
ɡǔ piào jiāo yì
  • stock exchange;stock market;stock transaction;stock deal;buying and selling of stocks;dealing in stack and shares
  1. 本文运用ARCH族模型检验了2001年股票交易印花税税率降低对沪、深股市波动性的影响,为有关证券交易税对市场波动性影响的讨论增添了一个来自新兴市场的证据。

    In this paper , we make use of ARCH models to examine whether the decrease of stock transaction stamp duty influenced the volatility of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in the year of 2001.We find that the volatility of Shanghai stock market was not significantly influenced statistically .

  2. 程序化交易方式在股票交易中的应用

    The Application of the Program Trading Mode in Stock Transaction

  3. 有小道消息说他在股票交易中赔了一大笔钱。

    The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stock exchange .

  4. 赫伦公司是一家私营公司,没有在股票交易市场挂牌。

    Heron is a private company and is not quoted on the Stock Market .

  5. 查普曼先生承认野村证券美国分公司需要提高股票交易技巧。

    Mr. Chapman conceded the need for Nomura 's U.S. unit to improve its trading skills .

  6. 去年他在自己的股票交易上赚了25万英镑。

    He earned £ 250,000 last year trading stock on his own account .

  7. 哈佛法学院高材生莫德里克曾在ContrarianCapitalManagement资本管理公司从事不良股票交易。

    Harvard Law grad mudrick was previously at contrarian capital management , where he traded distressed equities .

  8. 该场景开始为一个Streams应用程序,其接收股票交易和报价。

    The scenario starts with a Streams application that receives stock trades and quotes .

  9. Twitter发言人拒绝就冻结股权结构或股票交易限制问题发表评论。

    A twitter spokesperson declined to comment on the cap table freeze or trading restrictions .

  10. 股票交易主要取决于变化无常的市场人气:以中国国航(AirChina)为例,由于市场需求不旺,该公司去年夏季被迫削减了首次公开发行(IPO)规模。

    Stocks trade largely on sentiment , which can turn on a dime : witness Air China , which was forced to scale back its IPO last summer due to tepid demand .

  11. 从1998年起,上市公司如出现财务状况异常或者其他异常情况,沪深证券交易所宣布将对该类上市公司的股票交易进行特别处理(specialtreatment,简称为ST)。

    From 1998 , when the financial circs or other circs of the listed company become worse , Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange will take special treatment to the company .

  12. 近日遭遇电子股票交易故障的美国做市商KnightCapitalGroup以“交易科学,信任标杆”作为宣传语。

    Knight Capital , the market maker at the centre of the latest malfunction in electronic share trading , bills itself as : " the science of trading , the standard of trust . "

  13. 只有通过汇丰银行(HSBC)在线账户进行股票交易的祖母和56岁的堂叔例外,已将股票立刻出手。

    Only her grandmother , who trades through an on-line account with HSBC , and a 56-year-old uncle flipped their shares immediately yesterday .

  14. 对我影响最大的可能是葛菲尔德德鲁(garfielddrew),他写了一本有关零星股票交易的重要作品。

    The book that probably had the most influence on me was Garfield drew , who wrote an important book about odd-lot stock trading .

  15. 简言之,ETFs是像单个股票交易那样在交易所交易的一篮子证券。

    To be brief , ETFs are such a package security which deals in the securities exchange as a single stock does .

  16. 但纳斯达克方面声称,它已经仔细审查了每笔Facebook股票交易的细节,只发现了4千万损失可以归结为交易所的问题。

    But NASDAQ says it has gone over every Facebook trade in detail , and that it has only found $ 40 million in losses that can be attributed to problems at the exchange .

  17. 通过这个简单的股票交易例子,可以很好的解释WSC的要求和角色。

    The need and role of WSC is best explained by going through a simple stock trading example .

  18. 汇丰(hsbc)表示,中国证交所目前的交投量非常巨大,以至于经纪费用和股票交易印花税收入实际上超过了上市公司的利润总和。

    The huge current trading volumes on the Chinese exchanges are so large that broking and stamp duty charges actually exceed the total profits of listed companies , according to HSBC .

  19. 在非上市股票交易平台SharesPost上,Facebook的交易市值已经接近800亿美元,是该公司报告的2010年营收入(20亿美元)的40倍。

    Facebook shares on sharespost have been trading close to a $ 80 billion valuation , or 40 times its reported $ 2 billion revenue in 2010 .

  20. 目前的调查由澳大利亚证券和投资委员会(asic)牵头,主要针对两家澳大利亚上市矿业集团sundanceresources和bannermanresources的股票交易,两家都是汉龙有意收购的目标。

    The current probe , being led by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission , centres on share trading in Sundance resources and Bannerman resources , two Australia-listed mining groups that Hanlong is attempting to buy .

  21. Drew:“是的,我正在确定工作的资源和级别,看上去我没必要那么担心了,我估计我们的团队会对股票交易模块引起足够的关注。”

    Drew : " Yeah , I 'm determining resources and levels of effort and it looks like we 're going to be short again . I guess I 'll have the team focus on the stock trading stuff . "

  22. 股票交易平台Turquoise今天将宣布开通泛欧股票交易服务的计划,该服务将把由各银行运行的资金暗池(darkpools)连接起来。此举是旨在对抗整个欧洲地区流动性日益分散化的最新努力。

    Turquoise , the equities trading platform , will today announce plans for a pan-European share trading service linking dark pools operated by banks in the latest effort to combat the increasing fragmentation of liquidity across the region .

  23. 目前EQC系统完全能够胜任日益复杂的股票交易业务。

    Currently , the new EQC system is competent for the equity trading business which is becoming more and more complex .

  24. 中国监管机构已向里昂证券(CLSA)的一家中国合资证券公司发放牌照,允许该公司从事股票交易、发布研究报告。这是中国首次发放这样的许可。

    Mainland regulators have given a Chinese securities joint-venture co-owned by CLSA brokerage and investment bank permission to trade stocks and to distribute research , in the first approval of its kind .

  25. 该平台属于所谓的“多边交易设施”(mtf),旨在利用mifid股票交易规则,与turquoise类似;后者今日在13个欧洲市场正式成立。

    The platform is a so-called " multilateral trading facility " set up to take advantage of MiFID share-trading rules such as turquoise , which formally launches across 13 European markets today .

  26. midwestcorporation的争夺战周一发生新的转折这家澳大利亚铁矿石集团同意了与本土竞争对手murchisonmetals的全股票交易,交易金额超过此前推荐的中国国有钢铁企业中钢集团(sinosteel)的现金报价。

    The battle for Midwest Corporation took a fresh twist on Monday when the Australian iron ore group agreed an all-share deal with local rival Murchison metals that trumped a recommended cash bid from Sinosteel , the Chinese state-owned steelmaker .

  27. 上周,美国证交会(SEC)曾就暗池的透明度发出警告。暗池交易系统允许执行大宗股票交易,在交易完成前不显示价格。

    The move comes on the heels of a warning last week by the US Securities and Exchange Commission over the transparency of dark pools , which allow the matching of large blocks of shares without prices being revealed until after trades are completed .

  28. 根据上周五递交的招股说明书,这家总部位于上海的公司计划在纽约证券交易所上市,股票交易代码为“BILI”。

    The Shanghai-based company plans to list on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BILI , according to the prospectus filed last Friday .

  29. 与已实现电子化交易多年的股票交易不同,ficc仍以人工操作为主,部分原因是其中很多产品都是定制衍生品,无法在交易所交易。

    Unlike stocks , which have been traded electronically for years , ficc is still human-based , partly because much of it consists of tailor-made derivatives not quoted on exchanges .

  30. 原高盛(goldmansachs)员工谢尔盖阿列尼科夫(sergeyaleynikov)因涉嫌私自下载尖端交易软件代码而被捕,这成为一桩刑事案件的核心,令人们关注起大体上乏味无趣的计算机化股票交易问题。

    The arrest of Sergey aleynikov , a former Goldman Sachs employee at the centre of a criminal case involving the unsanctioned downloading of sophisticated trading software codes , has thrust the largely unglamorous world of computerised equity trading into the spotlight .