
  • 网络traditional organization theory
  1. 虚拟企业是企业为与环境相协调而不断演变的逻辑结果,是对传统组织理论的否定与突破,又与当今最新的管理思潮相一致。

    Virtual corporations are the logic results that corporations and environment are harmonized and organization structure evolved . Also it deny and breaks through the traditional organization theory , and is in accord with the up-to-date management thoughts .

  2. 根据传统系统理论所发展的传统组织理论,也不能有效处理自组织效应在组织变革过程中所发生的作用。

    The traditional organization theory developed from the traditional system theory also can not effectively process the action of the self-organization effect occuring in the course of the organization reform .

  3. 本文提出,传统组织理论是一个基于劳动配置的组织理论,而知识经济时代的组织理论是一个基于知识配置的组织理论。

    The paper points out that traditional organizational theories are based on labor distribution , while organizational theories in knowledge era , on knowledge distribution .

  4. 20世纪70年代,由于自身的理论缺陷,传统产业组织理论及SCP范式逐渐衰落,新产业组织理论逐渐兴起。

    The traditional industrial organization ( TIO ) was declined for its own limitation of theory in 1970s .

  5. 结构-行为-绩效(structure-conduct-performance简称SCP)范式是传统产业组织理论的基本范式。

    The structure-conduct-performance model is the basic model of the traditional industrial organization theory .

  6. 在传统产业组织理论的市场结构-市场行为-市场绩效(SCP)分析范式中,市场结构与经济绩效的关系一直是倍受关注的焦点之一。

    The pattern of Structure-Conduct-Performance ( SCP ) is the traditional way to study industrial organization , during which the relationship of structure and performance is a focus of attention .

  7. 在企业同质性假设条件下,无论是新古典经济学、传统产业组织理论的SCP分析范式,还是企业竞争战略的产业分析方法,都把企业的利润归结为外在的市场结构因素。

    On the assumption of homogeneity of firm , neo-classical economics , traditional theory of industry organization and Port 's five forces model all argue that firm 's profit come down to market structure .

  8. 在传统产业组织理论的SCP(结构行为绩效)分析框架中,集中度是构成市场结构的主要因素,通过影响市场行为,进而影响市场绩效。

    Industrial concentration , in SCP ( Structure-Conduct-Performance ) analytical frame of traditional industrial organization theory , is one of main factors in forming market structure , and affects market performance by influencing market conduct .

  9. 新产业区的形成机制及其与传统空间组织理论的关系

    New Industrial Districts ' Developmental Mechanism and Comparative Analysis to Traditional Spatial Organization Theories

  10. 文章分析认为,当今关于组织理论的前沿研究已从传统的组织理论上升为契约经济学。

    The analysis considers that advancing front studies of organization theory has ascended from conventional organization theory to contractual economics .

  11. 长期以来,技术创新与企业规模、市场结构之间的关系是传统产业组织理论中最富争议的领域之一。

    The relationships between technological innovation , scale of firm and market structure were always the disputed areas in the TIO .

  12. 借鉴传统产业组织理论对产业组织状况的分析角度,本研究将从产业结构、市场行为及市场绩效三个方面考察中国啤酒制造业的产业组织。

    Reference to the analysis method of industrial organization theory , this research will inspect China beer industry from the structure , conduct and performance .

  13. 新产业组织理论在一定程度上弥补了传统产业组织理论对于企业间的组织关系研究忽视的不足。

    The new industrial organization theory offset the insignificance of the main industrial organization theory to a certain extent , and focuses on the organized relationship among enterprises .

  14. 企业的进入问题历来是传统产业组织理论研究的热点领域之一,是市场竞争机制有效运行的核心要素。

    The enterprises which enter into the industries has always been a hot research areas in traditional industry organization theory , which is a core element of market competition mechanism to run effectively .

  15. 流程再造是企业管理领域内的一个新课题,它的出现不仅在全世界范围内掀起了一场企业管理的革命,而且正改变着传统的组织理论。

    Business process reengineering is a new idea in business management . It not only means a revolution in business management , but also leads to a complete change in the traditional organizational theory .

  16. 运用传统产业组织理论分析了中国果蔬汁饮料制造业的市场结构、企业行为以及经济绩效。

    Chinese fruits and vegetables juice beverage manufacturing industry was regarded as the research object . Its structure , enterprise 's behavior and economic performance of market were analyzed applying the traditional industrial organization theory .

  17. 无论是西方传统产业组织理论还是我国的产业经济理论,都不能很好的指导产业发展的现实问题,这对21世纪产业经济理论,提出了新的挑战。

    Neither the Western traditional theory of industrial organization nor industrial economy theory in our country can solve realistic problems in the industrial development well , which raise new challenges for the industrial economy theory in the 21st century .

  18. 结合传统产业组织理论、新兴经验产业组织理论对外资银行的跨国经营理论、策略进行分析,并从理论上阐述了外资银行竞争对东道国银行业的影响。

    Combining the traditional theory of industrial organization , new theory of industrial organization , it analysis the foreign banks operating theory , policy analysis , and theoretically elaborated on the host country of foreign banks into the banking sector .

  19. 换言之,传统的组织变革理论存在着局限性,复杂的组织变革问题是传统理论无法解决的。

    In other words , the traditional organization reform theory has the limitation .

  20. 根据传统的产业组织理论,在任何行业中竞争都是有利的,认为竞争保证了成本最小化,由此资源得以有效配置。

    According to the traditional theory of industrial organization , competition in any industry is beneficial .

  21. 针对管理与组织理论的一系列基本问题,巴纳德提出了与传统管理和组织理论完全不同的观点。

    For a series of basic issues of organization and management theory , Barnard brought totally different opinions with traditional theory .

  22. 传统的产业组织理论中利用市场结构将产业划分为特定类型从而来判定行为和绩效。

    The traditional theory of industrial organization determines the behavior and performance by making use of market structure to divide the industry into specific patterns .

  23. 行业绩效影响因素的研究源于传统的产业组织理论,其主要研究市场结构与产业市场绩效的关系。

    Researches on the influencing factors of industry performance stem from traditional industrial organization theory , which mainly explore the relationship between market structure and market performance .

  24. 传统的产业组织理论认为,市场绩效影响到企业的行为,或者企业的市场行为会影响到市场绩效,两者存在着密切的关系。

    It is believed from the traditional theory of industrial organization that , the market performance affects the behavior of enterprises , or enterprise market behavior would affect the market performance , there exists a close relationship .

  25. 在20世纪90年代后期和21世纪初期,互联网技术的广泛应用与经济全球化的发展,使组织处于激烈竞争的环境之中,对传统的组织决策理论提出了挑战。

    At the end of 1990s and the beginning of twenty-first century , the organizations have been facing a dynamic environment with the usage of the Internet and economic globalization , and this phenomena challenge the traditional decision-making theory .

  26. 研发方式和R&D投资水平是学习型联盟决策的主要内容,而传统的组织学习理论忽视了联盟成员的吸收能力在学习型联盟决策中的重要作用。

    R & D approach and the level of investment are the most important aspect in learning alliance , but the alliance partner 's absorptive capacity which plays an important role in learning alliance has been neglected in traditional organizational learning theories .

  27. 从传统的以层级组织理论到近十多年来的各种新型组织理论,都是为了探求如何建立起适应外界发展变化和自身特点的企业组织模式。

    From the traditional bureaucratic theory to current popular organizational theories , their aims are all to construct the suitable organizational models according to outside development and self-characters .

  28. 各种传统企业的组织结构理论虽然都共同体现了工业经济的特有属性,但在实践操作中,每一种组织结构模式则是按照自身的独特性来构建企业内部的管理框架。

    Although every organizational structure theory of traditional enterprises embodies its particularity of industrial economy , every organizational structure model builds internal management frame according to its own character .

  29. 然而网络环境下的信息组织已经超出了传统的非网络信息资源管理方式的覆盖范围,传统的文献组织理论和方法面临着挑战。

    But network information organization has gone beyond the scope of management style of nontraditional network information resources already , so traditional documentation organization theories and methods are faced with challenges .