
huì yīn
  • perineum;perinaeum;Huiyin;Huiyin (Ren I)
会阴 [huì yīn]
  • (1) [perineum,perinaeum]∶在体表大致标志出骨盆出口周界的组织区域,通常将尿生殖管道和直肠分开;有时指肛门和外生殖器后部之间的区域,尤其在女性

  • (2) [Huiyin (Ren I)]∶经穴名。别名屏翳。属任脉。位于会阴部正中。主治窒息,前列腺炎,阴部搔痒症,暴痫。直刺1-1.5寸

会阴[huì yīn]
  1. 结论:低位直肠癌Mile′s手术会阴伤口均可期缝合;

    Conclusion : Perineum wound of low rectal cancer after Mile ′ s operation could be primarily sutured .

  2. TDP照射会阴切口预防感染的临床应用

    Clinical Application of TDP Radiation of Perineum Incision to Prevent Infection

  3. 生理盐水连续冲洗预防Miles手术后会阴切口感染

    Continuous normal saline irrigation for preventing perineal wound infection of Miles operation

  4. 应用会阴B超检测宫颈成熟度预测前列腺素E2引产效果的价值

    Cervical Ripening Score by Transperineal Ultrasonography and its Predictive Effect for Induction of Labor by Prostaglandin E 2

  5. CO2激光和He&Ne激光联合照射会阴侧切术切口的协同效应研究

    A Study on the Synergitic Effects of Combining Irradiation with CO_2 Laser and He-Ne Laser for Perineotomy Incision

  6. B组的会阴裂伤、绒毛膜炎、产后出血和阴道手术助产率显著高于A组(P<0.001)。

    Group B had higher rates of perineal trauma , chorioamnionitis , postpartum hemorrhage , and operative vaginal delivery than group A ( P < 0.001 ) .

  7. 我腿上手术的伤口会痛。Miles术后会阴开放切口处理方法的改进

    The incision on my leg smarts . The Improvements in the Management of Open Perineal Wound after Miles Operation

  8. Mile′s术会阴伤口Ⅰ期缝合56例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of perineum wound primary suture of 56 cases of low rectal cancer after Mile ′ s operation

  9. Miles手术的会阴切口,用等渗氯化钠溶液连续冲洗法治疗35例。

    The perineal wounds of Miles ' operation in 35 patients were treated with continuous normal saline irrigation postoperatively for the prevention of wound infection .

  10. 试验组R组与B组之间下肢运动神经阻滞评分(ModifiedbromagesCore,MBS)无显著性差异汐>0.05人但B组会阴侧切率高。

    There were no difference in modified bromage score between R and B group , but the rate of lateral episiotomy is high in B group .

  11. 提出直肠平滑肌肉瘤的诊断标准,并强调直肠平滑肉瘤的首选手术方式为腹会阴联合直肠切除术(Miles手术)。

    The criterion on the diagnosis of rectal leiomyosarcoma was proposed , and Miles'operation was stressed as the first choice in the treatment of rectal leiomyosarcoma .

  12. 目的总结经会阴前列腺切开治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的疗效及经验体会。

    Objective Summarize curative effect and experience cognition of cut open treatment of benign prostate hy-perplasia disease ( BPH ) .

  13. 腹会阴联合切除14例,低位前切除术13例,Parks术8例,Hartmann术4例。

    Results All patients underwent surgery : 14 abdomino-perineal resection , 13 anterior resection , 8 Parks operation and 4 Hartmann operation .

  14. 目的探讨经会阴超声(TPS)对孕晚期前置胎盘的诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the value of transperineal sonography ( TPS ) in the diagnosis of placenta previa of late pregnancy .

  15. 目的探讨会阴超声对女性压力性尿失禁(SUI)的诊断价值。

    Objective The aim of the study was to determine the role of perineal sonography in diagnosis of women with stress urinary incontinence .

  16. 方法总结68例低位直肠癌Miles手术会阴切口采取分层一期缝合的方法和围手术期处理经验。

    [ Methods ] The stratified primary suture of the perineal incision and the experience of perioperative period in 68 cases of low rectal cancer receiving Miles operation were summarized .

  17. 中药外敷联合TDP照射治疗会阴侧切口术后感染5例

    Infect Cases patients After Perineum Side Notch Treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine External Application and Unite TDP Irradiate

  18. 方法:对15例后尿道断裂患者均在外伤后7d内行贯穿膀胱颈会阴结扎固定术。

    Methods : Bladder necks perinea transfixion and ligation were carried out in 15 cases of posterior urethral disruption .

  19. 影响RTI感染的主要危险因素为会阴清洗方法不正确、性生活卫生差和丈夫文化水平低等。

    Risk factors of RTI would include incorrect perineum cleanout , bad habit of sexual intercourse and low education level of the husbands .

  20. 目的探索采用大功率、短脉冲、经会阴入射HIFU治疗前列腺增生症(BPH)的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the safety and effect of HIFU ( large power , short duration pulse and through perineum ) for benigh prostatic hyperplasia .

  21. PPH术加经会阴补片修补术治疗中重度直肠前突临床观察(附15例报告)

    Clinical Observation of PPH plus Transperineal Repair with Patch in the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Rectocele ( Report of 15 Cases )

  22. 方法回顾分析我院近10年共126例直肠癌Miles手术患者的骶前引流方法及引流效果、会阴切口愈合情况。

    Methods The ways of drain in presacral space , drain effection and the perineal resection 's healing of 126 patients with Miles ' operation for rectal cancer in recent 10 years in our hospital were analyzed .

  23. 结论:经会阴骶前引流在防治直肠癌Dixon术后吻合口瘘中起着非常重要的作用。

    Conclusion : The drainage of anterior sacral surface by perineum plays a very important role in prevention and treatment of anastomotic fistula after Dixon operation .

  24. 于产后伤口缝合完毕,分别用0.5%碘伏持续湿敷会阴伤口2h及1h,比较2组产后24h会阴伤口水肿及愈合情况。

    The cuts were compressed with 0.5 % iodophors for 2 hours and 1 hour respectively . The edema degree and healing condition of perineum cuts 24 hours after parturition were compared .

  25. 结论TRUS引导下经会阴前列腺穿刺准确率高,并发症少而轻,是诊断前列腺癌的重要方法。

    Conclusions TRUS guided transperineal biopsy is an ideal method for the diagnosis of prostate cancer with a high accuracy rate and fewer complications .

  26. 结论会阴B超安全有效,其宫颈成熟度评分预测前列腺素E2凝胶引产难易程度效果较好。

    Conclusions Transperineal ultrasonography is safe and effective . In predicting the effect on induction of labor of prostaglandin E 2 in primiparae , the transperineal ultrasonographic cervical ripening score is a valuable method .

  27. 结论产后用0.5%碘伏持续湿敷会阴伤口的最佳时间为1h,能有效减轻会阴伤口水肿,明显地降低会阴伤口的感染率,促进伤口愈合。

    Conclusions The best hydropathic compressing time of perineum cut with 0.5 % iodophors is for 1 hour after parturition . It can relieve perineum cut edema effectively , obviously decrease infection rate and promote cut healing .

  28. 器械助产、会阴侧切、正常分娩及缩宫素使用情况及新生儿Apgar评分3组产妇无统计学差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no statistical difference of assisted delivery with instrument , episiotomy , normal delivery , dose of Oxytocin application , and neonatal Apgar score among three groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  29. 方法通过经会阴B超观测宫颈长度、内口扩张度、羊膜嵌入颈管内影像(HM)对125例孕妇宫颈成熟度进行评分,并与其临产时间、分娩方式相比较。

    Methods Length of cervical canal , amount of cervical dilatation and HM sign were determined by transperineal sonography in 125 pregnant women to evaluate cervical maturity . Compared time in labor and the route of delivery in different cervical score woman .

  30. 方法80例前列腺癌患者实施经会阴超声引导放射性125I粒子植入术,其中68例单纯粒子植入治疗,12例行粒子治疗联合外放疗。

    Methods 80 patients treated with transperineal 125 I seed brachytherapy guided by utrasound , including 68 patients treated with seed implantation and 12 patients treated with seed plus external beam radiotherapy ( EBRT ) .