
chuán dòng
  • drive;transmission;driving motion;transfer motion
传动 [chuán dòng]
  • [drive] 传递动力使机器或机器部件运动或运转

  • 皮带传动

传动[chuán dòng]
  1. 改进ART网络的V带传动带型选择

    An improved ART network for type selection of V belt transmission

  2. N型单摆线钢球传动啮合副的滑动率研究

    The Research on Sliding Rate of the Engaging Pair of N-type Single Cycloidal Ball Transmission

  3. 消防员花了两个小时才把传动带切断,把他救了出来。

    It took firemen two hours to cut through the drive belt to free him

  4. 转盘由一根传动带与电机相连。

    The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor .

  5. 引擎发生的动力通过某些主要的部件传动轮子。

    The power developed by the engine is transmitted to the wheels by some essential parts .

  6. 汽车若不把传动机构联系好就不能开动。

    A car can 't go unless it is in gear .

  7. 机器轮子是用无极带传动的。

    Wheels are in a machine driven by an endless belt .

  8. 湿地推土机系半刚性悬挂、液力传动、液压操纵的履带推土机。

    TYS165-2 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended , power shift , hydraulically controlled and track type . TYS165-2

  9. 通用机床主传动系统CAD的研究

    The research on the CAD system of principal transmission agent for general purpose machines

  10. V带传动额定功率及其增量数表处理程序化方法

    Program Processing Method for V belt Driving Rated Power and Its Incremental Data Table

  11. 流体传动CAD系统

    A Hydraulic Transmission CAD System

  12. V带传动带楔入、退出带轮轮槽摩擦损失分析

    Analysis of Power Loss of Belt Drivers Brought by Belt Entering and Exiting the Groove

  13. V带传动的弹性滑动状况分析

    Creep Analysis of V Belt Drives

  14. V形传动带的改进目的主要是为了提高其使用寿命。

    The improvement of V-shape driving belt is mainly for the purpose of extending its service life .

  15. 合成气压缩机TM调速器传动齿轮失效分析

    Failure Analysis of the TM Governor Drive Gear of Synthetic Gas Compressor

  16. 就新的技术条件下如何开发齿轮传动CAD系统进行探讨。

    In this paper , it is discussed how to design the CAD system for gear drive under the advanced conditions .

  17. 用VB编程设计齿轮传动并在AutoCAD中自动生成图形的研究

    Research of Using VB to Designing Gear Transmissions and Automatic Taking Shape Graph in AutoCAD

  18. TI蜗杆由渐开线斜齿轮包络形成,与斜齿轮组成一种环面蜗杆传动。

    TI worm drive is a novel kind of hourglass worm , which consists of involute helical gear and enveloping hourglass worm .

  19. 传动系统扭振的重频条件轴系扭振中的Hopf分歧分析

    The Hopf Ramification Analysis for Axial-System Torsional Oscillations

  20. 通过建立数学模型和编写MATLAB语言文件,确定中速磨传动系统的最佳传动方案。

    The mathematical model is established and the MATLAB language file is programmed to determine the optimal design of the transmitting system of mid-speed mill .

  21. 金属带式自动无级变速传动(CVT)装置的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of a Metal V-Belt CVT

  22. 建立了CVT传动多组件的力学模型,解析了多层钢带受力和钢带传动滑移率。

    Mechanics model of multi-layers metal ring and the model of transmission slip ratio were established .

  23. 因此该种FA减速机除了普通传动中的高承载应用以外,在工业机器人传动中正在得到越来越多的应用。

    So this kind of drive will be more and more used in industry robots besides general driver with high carrying capacity .

  24. 关于DJ1型交流传动电力机车的几点思考

    Some Ideas about DJ_1 AC-drive Locomotive

  25. 结合影响两者分布的因素,建立了FA传动摆线轮齿面接触疲劳强度可靠性分析计算的数学模型。

    Combining the factors of contact stresses and strength distributions , a mathematic model is established to analyze and calculate the cycloid gear reliability .

  26. 1985年HinoEE传动投放市场。

    In August 1985 , the Hino EE Drive was put on the market .

  27. 针对交流传动控制系统对参数依赖性强的缺点,本文提出一个DMC(动态矩阵控制)和PID复合控制器。

    Aiming at the defect that the alternating drive control system always depends upon parameters , the paper brings forward one DMC ( Dynamic Matrix Control ) and PID complex controller .

  28. 开发了ZL50装载机液力传动变速箱自动换挡操纵系统及其电子控制单元(ECU)。

    Authors research on developing of automatic gear shifting control system and its electronic control unit .

  29. 重点设计和开发了ABS研究与演示实验系统,该实验系统由动力传动部分,ABS显示模块,故障诊断模块和数据采集模块组成。

    Then this paper designed and developed the research and demonstrating test system , which was consist of power transmission module , ABS demonstration module , fault diagnosis module and data gathering module .

  30. 分析汽车电子控制系统中常用的几种控制理论,分析汽车无级变速传动装置(CVT)控制系统的要求和特点。

    This paper analyzes several control theories in automobile electronic control system and the demands and characteristics of the control system for car Continuously Variable Transmission ( CVT ) .