
  • 网络entrepreneurial culture;Entrepreneur Culture
  1. 东部与中西部企业家文化比较&基于中国企业家相关调查报告的分析

    A Comparison of Entrepreneur Culture between East and Midwest of China

  2. 经营者持股:企业家文化的创生动力

    Owning Shares by Operators : Creative Force of Entrepreneur Culture

  3. 试论我国企业家文化的路向转换

    On Shift of Path Direction of Chinese Entrepreneurial Culture

  4. 企业家文化背景分析

    Culture Background of Entrepreneur Analyse

  5. 第三章则是从品牌文化、企业家文化、人力资源文化、企业价值观四个方面对西部民营企业文化建设提出了具体策略。

    The third chapter offers concrete strategies from four aspects-brand culture , entrepreneur culture , Human Resource , and enterprise culture .

  6. 谷歌是可以培养出真正的企业家文化和创新概念的,但这意味着谷歌必须对整个公司进行彻底重组。

    Google can return a genuinely entrepreneurial culture and nurture innovative ideas , but it would mean radically restructuring the entire company .

  7. 实施企业文化管理,建设企业文化,应该将企业家文化的形成、优良传统的继承、讲求个异化特征放在重要位置加以重视。

    In implementing and building enterprise culture we should pay special attention to the formation , the good tradition and the characteristics of the enterprise culture .

  8. 知识经济的时代境域,客观上要求企业家文化在知识素养、经营理念和道德判断等方面进行路向的转换。

    The path direction of entrepreneurial culture requires a shift in the aspect of knowledge attainment , management idea and ethics judgement in the context of knowledge-based economy .

  9. 本文综合运用了现代经济学原理和管理学方法,以企业兼并绩效企业兼并中的文化整合企业家文化整合行为为主线展开讨论。

    The article elaborates on the relationship among performance of M & A , acculturation and entrepreneurs ' behavior with the guidance of principles of modern economics and management .

  10. 在国有企业的企业文化建设过程中,企业领导者在企业文化建设中虽然起着不可替代的重要作用,但不能照搬所谓的企业家文化、老板文化的提法;

    In government facilities , although the corporate leaders play the irreplaceable roles in the corporate culture activities , the corporate culture cannot directly copied form the enterpriser culture or leader culture .

  11. 美国积极进取的企业家文化和冒险精神,在该国开疆拓土之前就已存在,目前仍激励和滋育着无数美国人。没有哪个国家像美国这样,拥有如此习惯于自我帮助和自我提高的民众。

    America 's get-up-and-go entrepreneurial culture and adventurous spirit outlived the passing of the frontier , and still inspires and nourishes millions . No other country has a population so habituated to self-help and self-improvement .

  12. 因此,应从天赋才能、知识结构、心理素质、道德品质、语言表达、人际关系等六个方面塑造企业家文化。

    Based on this point , this article explores the issue of entrepreneur culture molding from these aspects of genius and ability , knowledge structure , psychological diathesis , moral quality , language expression , and personal relationship .

  13. 阐述了如何在产品塑造过程中营造居住文化,用房地产企业文化为居住文化的营造奠定基础,以及加强企业家文化建设以促进居住文化的营造。

    Analyzing how to build real estate culture during the process of product building . Emphasizing that the building of real estate enterprise culture and enterpriser culture both are the foundation of the building of real estate culture .

  14. 论中小民营企业家的文化创新

    On Culture Innovation of Private Enterprisers at Middle or Small Enterprise

  15. 晋狮企业家群体文化特质的形成与演化研究

    Study of The Formation and Evolution of Entrepreneurial Culture in Jinjiang and Shishi

  16. 企业家的文化塑造工程

    Engineering of the Entrepreneur Culture Molding

  17. 这才是一个真正的百年企业所应该具有的超越企业家个人文化的优秀的制度文化。

    This is really a hundred enterprises should transcend personal cultural entrepreneurs with the excellent system culture .

  18. 不断否定自我,才能赢得自我,赢得市场是我企业与企业家的文化内蕴。

    It is the cultural implication of our enterprise and enterpriser that only continuously disavowing selfhood can win selfhood and market .

  19. 企业家的文化塑造问题,实质上就是企业管理者素质与能力的培养问题。

    The issue of entrepreneur culture molding is a popular one of business management in the market economy , whose essence is relative to diathesis and ability of business manager .

  20. 对企业家精神的文化态度也变得更加热情。

    Cultural attitudes towards entrepreneurship are becoming more welcoming .

  21. 近代中国企业家与传统文化

    On the Chinese Entrepreneurs and Traditional Culture

  22. 企业家与企业文化建设

    Entrepreneurs and Enterprise Culture Building

  23. 企业家对组织文化和组织变革影响的实证研究&基于组织文化四层次模型

    The Empirical Study on Entrepreneurial Effect on Organizational Culture and Change & Based on Four-layer Organizational Culture Model

  24. 论文在第三部分详细分析了价值网络条件下影响企业知识整合的因素,即知识本身的属性,企业家以及企业文化的影响。

    Chapter 3 analyzes the factors that have an important impact on knowledge integration under the condition of value network .

  25. 主要论述近代著名民营企业家张謇的文化观与企业管理的关系。

    This essay mainly expounds the relationship between Zhang Jian , a famous national entrepreneur , and the culture of modern China .

  26. 同时,也应创造、形成一种有利于企业家成长的文化氛围,在中国现代文化中培养起适应社会经济发展需要的企业家精神。

    In the meantime it also should create a culture environment beneficial to entrepreneur development and entrepreneur spirits adaptive to socialist economic development of China .

  27. 同时香港企业家了解中国文化和西方商业,能帮助小企业绕过和中国合作中的漩涡。

    In the meantime Hong Kong entrepreneurs with their understanding of Chinese culture and western business , can help SMEs navigate through the intricacies of doing business in China .

  28. 培育有利于企业家成长的创新文化

    To Forster a Culture of Innovation Favorable to the Growth of Entrepreneurs

  29. 论企业家精神和企业文化建设

    On Entrepreneurial Spirit and Construction of Enterprise Culture

  30. 试对企业家创新精神的文化社会学分析

    Culture-Sociological Analysis on Enterpriser ' Innovational Spirits