
zhuàn jì wén xué
  • biographical literature
  1. 试论《史记》传记文学的真实性

    On The Truthfulness of Biographical Literature in Records of Historical Events

  2. 近年来,传记文学发展繁荣。

    In recent years , the biographical literature develops prosperously .

  3. 五是纪实性的传记文学和考据性文章。

    Five is a documentary biography of literary and textual articles .

  4. 关于古代另类传记文学写作的探讨

    Probe on Writing of Different Class of Biography in Ancient Times

  5. 这种创作态度不利于传记文学的创作;

    Such an attitude does no good to biography writing .

  6. 传记文学的人文主体性与当代意识&兼论柳虬的史传理论

    Humanism and Sense of Contemporary in Biographic Literature Sports Literature

  7. 张岱传记文学创作初探

    Initial Probing into the Creation of ZHANG Dai 's Biography

  8. 中西传记文学文本比较

    On the Difference Between Chinese and Western Biography COMPARE

  9. 新时期传记文学社会作用管窥

    Biographical Literature 's Social Role in the New Era

  10. 论中国当代传记文学的发展轨迹

    On the Developing Routes of Chinese Contemporary Literature

  11. 唐前传记文学的生命价值

    The Life Value of Pre Tang Biographic Literature

  12. 中国传记文学创作的现代转型

    On the Modernization of Biography Creation in China

  13. 首先,它继承了中国古代传记文学的优秀传统;

    First , it inherited excellent traditional biography ;

  14. 传记文学作家作品研究;

    Research of the works of the authors ;

  15. 和史学的发达一起到来的是传记文学的繁荣。

    The biography of this period comes along with the boom of the historiography .

  16. 简论柳宗元与传记文学的发展

    Liu Zong-yuan and the Development of Biography Literature

  17. 价值取向与当前传记文学创作危机

    The Orientation of Value and the Crisis in the Present Creation of Biographical Literature

  18. 政治人物传记文学中的人性化书写。

    Humanitarian Writing in political biographies literature .

  19. 传记文学发展历史研究;

    Research of the history of it ;

  20. 中国新时期传记文学漫评

    On Biographic Literature in the New Time

  21. 简论我国新时期传记文学的主要特征

    A brief discussion on the principal features of biographical literature in China 's New Period

  22. 论中国传记文学的三大渊源

    Three Sources of Chinese Biographic Literature

  23. 传记文学与人格素质教育

    Moral Quality Education and Biographic Literature

  24. 论传记文学的想像、夸张与虚构虚构与汉魏六朝杂传的小说化&从《雷焕别传》说起

    On Imagination , Exaggeration and Fiction in Biographic Literature Fiction With the Novelization of Non-official Biographies

  25. 浅论胡适的传记文学理论

    HU Shi 's Biography Literature Theory

  26. 简述传记文学的功能

    On the Role of Biographies

  27. 笔者在撰写《中国二十世纪传记文学史》时,对海外华人传记文学创作给予了专门评述。

    The author paid a special attention to this field when compiling History of20th Century Biographic Literature .

  28. 从杨绛与肖凤的笔战谈有关传记文学的创作问题

    Certain Problems in the Creation of Biography Viewed from the Written Polemics Between Yang Jiang and Xiao Feng

  29. 以描写真人真事为主的传记文学是否可以进行艺术加工?回答是肯定的。

    Can the biographical literature mainly describing actual person and event have artistic treatment ? The answer is affirmative .

  30. 这预示着21世纪的传记文学将有一个新的进展和突破。

    All these indicate that in 21st century there will be a new progress and breakthrough in the biographic literature .