
  • 网络accounting information distortion;accounting distortion
  1. 国有工业企业会计信息失真问题探源及对策

    Causes and Countermeasures of Accounting Information Distortion of State Industrial Enterprises

  2. 博弈论、信息经济学与会计信息失真研究

    Game Theory , Information Economics and Accounting Information Distortion Study

  3. 借鉴西方法和经济学中的UTC市场理论,设计了一个治理会计信息失真的市场方案。

    By using the UTC market theory of western law and economics , a market-based preventive proposal for AID was devised .

  4. 试论会计信息失真的原因、危害及对策

    The Causes and Harms of Accounting Information Distortion and the Countermeasures

  5. 但是,会计信息失真问题目前在我国比较严重。

    But in China , accounting distortion problem is very serious .

  6. 中小投资者与会计信息失真上市公司会计信息失真识别定量研究

    A Quantificational Research of Identifying Fraudulent Accounting Information of Listed Company

  7. 会计信息失真原因透视及根治对策浅析会计信息失真会计信息失真的原因及治理措施之我见

    Clairvoyance on the Reason and its Radical Countermeasures for Accounting Information Distortion

  8. 我国银行会计信息失真的博弈分析

    Analysis of False Accounting Information in Chinese Bank by Using Game Theory

  9. 会计信息失真的现象已令不少人蒙受了损失。

    Verisimilitude of accounting information has inflicted heavy losses on many people .

  10. 从西方历史经验看我国企业会计信息失真的治理

    Rule the Distortion of Our Accounting Information from the Western Historical Experience

  11. 会计信息失真一直是国内外会计学界的研究重点和热点。

    Accounting information distortion is accounting research hotspot and focus .

  12. 加强监督,防止会计信息失真

    Streng the n monitoring & preventing the unreality accounting information

  13. 基于实证数据的上市公司会计信息失真研究

    The Empirical Data Based Study on Accounting Information Distortion about Listing Company

  14. 但由于种种原因,我国存在严重的会计信息失真问题。

    It exists serious problems of accounting information distortion for some reasons .

  15. 浅析我国上市公司会计信息失真问题

    Analysis about the Problem of Accounting Information Distortion in Chinese Listed Companies

  16. 这也是造成会计信息失真的重要原因之一。

    This is one of the important reasons for accounting information distortion .

  17. 会计信息失真的经济和文化根源

    Economic and culture root for distortion of accountant information

  18. 内部控制是否完善,对于防范会计信息失真具有重要意义。

    Perfect inside control is very important for preventing distortion of accounting information .

  19. 文章列举了会计信息失真的种种表现及其所造成的危害。

    Accounting information distortions are essentially like the loss value of accounting information .

  20. 对会计信息失真现象的几点思考

    Consideration about the Phenomenon of Information Distortion in Accountancy

  21. 利用模糊数学方法对会计信息失真现象的研究

    Study on accounting information fraud by fuzzy mathematics way

  22. 会计信息失真与我国会计信息质量特征体系

    Probing on the Accounting Information Distortion and the Accounting Information Quality Feature System

  23. 试论会计信息失真与加强会计职业道德建设

    Discussion on the Relation between Accounting Information Distortion and Build Accounting Occupation Morals

  24. 我国会计信息失真问题的研究现状评述

    Criticizing the Present Situation on Researching the Faked Accounting Information in Our Country

  25. 【中英文摘要】会计信息失真是社会面临的一个普遍问题。

    The accounting information distortion is a common problem faced by the society .

  26. 完善公司治理结构与会计信息失真防范

    To perfect corporate governance and to prevent financial fraud

  27. 遏止会计信息失真提高会计工作质量

    Check Accounting Information Distortion to Raise Accounting Quality

  28. 医院财会制度的缺陷与会计信息失真

    The deficit of Finance and accounting system and distortion of accounting information in hospital

  29. 固定资产会计信息失真的表现形式

    Types of Distorted Accounting Information in Fixed Assets

  30. 现实中,会计信息失真是一个普遍的问题。

    In reality , it is a general question that accounting information is distorted .