
  • 网络bubble;Stock Market Bubble;stock bubble
  1. 只要首次公开发行(ipo)市场不煽风点火,股市泡沫就很难吹起来。

    It is hard to inflate an equity bubble if the market for initial public offerings is not generating hot air .

  2. 例如,他们将明白许多养老金顾问鼓吹的长线持有(buyandhold)策略为何是一场灾难,甚至在股市泡沫顶峰时期也是如此。

    They would then understand , for example , why the buy and hold strategy advocated by many pension advisers , even at the peak of the stock market bubble , was such a catastrophe .

  3. O-F模型与合理市盈率研究&中国股市泡沫的实证分析

    A Study of the O-F Model and Rational P / E

  4. 尽管中国官方对股市泡沫的风险一再提出警告,中国内地投资者对新上市公司的热情依然高涨,交通银行(bankofcommunications)昨日在上海股市首日上市交易中大涨71%。

    The fervour among mainland Chinese investors for new listings continued unabated yesterday as shares in Bank of communications surged 71 per cent in its first day of trading in Shanghai , in spite of continued official warnings about the risk of a stock market bubble .

  5. 但是,摩根士丹利策略师王庆(QingWang)警告称:最近几周,尽管股价处于历史高位,但A股市场持续快速上涨,因此市场人士对于股市泡沫破裂引发严重后果的担心已明显加剧。

    However , Qing Wang , strategist at Morgan Stanley , warned : As the A-share market continues to rise rapidly despite historically high valuations , fears of serious consequences from a potential burst of the stock market bubble have intensified greatly in recent weeks .

  6. 一个引起警戒的故事是Bally,这家瑞士鞋业制造商于1999年被美国收购公司得克萨斯太平洋集团(TPG)收购,当时正处于上次股市泡沫的巅峰。

    One cautionary tale is Bally , the Swiss shoemaker bought by US buy-out firm TPG in 1999 , the peak of the last stock market bubble .

  7. 中国人民银行(PBoC)上周五上调利率,以抑制不断飙升的食品价格、过度的银行放贷,以及房地产和股市泡沫。这是中国央行在不到一个月的时间内第二次宣布加息。

    China 's central bank raised interest rates for the second time in less than a month yesterday in an attempt to rein in soaring food prices , excessive bank lending and bubbles in the property and stock markets .

  8. 对股权分置与股市泡沫关系的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Equity Separation and Stock Bubble

  9. 再售期权、通胀幻觉与中国股市泡沫的影响因素分析

    Resale Option , Inflation Illusion and the Chinese Stock Market Bubbles

  10. 中国股市泡沫的合理范围研究

    Study on Reasonable Scope of the Stock Market Bubble in China

  11. 股市泡沫已基本被挤出。

    The stock market bubble has basically been squeezed out .

  12. 我国合理市盈率与股市泡沫的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis on China Stock-market Bubbles and Rational P / E

  13. 一些经济学家提醒人们注意股市泡沫。

    Several economists have warned about a stock market bubble .

  14. 股市泡沫的破裂改变了这种情况。

    The bursting of the stock market bubble changed that .

  15. 股市泡沫的生成机理和实证研究

    The Formation Mechanism and Empirical Analysis of Stock Market Bubbles

  16. 日本股市泡沫破灭前的特征及我们的思考

    The Foams Evaporated In Japanese Stock Market And Our Thought

  17. 在泡沫经济研究中,股市泡沫是重要的问题之一。

    Stock Market bubbles are one of important questions in studying bubble economy .

  18. 股市泡沫与正反馈投资模型研究

    Research of Stock Bubble and Positive Feedback Investment Model

  19. 第二个备受关注的威胁,是膨胀中的股市泡沫。

    A second much-talked-about threat is the bursting of china 's stockmarket bubble .

  20. 格林斯潘有关股市泡沫的叙述,似乎为他本人增色不少。

    He comes away looking rather better from his writings on the bubble .

  21. 基于持续期限模型的中外股市泡沫实证分析

    Comparison of Stock Bubbles in Different Stock Markets Based on Duration Dependence Model

  22. 一种股市泡沫检验的方法&期限相关法

    A Method of Test for Bubbles : Duration Dependence

  23. 开发股指期货抑制股市泡沫

    Developing Stock Index Future and Squeezing Stock Bubbles

  24. 股市泡沫破灭后的世界经济

    World Economy after the Bursting of Asset Bubbles

  25. 他是在2000年美国股市泡沫破裂之后不久发表演讲的。

    He spoke quite soon after the US stock market bubble burst in 2000 .

  26. 股票的市场价格与其内在价值的差异就是我们常说的股市泡沫。

    The difference in the price and its inner value is stock market bubbles .

  27. 当然,在股市泡沫中,那不愧是一个好的选择。

    In a bubble , of course , that is precisely the right strategy .

  28. 中国股市泡沫的破裂是中石油股价跳水的主要原因。

    The pricking of the Chinese equity bubble accounts for much of that fall .

  29. 一些驻中国的分析师认为,对股市泡沫的担忧被夸大了。

    Some China-based analysts believe the fears of a stock market bubble are exaggerated .

  30. 当前的股市泡沫经济越繁荣,将来的陷阱也就越大。

    The more prosperous the bubble economy is , the more risks there will be .