
  1. 因而,优惠原则也是国际财政政策的重要原则之一,包括发达国家在内的众多市场经济国家都实施了内容丰富、方式多样的税收优惠措施。

    Therefore , preference is within the important principle of international fiscal policy . Most market-oriented countries , especially developed countries all put various tax preference into effect .

  2. 对招生政策内容主要从招生目标与宣传工作、招生机构与招生规模、招生对象与招生方式、体检要求与优惠原则四个方面进行概括。

    The content of this part is to discover problems on the basis of summarizing the policy from four aspects , including enrollment objective and publicity work , enrollment institution and scale , potential candidates and methods of enrolling students , physical checkup requirement and preferential policy .

  3. 特别和优惠待遇原则

    Principle of Special and Differential Treatment

  4. 采取绿色壁垒措施必须遵循WTO的非歧视、透明度和发展中国家优惠待遇等基本原则。

    Taking measures of Green barriers must abide by the foundational principle of non-discrimination , transparency , preferential treatment of developing countries and so on .

  5. 并进一步指出涉农企业可持续发展税收优惠法律制度基本原则,主要包括税收优惠适当性原则、税收优惠法定原则、鼓励创新原则、择优扶持原则。

    And point out the legal system basic principle of tax allowance of sustainable development of agriculture-related enterprise further , mainly principle , the legal principle of tax allowance , principle of encouraging innovations that including tax allowance is proper , supporting the principle according to qualifications .