- mixed court hearing in concessions between foreign colonial officials and the Qing Dynasty functionaries

Commentary of the negotiation on the trial organization in Shanghai public concession in1926 .
Clashes and Reconciliation of Chinese and Western Legal Systems and Thinking Viewed in the Perspective of Shanghai International Mixed Court
The Mixed Court of the International Settlement in Shanghai is one of the tools for Western powers to infringe upon the jurisdiction of China .
The founding of the Mixed Court was closely related to the formation and growth of the settlement and was a result of its evolution .
As to the evolution of the Mixed Court , Chapter One first of all approaches the issue of the legal basis of the Mixed Court .
It holds that the joint hearing ( trial ) power of the foreign consuls and joint hearing system represented by the Mixed Court are an extension and expansion of consular jurisdiction .
In order to make people fully understand the changes in the trial system in different periods , this chapter will expound the predecessor of International Mixed Court , that before and after Revolution of 1911 respectively .
Second , it also reveals the function , nature and features of the mixed court through an analytical comparison between the mixed court ( in the International Settlement ) under the very Sino-foreign Agreement and the traditional local judicial institutions .
As a result of the lack of national statues at that time , the mixed court tried to conclude a series of customary law to guide its judicial activities with the help of expert witnesses and by techniques as cross-examination .