
  1. 授课内容主要包括(1)运动休闲商业之营运、公共游憩、产业与观光、学校场馆设施;

    The course context includes ( 1 ) sport recreation and business operation , community recreation , industry and sightseeing , school facility ;

  2. 旅游小城镇休闲商业空间只有坚持继承与创新,并处理好与地域文化的关系,发展特色化、差异化才能获得长久的发展。

    Only insisting inheritance and innovation and handling the relations with regional culture , developing characteristic and differentiation can get a long-term development to leisure commercial space in tourist towns .

  3. 在今后的休闲商业空间研究工作中,还应注重对旅游小城镇的休闲策划与休闲系统规划加强与完善,引导旅游小城镇休闲商业空间走上可持续发展的道路。

    The future research work of leisure commercial space should focus on strengthening and improving the machinating and planning of leisure system , guides leisure commercial space to a sustainable development in tourist towns .

  4. 在日治时代,西门町原本还只是一片荒凉的地方,后来日本人决定仿效东京浅草区,在此设立休闲商业区。

    In the beginning during Japanese rule , Ximending was an area of wilderness . Later , the Japanese decided to follow the example of Asakusa in Tokyo to set up an entertainment and business area .

  5. 济南模式主要是依托城市住宅小区建设,以下沉式广场为核心构建形式,将小区辅助空间,休闲商业空间导入地下的浅层地下空间利用模式。

    Jinan pattern is to rely on city residential sub-district construction mainly , so as sink type square is core Gou build form . Assist sub-district space , relax commercial space Dao use pattern into the shallow-layer underground space of underground .

  6. 上海休闲街商业网点业态结构研究

    Study on the Format Structure of Commercial Network in Shanghai 's Leisure Streets

  7. 该地块约有摩纳哥两倍大,将建成休闲和商业中心。

    Twice the size of Monaco , it will be a leisure and commercial centre .

  8. 渔人码头是一个多功能的港口,结合了休闲与商业。

    Combining business and leisure activities , Fisherman 's Wharf is really a multi-functional port .

  9. 茶肆的繁荣,说明茶叶已经成为社会大宗商品,茶肆还具有休闲娱乐和商业信息传播的功能。

    The prosperous of the Teahouse , explained that the tea had already became the society bulk commodity , the teahouse also played a role in resting and recreating , as well as the function of disseminating commercial information .

  10. 本文分析了武汉市现代公共休闲景观、现代商业购物休闲环境和娱乐休闲。

    In this essay we analyze the public leisurable landscape , leisure environment for shopping , and entertaining leisure activities of Wuhan .

  11. 21世纪,我国群众性体育活动将向着休闲娱乐化、商业化、农村城市化、老龄化、家庭化、多样化、民族化方向的发展。

    During the 21st Century , the mass sports activities in our country will develop towards the directions of entertainment , commerce , rural urbanization , the older aged , family , diversification and nationalization .

  12. 滑雪馆建筑是滑雪事业发展的产物,是一种相对年轻的新型公共建筑类型,集运动、休闲、娱乐、商业等功能于一身,在越来越多的城市功能中扮演着重要的角色。

    Indoor Ski slope building is the product of the development of skiing , and a type of younger building than others , including sports , leisure , entertainment and business and so on , and playing an important role in more and more cities .

  13. 把休闲物质空间分成公益性的休闲空间与商业性的休闲空间,分别对其空间布局的影响因子进行了相关分析;

    It separates leisure substance space into public leisure space and business leisure space , and analyses the affecting elements of the layout .

  14. 其中一个休闲模式就是休闲空间,以休闲空间为例伴随着社会经济的转型,文化的发展消费模式和消费观念逐渐改变,休闲商业空间逐渐兴起。

    A casual mode is leisure space , for example , along with the transformation of the socio-economic and cultural development of consumption patterns and consumers ' attitudes gradually changes , leisure and commercial spaces are gradually on the rise .

  15. 休闲游、自驾游等新兴旅游方式的兴起促进了旅游小城镇的快速发展,同时,大量游客的涌入也让旅游小城镇的休闲商业空间的受重视程度空前提高。

    The boom of emerging tourist way , such as leisure tourism and Self-driving tourism , drives the rapid development of tourist towns . At the same time , the influx of large tourists makes attention is unprecedentedly paid to leisure commercial space .