
  • 网络HURON;Lake Huron;Huronian
  1. 重要河流:苏必利尔湖,密歇根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖和安大略湖。

    Important Lakes : Superior , Michigan , Huron , Erie , Ontario .

  2. 你有能力领导休伦和其他盟邦。

    But le subtil has power with his Huron people and others here .

  3. 休伦法(schlierenmethod)在观察物质流的折射率梯度方面的应用已有相当长的历史。

    The Schlieren method has been used in the observing gradient of refractive index for a long time .

  4. 休伦湖Saginaw湾沉积物反硝化率的测定及其时空特征

    The Sediment Denitrification Rates Measurement and Their Spatial and Temporal Character Analysis in Saginaw Bay , Lake Huron

  5. 休伦法在观测溶液浓度分布中的应用

    Application of the Schlieren method in the observing of solute concentration profiles

  6. 休伦人是个讲理的民族,他们是不记恨的。

    The Hurons are a just nation ; they will forget it .

  7. 但他心脏里流动的永远是休伦人的血。

    But always in his heart he is huron .

  8. 现在我们要和法国人和休伦人开战。

    Now Mohawk will fight Les Francais and huron .

  9. 休伦人会贪取他们使用不了的土地吗?

    Would Huron have greed for more land than a man can use ?

  10. 休伦人,他就是你们不共戴天的仇人。

    Hurons , this is your mortal enemy .

  11. 休伦人会杀光他们敌人的女人和孩子吗?

    Would the Huron kill every man , woman and child of their enemy ?

  12. 鹰眼真是天生的休伦人!

    Hawkeye should have been born a huron !

  13. 休伦湖从苏必略湖引进水。

    Lake Huron receives water from Lake Superior .

  14. 除非你们想等另一队休伦军队追来。

    Unless all of you 'd rather wait for the next Huron war party to come by .

  15. 如果他们不杀你,就会把你带往北方休伦族的领地。

    If they don 't kill you , they 'll take you north up to the Huron lands .

  16. 他怀着非凡的事业心获准在休伦港与底特律之间的火车上卖报。

    With remarkable enterprise he obtained permission to sell newspapers on the railway train between Port Huron and Detroit .

  17. 休伦湖是北美洲五大湖之一,北美五大湖中第二大湖,其位置居中。

    Lake Huron is one of Great Lakes of North America . It 's the second largest lake and locates in center .

  18. 在休伦湖钓完鱼后,我的一个朋友开车拖着他的船回家。路上车坏了。

    A guy I know was towing his boat home from a fishing trip to Lake Huron when his car broke down .

  19. 他转过身来,一个仪表堂堂,目光炯炯和生着高贵额头的年轻勇士出现在惊呆了的休伦人面前。

    He turned and showed the astonished Hurons the noble brow , fine person , and eagle eye of a young warrior .

  20. 12岁就开始在往返于自己的家乡休伦港和底特律的火车上经营报刊亭。

    At the age of 12 he began operating a newsstand aboard a railroad train that ran between his hometown of Port Huron and Detroit .

  21. 在他生病和全家搬到密歇根休伦港期间都没能步入学堂,直到七岁时才开始上学。

    Between his illnesses and his family 's move to Port Huron , Michigan , he was unable to begin school until the age of seven .

  22. 第一次冰期称为「休伦冰期」,因其遗迹在加拿大南部休伦湖北方的岩石中清晰可见。

    The first of these glacial periods is often called the Huronian glaciation because it is well exposed in rocks just north of Lake Huron in southern Canada .

  23. 何谓五大湖素壁利亚湖,密西根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖,安大略湖。

    What are the names of the Great Lakes Lake superior , Lake michigan , Lake huron , Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are the five great lakes .

  24. 这工作挣不到足够的钱,所以他就开始在一列专跑休伦港、密执安和底特律的火车上卖报纸和糖果。

    This work did not bring in enough money and so he began to sell newspapers and candy on a train that ran between Port Huron Michigan and detroit .

  25. 这些划船者当时是在参加休伦湖的漂流项目,这是每年在将美国的密歇根州和加拿大划分开来的圣克莱尔河边举办的的盛会。

    The US boaters were part of the Port Huron Float Down , an annual event on the St. Clair River , which divides the US state of Michigan and Canada .

  26. 这是一项未经许可的活动,参与者们依靠橡皮艇、救生圈或是其他漂浮装置中顺着河流漂流向下,他们原计划在密歇根州休伦湖的灯塔海滩开始,并在马里斯维尔的克莱斯勒海滩结束。

    The unsanctioned event - in which participants float down the river on rafts , inner tubes and other flotation devices - begins at Port Huron 's Lighthouse Beach in Michigan and was supposed to end at Chrysler Beach in Marysville .