
  • 网络Propagation constant;propagation coefficient
  1. Ti∶LiNbO3二维渐变折射率光波导传播常数的计算

    Calculation of Propagation Constant of Ti : LiNbO_3 Waveguide with 2-Dimensional Graded Index Profiles

  2. 对于给定结构的PCF,计算得到了决定模式数量及模式截止的归一化传播常数。

    The normalized propagation constant , which determines the number of the modes and mode cutoff is obtained for a PCF : with a certain structure parameters .

  3. 利用Bessel函数的加法定理,在边界上进行场匹配,获得关于诸传播常数Kz的方程。

    By using Graf 's addition theorem for Bessel functions , the field on the outer conductor is matched .

  4. 采用合成渐近法,本文首先推导出两层有耗介质上的微带线单位长度电容的CAD公式,从而可以计算出微带线特征阻抗和传播常数;

    In this thesis , CAD formulas are obtained by synthetic asymptote for three structures , First , we obtain the simple CAD formulas of a microstrip line on two-layer substrate with loss ;

  5. 本文利用微扰法,导出了克尔型非线性对称平板光波导TE模传播常数的近似计算公式。

    A perturbation method has been developed to derive the approximate computing formulae of propagation constants for TE modes on Kerr-type nonlinear symmetric slab optical waveguides .

  6. 作为一个特例,用这种方法对SiO2全电极脊形波导光传输特性如光传播常数和损耗进行了计算,并得到一些有益的结论。

    Taking this method as an example , optical propagation constant and the loss characteristics for SiO_2 have been calculated actually . Some available results are obtained .

  7. 考虑到辐射损耗,借助Fourier变换和电报方程,从时域响应中提取微带线的传播常数和特性阻抗。

    In consideration of the radiation loss of a microstrip line , its propagating constant and characteristic impedance are extracted from time domain responses be means of Fourier ′ s transformation and the telegraph equation .

  8. 阐述多层手征介质圆波导传输特性的递推特征函数解,导出了N层手征介质圆波导传播常数的特征方程,提供了若干例子的数值结果

    An efficient recursive eigenfunction solution is described for the propagation characteristics of a circular multilayer chiral dielectric waveguide . A characteristic equation is derived for the propagation constant of an N layer chiral dielectric waveguide . Numerical results are presented for several examples

  9. 在这种方法中,从给出的非线性有损耗波导直接得到TE和TM波与功率有关的复传播常数和局城电磁场分布。

    In this approach , the power-dependent complex propagation constants and the local electromagnetic field distributions , for both TE and TM waves , are obtained directly from the given lossy nonlinear waveguides .

  10. 本文分析了MOS型波导中金属包层对波导光学特性的影响,给出了TE模传播常数和吸收损耗系数的近似计算公式。

    The effect of the metal clad layer on the optical characteristics in the MOS-type wave-guide is analyzed , and the approximate expressions are given for calculating the propagationconstant and absorption loss coefficient of TE mode .

  11. 利用特性阻抗ZC、传播常数γ以及同时利用二者分别得到了三个确定电介质材料复介电常数的公式,其解的离散程度反映出测量误差大小。

    Three different equations for determination of permittivity of dielectric materials had been derived using characteristic impedance and propagation constant and both of them , respectively .

  12. 第三章,在已得到的光纤所有传导模传播常数的基础上,利用光纤功率耦合方程建立仿真模型,模拟计算了聚合物光纤的传输带宽、差分模式损耗(DMA)和色散等性能。

    In the third chapter , based on the results achieved in chapter 2 , POF performances , such as differential mode attenuation ( DMA ), dispersion and bandwidth , are calculated by using mode power couple equations .

  13. 表面等离子体共振(SPR)传感器是一种基于金属与电介质界面表面等离子波的传播常数对外界环境折射率敏感原理的光学传感器。

    It is based on the principle that the propagation constant of the surface plasmon wave propagating at the interface of a metal film and a dielectric is very sensitive to the Surrounding-medium Refractive Index ( SRI ) .

  14. 由于弯曲波导是AWG器件中不可缺少的结构单元,论文运用柱坐标下有限差分法来计算弯曲波导的场分布和有效传播常数,找出了波导弯曲半径与波导弯曲损耗之间的关系。

    This paper also presents the finite differential method ( FD method ) as a tool of calculating the field distribution and effective propagation constant . Furthermore , we figure out the relationship between the bend radius and the loss of waveguide .

  15. 标量三维交替方向隐式FD-BPM是分析波导器件的有效方法,利用这种方法分析多模波导器件的模传播常数及模场分布。

    The 3-Dimension scalar alternating direction implicit finite difference beam propagation method ( ADI FD-BPM ) is an effective simulating tool for the 3-D waveguide . This method is used to get the mode constants and mode fields of multi mode waveguide devices .

  16. 非线性梯度折射率光纤高阶高斯光束的传播常数

    Propagation constants of high-order Gaussian optical beams in nonlinear graded-index fiber

  17. 聚合物电光波导传播常数和损耗系数的微扰解

    Perturbation Solutions of Propagation Constant and Loss Coefficient of Polymeric Electro-Optic Waveguide

  18. 一个计算单面鳍线传播常数的经验公式

    An Empirical Formula for Calculating the Propagation Constants of a Unilateral Fin-Line

  19. 双包层非线性单轴光纤传播常数的计算

    Calculation of Propagation Constant for Two-Clad Nonlinear Uniaxial Optical Fibers

  20. 微扰法求解离子交换平面光波导的传播常数

    Solution of Propagation Constant In Planar Ion Exchange Waveguide By Perturbation Method

  21. 金属覆盖层椭圆形截面光波导的传播常数

    Propagation Constant of Waveguide with Elliptical Section and Metal Cover

  22. 利用驻波相位信息确定传播常数

    Determination of Propagation Constant from Phase Information of Standing Waves

  23. 钛扩散铌酸锂矩形波导中的双折射耦合对传播常数的影响

    Influence of birefringence coupling on propagation constant of Ti : LiNbO_3 rectangle waveguide

  24. 一种新的平面传输线传播常数的变分分析

    A novel variational analysis of planar line propagation constant

  25. 热声系统中回热器特征阻抗与传播常数的研究

    Investigation of Regenerator on Characteristic Impedance and Propagation Constant in the Thermoacoustic Apparatus

  26. 求金属包层平面光波导传播常数的图解法

    Graphic method for metal - clad planar optical waveguides

  27. 棱镜耦合器的输入耦合效率与入射波传播常数的关系

    The relation of input-coupling efficiencies to incident wave propagation constants for prism couplers

  28. 弯波导的本征模与角传播常数

    Eigenmodes and Angular Propagation Constants in Curved Waveguides

  29. 爬行波电流传播常数及幅度的计算

    Computation of Creeping Wave Propagation Constants and Amplitudes

  30. 应用傅里叶交换法计算了硅光波导中导模的传播常数。

    The Fourier transformation is used to calculate the propagating constants of the Si waveguides .