
  1. 认识租赁:从传统租赁到现代租赁

    Leasing : From Tradition to Modern Leasing

  2. 分析了融资租赁与传统租赁的区别以及施工企业和租赁公司在融资租赁过程中面临的风险;

    Analyzes the difference between financing lease and traditional rental , as well as existent risk in the course of financing lease ;

  3. 法律方面的文献主要集中在研究融资租赁与传统租赁的区别,研究融资租赁当事人各方的权利与义务关系等方面。

    Documents of the law mainly concentrate on the difference in financing lease and traditional lease and on the rights and obligations of each party of financing lease .

  4. 现代租赁和传统租赁在租赁目的、当事人、涉及的合同、租赁物的选择权及其期末处理方式上不同;

    Finance lease is different from traditional lease in the purposes , persons concerned , choosing rights for leasing objects and what to do with them when the lease expires .

  5. 本文首先分析了租赁过程中的存在的不确定性与管理的灵活性,指出了传统租赁决策方法在应对租赁这些特点时的局限性,引出了实物期权的理论与方法。

    It first analyzes the existing uncertainty and management flexibility in the process of leasing , points out the limitations of traditional leasing decision-making method to these leasing traits , and leads to the real options theory and method .

  6. 传统租赁的历史可以追溯到几千年前,但是直至二十世纪五十年代融资租赁的出现,这一传统业务才又重新焕发出生机,目前已成为仅次于银行信贷融资的第二大融资方式。

    Traditional leasing history can be traced back thousands of years ago . But until the emergence of capital leases in the1950 ', leasing became popular again . Now , capital leases have become the second - largest financial facility .

  7. 由于国际融资租赁合同涉及多方当事人,任何一方违约都会对另外一方或多方的利益造成影响,融资租赁合同中当事人的违约较传统租赁合同更具复杂性。

    As the international financial leasing contract involves multi-party , that any one violates the contract will affect the interests of the other party or parties , so the party breach of financial leasing contract is more complex than the traditional one .

  8. 融资租赁衍生于传统的租赁方式,目前在许多国家已经成为极其重要的融资方式。

    Financial leasing is originated in the traditional way of lease . In many countries , it has become a very important financing .

  9. 第二组有1346户,政府向他们提供的是更为传统的租赁劵,可以用在任何社区;

    A second group of 1346 families was offered more traditional " Section 8 " rent subsidy vouchers that could be used in any neighborhood ;

  10. 不像竞争对手传统汽车租赁一样,共享汽车是指用户们可以在线租赁几个小时汽车的服务。

    Unlike traditional car-rentals over the counter , car-sharing refers to services where users can gain access to vehicles , often by the hour , online .

  11. 第二组有1346户,政府向他们提供的是更为传统的租赁劵,可以用在任何社区;848户对此予以接受。

    A second group of 1,346 families was offered more traditional Section 8 rent subsidy vouchers that could be used in any neighborhood ; 848 accepted .

  12. 这些都是因为传统的租赁决策工具有一些不可回避的弱点,例如它们忽视了决策者经营过程中管理灵活性的价值。

    These are the decision-making tool because traditional leasing there are some unavoidable weaknesses , such as their course of business decision-makers ignored the value of management flexibility .

  13. 融资租赁也叫金融租赁、现代租赁,它是将传统的租赁、贸易与金融方式相结合,通过融物的形式达到融资目的的一种交易方式。

    The Financial lease is also named Modern lease , which combines the traditional lease , transactions and the finance . It is an usual way to raise funds by raising assets .

  14. 通过对传统设备租赁存在问题的总结,介绍了内部设备租赁对于公路施工企业的优越性,并提出解决公路施工企业设备租赁的几点对策。

    Through summing up the problems existing in traditional equipment lease , this paper introduces the advantages of internal equipment lease in the road construction enterprises , and advances several countermeasures for solving the equipment lease of the road construction enterprises .

  15. 其实不祥之兆早已出现:数字流媒体视频必将成为更好的解决方案,吸引更多人使用,从而淘汰传统的DVD租赁业务。

    The writing was on the wall for some time on how digital streaming wasgoing to become a better solution for more people than heading to your localDVD store .

  16. 主要是论文的背景介绍,特别地详细介绍汽车共享制的产生背景以及发展形式,将其与传统的汽车租赁业进行比较分析。

    It mainly introduces the background of this paper , especially about the background and developed form of CS , and then compared with traditional car rental industry .

  17. 其中运营在线流媒体业务的将继续以Netflix为品牌开展经营,而另一个独立业务单元将重新命名为Qwikster,运营公司传统的DVD邮寄租赁服务。

    One for online streaming continuing to operate under the name Netflix and another independent business unit established under the new name Qwikster to operate the company 's legacy DVD-by-mail service .

  18. 除了传统宾馆,短期租赁(包括出租房屋)也非常受欢迎,给游客们提供了另一种选择。

    Apart from traditional hotels , short-term rental ( including renting rooms and apartments ) is also popular and provides visitors with an alternative choice .