
  1. 高校教室不但是老师传道授业解惑的地方,也是大学生获取知识的主要场所。

    The university 's classroom is not only the place that teachers have lessons , but also the place that students obtain their knowledge .

  2. 阅读教学不再仅仅是教师展现才华,传道授业解惑的舞台,更是聋生成长的舞台。

    Teaching is no longer merely the stage for teachers display their talent and preaching the 1st doubts , the stage is the growth of Deaf-mute students .

  3. 研究如何利用网络技术充分地发挥教师传统的传道授业解惑的角色作用,应该是未来网络教育发展的方向。

    Research on how to utilize the network technology adequately to reassure the traditional teacher role of education should be the future development direction of online education .

  4. “师者,传道授业解惑也。”教师是一个神圣的职业,本文从几方面讲述了笔者的亲身感受,做一个幸福快乐的教师。

    " the teacher , proselytizes instructs dispels doubt . " The teacher was a sacred occupation , this article narrated from several aspects author 's own feeling , was a happiness joyful teacher .