- 名stockholder's right

The Re-thinking of Stockholder 's Right Theory in China
Despite the different opinions on identify-ing stockholder 's right , the understanding of the nature of stockholder 's right , stockholder 's right is considered equal to stock right .
Confliction between labour rights and shareholder in share cooperation enterprises
On the Justice Protection of Stockholder ′ s Rights
On the unjust issue of new share and the protection to the rights of shareholder
On Legitimate Protection of Less-shared Stockholders
Therefore , theoretically , infringing the interests of the company will inevitably infringe the right of shareholders .
Schools set up assets management committee which exercise the shareholder rights and implement supervision to the asset company .
The right of shareholders is a kind of right lying between the ownership and the right to benefits .
The right of dividend distribution as the fundamental right of shareholders belongs to expectant right , which can be protected by law .
The essential principles for protection of shareholders ' rights are the principle of limited liabilities of share-holders and the principle of equality of share-holders .
Voting trust is development and innovation of the trust system in the company domain , and is the carrier trust the shareholder power as .
The creation of the entity of shareholder voting rights from the perspective of shareholder " rights bouquet " should be the precondition to be studied .
Corporate capital withdrawal system is the baseline of right protection for shareholders . The principle of the capital persistence can only protect the creditor 's right to some extent .
However , in the protection of shareholders ' rights , how to make the system of company law into the practice of the company law become a complicated problem .
In fact , the corporate governance is aim to achieve an equilibrium between the shareholders ' right by allocating the shareholder 's right , to realize the corporate governance target .
The history of the modern Company Law is just a history of fighting for shareholders ' rights protection . In fact , the Company Law is a protection law for shareholders .
The Company Law of China should strictly protect the lawful right and interest of the medium and minor shareholders by perfecting the structure of the management and strengthening the power of the shareholders .
The reasonable foundation of this system is to balance the conflict between shareholders ' rights and rights to manage , to improve management structure of corporation , safeguard the lawful rights of Medium small shareholders .
In terms of the protection of stockholder ′ s rights , not only can stockholders lodge direct litigation and derivative litigation , but the boards of supervisors can lodge litigation on behalf of its corporation .
The condition of minority shareholders ' right protection in our country is of no optimism , lessons should be draw from the maturity corporation law system abroad so that the level of minority shareholders ' right protection be improved .
Protection of the right of shareholders in China has just started , under the unique ownership structure in our country , legislation should recognize the legal right to IPO priority , and make it play the right role on protecting shareholders ' rights .
This paper describes the members in the last part right , that the members of the right , while having the characteristics of personal law , in essence , they are right , and further analysis of its shareholder rights and the similarities and differences between .
Proxy advisory firm glass Lewis had recommended shareholders vote against futter as a director .
A Research on the Right to Learn the Truth Held by Stockholders in Listed Companies
In spite of his incarceration , he has been able to exercise his shareholder rights to campaign from prison to have directors removed and block investment in the company by US private equity group Bain Capital .
Shareholders shall draw dividends in proportion to their capital contribution ;
Chapter two : Enforcement of the voting right of stockholders .
A Study on Control Power Restriction to Proprietary Stock Owners
An Analysis on the Right to Know of Shareholders of Limited Companies