental uncertainty and task complexity that enterprise organizations must face have increased sharply , and the traditional management mode has suffered great challenges and inadaptation .

  18. 因为,个人安全意识或安全技能的提高,要基于企业组织整体安全环境的提高,从而发挥最大组织效用,提升安全管理绩效。

    Improvement of individual safety consciousness or safety skill based on elevation of the entirety scure environment of enterprise organization , which can get the most out of the organization and promote safety management performance .

  19. 全球化竞争的日益激烈,当今企业组织面临着环境急剧变化的冲击,这使得员工组成团队工作的理念不断受到重视,而如何善用团队,便成为组织获得竞争优势的关键。

    Increasingly fierce global competition makes organizations today face a rapidly changing environment impact , enabling employees to work as a team and make the concept steadily , and how best to use the team becomes the key to make organizations keep the competitive advantage .

  20. 同时,对企业当前的组织环境从企业制度、企业文化、企业人力资源的管理状况进行分析,使员工绩效考评体系与组织的管理环境相适应、相匹配。

    At the same time , it is also necessary to make an analysis of the organizational environment of the corporation in accordance with its rules and principles , the corporation culture and its human recourses management to make it compatible with the performance appraisal system .

  21. 本文着重讨论了非企业组织建立和实施环境管理体系的重要性。

    It has been focused on the application of environment management system in the non - business organizations .

  22. 以信做技巧为从导的第三从科技反动使企业组织所里临的环境收生了淡刻变更。

    The third technological revolution led by information technology has caused the profound changes in the environment facing enterprise organizations .

  23. 因此,政府及各企业组织需要不断完善环境规制政策以实现环境保护和发电行业健康发展的双重目标。

    So government and enterprises should constantly improve the environmental regulations to achieve double objectives of environment protection and the power industry function well .

  24. 知识经济时代,企业及组织的外部环境变化速度超乎想象,时时处处充满不确定性已经成为唯一确定的因素。

    In knowledge economy era , change speed of the external environment of enterprises and organizations is beyond imagination , every time and everywhere uncertainty has become the only determinate factor .

  25. 分析表明,我国建筑业在建筑业法治、管理体制、企业组织结构、市场环境以及大型承包商国际竞争力等五个方面与发达国家存在较大的差距。

    The analysis indicates that there is a big gap between the construction industry in China and that in developed countries in five aspects including construction law , management system , company structure , market environment and international competition of large contractors .

  26. 实际上,企业组织形式以及经济环境的改变拓宽了企业利益相关者的范围,只有将企业所有的利益相关者当作一个整体来考虑其信息需求,才不至于使信息披露发生严重偏离。

    Actually , the change of organization form of enterprise and economic environment has widen the bound of enterprise stakeholders , only take all the enterprise stakeholders as a whole to consider its information demand , dose it not make information disclosure serious deviation .

  27. 企业战略是动态协调企业组织和外部客观环境的社会生态系统,具有丰富的生态学内涵。

    Corporate strategy is a social ecosystems harmonizing organization and external objective environment to achieve dynamic fit , which has abundant ecological meaning .

  28. 企业竞争力是企业与竞争对手的抗衡,也是企业组织适应环境变化的能力。

    Enterprise competition ability is an ability for the enterprise to evenly match with its rivals and adapt the change of its environment .

  29. 探讨了造成房地产企业高人员流失率的政策原因、行业原因、地域原因等宏观因素,以及企业自身的组织环境、人力资源管理和个体原因等微观因素。

    This paper also analyzes macro factors policy , industry , area , and micro factors enterprise ' organizational environment , human resource management and personal reason that cause high turnover rate .

  30. 从企业的资源观和能力观而言,企业高层管理团队不仅是一个资源、知识和能力的结合体,而且是企业组织和环境的汇聚点,还是建立企业战略优势的关键之一。

    From the view of concept of the resources and capabilities , top management team is not only the resource , a combination of knowledge and ability , but also the convergence point of business organizations and the environment , also the key of establishment of strategic advantages .