
  • 网络leisure product
  1. 适应老龄化社会的休闲产品通用设计研究

    The Research on the Universal Design of Leisure Product Adapted to the Aged Society

  2. 本系列产品属于被动水上休闲产品,其抗拉能力强,稳定性高,是您假日海边休闲的好伙伴。

    This series belong to the passive water leisure product with strong anti-pulls ability and high stability , which is a good partner for your holiday seashore leisure .

  3. 在运动休闲产品的供求分析中分析了运动休闲产品的供给状况和需求状况,着重分析了大连市运动休闲产品市场的状况,并且分析了运动休闲市场的发展趋势。

    This paper analyzes the market of the Sports and Leisure Products .

  4. 休闲产品主题化发展与经营

    Development and Operation of Themed Leisure Products

  5. 同时,也为经济欠发达地区的城市休闲产品开发提供了一些借鉴。

    Meanwhile , it also offers some lessons for the economically underdeveloped areas to develop their urban leisure products .

  6. 体验设计的理念不仅仅应用在运动休闲产品设计领域,其将具有更加广阔的应用前景。

    The idea for experience design would be not only used for sport leisure , but also more wide applications .

  7. 新形势下的旅游产品设计&心理疏导型森林休闲产品开发可行性研究

    The Design of Tourism Product in the New Trend & Research on Integrating Development of Psychological Counseling Leisure-oriented Forest Tourism

  8. 希望未来长沙市康体休闲产品与旅游业之间可以实现双赢。

    Hoping that in the future the Fitness and Health leisure products of changsha and tourism can realize win-win situation between .

  9. 在休闲产品开发方面,将着重于康复疗养型和户外体验型产品。

    Forest leisure should focus on three major directions for development : suburban forest leisure , restorative forest leisure and outdoor sports .

  10. 长沙市康体休闲产品包括足浴、按摩、桑拿、洗浴、美容、健身及其他相关产品。

    Fitness and Health leisure products include foot bath , massage , sauna , bath , beauty , health and other related products .

  11. 本研究探讨复合休闲产品之服务失误与补偿期待一致性之关系。

    Although the relationship between services failure and recovery strategies are well researched , the characteristic of compound leisure function are little considered .

  12. 休闲产品是满足休闲消费者需要的各种产品和劳务的总和,包括物质型休闲产品和服务型休闲产品。

    Leisure products consists of all kinds of products and services , including material-oriented leisure products and service-oriented leisure products which can meet people 's leisure needs .

  13. 而各类社会组织直接为公众提供多样化的、个性化的体育休闲产品和服务,也是政府无法做到的。

    Also the government can not provide the public the a variety of direct , personalized sports and leisure products and services by various types of social organizations .

  14. 随着经济的发展,人们的健康意识逐步增强,健身休闲产品市场日益活跃且发展潜力巨大。

    With the development of economy , the concept of health grows gradually . The exercising and entertainment product market becomes more and more active with a big potential .

  15. 运动休闲产品给人们在紧张的都市生活中带来了健康愉快的生活体验,这个层面上,运动休闲产品的设计很好的与体验设计的理念相结合。

    Sport leisure product design integrates with the experience design ideas very well , because it provides a pleasure and health experience for the users in current such high pressure city living .

  16. 武义是中国旅游休闲产品出口基地、中国文教用品生产基地和中国电动工具制造业基地。

    Wuyi has been successively named as Export Base of Tourism and Leisure Products in China , Production Base of Stationery Goods in China , and Manufacturing Base of Electric Tools in China .

  17. 康体休闲产品重点是康体,该产品的最终目的是给他们带来了更深的体验、感受以及对健康意义的理解。

    The key of the Fitness and Health leisure products is good health , the basic purpose of the products is to be given them more experience , thought and understanding of health significance .

  18. 乡村旅游不仅为城市居民提供了新的休闲产品,而且对于促进农业产业结构调整,增加农民收入,充分利用农村剩余劳动力资源,维护农村社会经济可持续发展起到了积极的作用。

    Rural tourism not only provides a new urban leisure products , but also for the promoting of agricultural industry and their income , making full use of surplus rural labor resources , maintaining the sustainable development of rural economy .

  19. HOPERISE是香港红瑞兴国际公司旗下时尚品牌之一,主营高科技时尚休闲服饰产品系列。

    HOPERISE is one of fashion brands of Hong Kong Red Ruixing International Company , which specializes in high-tech leisure fashion dress products series .

  20. 心理疏导型森林休闲旅游产品的市场认可度初探

    On the Degree of Market Recognition of Psychological Counseling Oriented Forest Recreational Tourism Product

  21. 其次,从休闲旅游产品和休闲旅游市场两方面总结了山东省休闲旅游发展的概况。

    Secondly , the overview of Shandong leisure tourism development is summarized from the products and market .

  22. 随着时代的发展,休闲娱乐产品正在逐渐地进入大众生活。

    Along with the development of the times , the recreational products are gradually entered the public life .

  23. 作为休闲度假产品的典型-温泉旅游在这一时期得到迅速发展。

    As a typical form of leisure vacation , spa tourism has made speedy development in this period .

  24. 环城市带休闲旅游产品开发研究&以重庆市巴南区为例

    A study on leisure tourist product development of belt round city & A case study of Banan District of Chongqing City

  25. 第七部分总结了休闲旅游产品的开发模式,构建了无锡国际休闲旅游的产品体系。

    This part sums up a theoretical model of leisure tourism product development , and constructs a system of international leisure tourism products in Wuxi .

  26. 本文根据市场细分理论,结合哈尼梯田的旅游资源,针对各类客户市场对哈尼梯田进行了旅游产品设计,主要包括观光旅游产品、摄影旅游产品、体验旅游产品、休闲旅游产品和生态旅游产品等。

    Hani Terrace Tourism product including sightseeing , photography , travel products and experience of tourism products , leisure and tourism products and eco-tourism products .

  27. 在上海,目前是中低端休闲旅游产品主打市场,高端市场尚须培育和开拓。

    At present , leisure tourism products in shanghai are mainly middle and low level ones , high level market need to be cultivate and exploit .

  28. 本文对江西需求转型时期休闲旅游产品开发的研究,一定程度会对江西未来旅游产品的开发和旅游业的可持续发展有积极意义。

    With the focuses on the research of leisure tourism products , the thesis will contribute to the sustainable development of tourism industry in Jiangxi province .

  29. 目前,温泉旅游已成为我国重要的休闲度假产品,是我国旅游业从观光型向休闲度假型过渡的标志。

    In recent years , hot springs in China has become a more significant leisure product . It is a sign of transition from sightseeing-type to leisure-type .

  30. 在综述国内有关城市滨水区旅游开发的文献基础之上,对苏州市沿江地区休闲旅游产品开发的必要性、开发策略和具体措施进行了探讨。

    Based on the reviewing of other literatures and works of waterfront , this paper focuses on the necessity , strategy and measures of tourism product development of Suzhou recreational waterfront .