
  • 网络Leisure culture;recreational culture;recreation culture
  1. 城市休闲文化特征的比较研究

    The Comparative Research of the Character of Leisure Culture in City

  2. 休闲文化特色与青岛城市发展互动研究

    Interaction research on leisure culture characteristics and urban development in Qingdao

  3. 图书馆休闲文化核的建设及其人性关怀扩张

    Construction of Library 's Leisure Culture and Expansion of Humane Concern

  4. 休闲文化街规划建设的思想基础研究

    Study on the Ideological Bases of Leisure Street Planning and Construction

  5. 休闲文化对女性发展的价值分析

    On the Value of Cultural Impact on Women 's Development

  6. 中国传统休闲文化与西方休闲价值观

    Comparison of Chinese traditional leisure culture and Hesperian leisure values

  7. 试论休闲文化存在和发展的社会形式

    Study on the Social Forms of Leisure Culture 's Existence and Development

  8. 基于多元文化基因理论的中外休闲文化剖析

    Chinese and Foreign Recreational Cultures Based on Multi-cultural Gene Theory

  9. 东西方休闲文化的比较研究

    The Comparison Research of Leisure Culture Between Western and Eastern

  10. 休闲文化具有诗性和世俗性双重品格。

    Leisure culture is characteristic of both poetry and secularity .

  11. 元大都休闲文化景观研究

    The Study on the Recreational Cultural Landscape in Dadu City during Yuan Dynasty

  12. 休闲文化与图书馆休闲娱乐职能

    Leisure Culture and Library 's Leisure and Entertainment Function

  13. 试论休闲文化建设的重要意义

    Tentative Discussion on Significance of Development of Leisure Culture

  14. 环境艺术中传统休闲文化之研究

    The Studies of Traditional Recreation Culture in Environmental Art

  15. 休闲文化资本与休闲产业相互关联,一方是另一方的实现条件;

    The capital of leisure culture and its industry are interrelated in two aspects .

  16. 休闲文化与信息化对公共图书馆建设的影响

    Effect the Culture Lying Fallow and the Informatization Face to Face Common Library Build

  17. 和谐&中国休闲文化的核心理念

    Harmony , Chinese Leisure Cultural Core Idea

  18. 现代休闲文化与现代散文创作

    Modern Leisure Culture and Modern Prose Writing

  19. 休闲文化研究探析

    An Exploration on Research of Leisure Culture

  20. 建造人类美丽的精神家园&休闲文化的理论思考

    Construct A Beautiful spirit Homeland of Human

  21. 休闲文化是指人在进行休闲活动时创造和构建的生活状态和文化方式。

    Leisure culture refers to the lifestyle which people create and keep in their leisure time .

  22. 知识女性的休闲文化结构可从其休闲的文化层次及空间结构两方面来研究。

    The female intellectual 's leisure structure can be studied through cultural structure and special structure .

  23. 论图书馆的休闲文化

    On Library 's Leisure Culture

  24. 张岱与休闲文化

    Zhang Dai and Leisure Culture

  25. 经济和社会的快速发展推动着休闲文化的发展。

    The rapid development of economy and society also gives impetus to the development of leisure culture .

  26. 旅游作为一种消费活动,是现代人休闲文化的一种方式。

    Travel as a kind of consumption activity , is a way of modern 's recreation culture .

  27. 休闲文化资源是青岛城市社会发展的催化剂和助推器。

    The leisure culture resource is the catalyst and auxiliary to boost the development of Qingdao city .

  28. 休闲文化是休闲主体在休闲活动中所创造形成的一切文化现象。

    Leisure culture is a culture phenomenon , which is formed by leisure main body in leisure activity .

  29. 高尔夫休闲文化探析

    Exploring Golf Leisure Culture

  30. 对北京人文奥运的思考:中国休闲文化的缺失

    Contemplation on " Cultural Olympic Beijing 2008 ": The Imperfectness of Culture of Leisure and Entertainment in China