
  • 网络crowdsourcing;Crowdsource;crowdsourced;crowd-sourcing
  1. 这种众包技巧对于母公司百事可乐(PepsiCo)来说并不新鲜。

    This crowdsourcing technique is nothing new to parent company PepsiCo .

  2. 而众包(Crowdsourcing)则是近年来兴起的一种新型商业模式。

    Crowdsourcing is a new business model which has risen recent years .

  3. 这一集团为设计、营销、写作、摄影视频等各个领域的众包工人提供多个工作机会。

    Example : The group offers a number of opportunities for crowdworkers in the fields of design , marketing2 , writing , photography and video .

  4. “众包工人”是为众包工程提供少量劳动的个人,他们只拿到一点点薪水甚至没有薪水。

    Crowdworker is a person who provides a small amount of labor1 , usually for little or no pay , as part of a larger crowdsourced project .

  5. 软件公司最终向众包免费操作系统Linux支付许可费。

    Software companies have ended up paying a licence to Linux , the crowdsourced free operating system .

  6. 4.众包数据库储存在iPhone上吗?

    Is this crowd-sourced database stored on the iPhone ?

  7. 最近,联合国全球脉动行动(UNGlobalPulse)推出了一项大数据气候挑战项目,将一些用大数据研究气候变化对经济的影响的项目通过众包的形式进行了发布。

    More recently , UN Global Pulse launched a Big Data Climate Challenge to crowdsource projects that use big data to address the economic dimensions of climate change .

  8. 我告诉佐拉她在广告世界被称为“众包领域(crowd-sourcedpeople)的冠军”。

    I tell Zoella she is known to the advertising world as a " crowd-sourced people 's champion " and she laughs .

  9. 整个众包数据库太大,不能存放在iPhone上,所以我们在每部iPhone上下载了它的一个合适子集(即缓存)。

    The entire crowd-sourced database is too big to store on an iPhone , so we download an appropriate subset ( CACHE ) onto each iPhone .

  10. 苹果目前正在收集匿名交通数据,以建立基于众包的交通数据库。在未来几年,苹果将向iPhone用户提供更好的交通服务。

    Apple is now collecting anonymous traffic data to build a crowd-sourced traffic database with the goal of providing iPhone users an improved traffic service in the next couple of years .

  11. 早些时候,路透社(Reuters)报道称,沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)正在慎重考虑一项非正统的众包快递服务,让自己的顾客为网络买家送货。

    Earlier this week , Reuters reported Wal-Mart ( WMT ) is mulling over an unorthodox crowdsourcing plan to have its own customers deliver items to online buyers .

  12. “众包”将读者与记者紧密联系在了一起,共同处理各种新闻文件,从英国政客的消费声明到SarahPalin的邮件。

    " Crowdsourcing " projects bring readers and journalists together to sift through troves of documents , from the expense claims of British politicians to Sarah Palin 's e-mails .

  13. 在弹性服务器平台所创造的机会之中,社区贡献或者众包(crowdsourcing)是关键的部分。

    The role of community contribution or " crowdsourcing " is a key part of the opportunity created by the Elastic Server platform .

  14. eagle先生希望txteagle业务通过移动“众包”(将工作拆分成零星任务后派发给众多个体)有所贡献。

    Mr Eagle hopes txteagle will do its bit by mobile " crowdsourcing " - breaking down jobs into small tasks and sending them to lots of individuals .

  15. 评委点评:“我喜欢这种众包模式,但我不清楚它的运作模式和盈利模式。我的问题嘛?你们把这个点子卖给谁?怎样卖?”时代公司(TimeInc)的主席兼导演大卫o贝尔提出疑问。

    Judge 's critique : " I love crowdsourcing , but I 'm unclear how it works and how it pays . My question ? To whom do you sell this and how do you sell it ? " wondered David Bell , Chairman , gyro , and Director , Time Inc.

  16. 例如,英国品牌凯伦·米莲(KarenMillen)把通过在社交媒体上众包的照片放入在线商店,并展示其用户——以及全世界——对该品牌的网络评价。

    The British label Karen Millen , for instance , has crowdsourced photos from social media as part of its online store , showing how its customers - and the wider world - view the brand online .

  17. 可以看看Redfin如何利用科技打造更好的房地产经纪人,而不是取代他们;也可以看看Duolingo应用如何通过对人类智能开展“众包”来提供比机器更好的翻译。

    Look how Redfin used tech to create better real-estate agents rather than replace them , or how the app Duolingo crowdsources human intelligence to produce better translations than machines are capable of .

  18. 但trendyol也拥有自己的大众服装系列,每季都从土耳其用户处“众包”款式。

    But trendyol , whose backers include Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers , also sells its own mass-market clothing line , with seasonal designs " crowdsourced " from users in Turkey .

  19. 比如,公司博客、众包(crowd-sourced)论坛和在线社区,都是让充满热情的用户进行互动的绝佳平台,也经常是企业收集、了解用户对各种产品、服务评论的最快捷通道。

    Company blogs , crowd-sourced forums , and online communities , for example , are great at connecting enthusiastic users with each other , and often are the quickest way to gather and contribute reviews and opinions about a product or service .

  20. 此外,为了能够从多角度出发,更好的解释大众参与众包的行为,本文还引入了整合的技术接受模型(UTAUT)来探讨大众参与众包行为的影响因素。

    In addition , in order to study from different angles to explain the behavior of public participation in crowdsourcing , the paper also introduces " Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model "( UTAUT ) to explore the factors will affect the masses ' behaviours .

  21. 众包式创新逐渐使创新成为一种普遍的社会化行为,这种广泛应用集体智慧的创新模式在未来很可能成为企业的主导创新模式。

    Crowdsourcing is making innovation to be a social behavior .

  22. 另外几点因素也在引起人们对众包的兴趣。

    Several other factors are driving interest in crowdsourcing .

  23. 提到的第一个问题,是关于一个众包项目的部署

    The first problem mentioned was related to the deployment of a crowdsourcing project

  24. 他基本上是采用了众包的方式筛选出了全球各地的最佳航线。

    He basically crowdsourced routes all over the world .

  25. 因此,这样的问题可以通过众包的方式去解决。

    Therefore , these problems can be solved by the way of crowdsourcing .

  26. 众包并不局限于软件业。

    Crowdsourcing is not confined to the software industry .

  27. 各要素之间相互关联,最终形成众包商业模式的整体架构&要素模型。

    Elements are interconnected , eventually forming the overall framework of crowdsourcing business model .

  28. 他希望找到让众包工作不那么机械而更有成就感的方法;

    He wants to find ways to make crowdwork less mindless and more fulfilling ;

  29. 本文从用户角度出发,利用众包模型,从以下几个方面利用用户反馈。

    This paper takes user feedback into account and uses crowdsourcing model in the following aspects .

  30. 亚马逊通过众包的方法在做电视剧,那么在这个过程中你最想调整的部分是什么?

    So Amazon crowdsources its shows . What do you want to tweak about that process ?