
chuán shū sǔn hào
  • transmission loss
  1. UV固化涂料与石英光纤的附着力及对传输损耗的影响

    Adhesion between UV-cured Coating and Quartz Optical Fibre and Its Influence on Transmission Loss

  2. 基于卫星导航陆基增强系统VHF数据链中的传输损耗研究

    Research on the VHF Data-Link Transmission Loss Based on Satellite Navigation Ground-based Augmentation System

  3. CCD摄象法测量有机聚合物光波导传输损耗

    CCD Camera Photographing in Detecting the Propagation Attenuate Coefficient of Polymer Waveguides

  4. 制作出低传输损耗的波导与高Q值的结形微腔。

    On-chip low optical loss waveguides and high-Q micro knot resonators were fabricated .

  5. Bi系高温超导带材交流传输损耗的研究和分析

    Research and analysis of AC transport loss of Bi-2223 tape

  6. 实验观测了单根纳米线的荧光特性,发现ZnO纳米线光传输损耗很低。

    Low-loss optical guiding of ZnO nanowires is demonstrated , and the photoluminescence of a single ZnO nanowire is also observed .

  7. 采用GaAs/GaAlAs双异质结材料制作的光开关可以得到较低的开关电压,而且采用GaAs/GaAlAs异质结材料的光传输损耗很小。

    The optical switch with double-heterostructure GaAs / GaALAs has low switching-voltage and light loss .

  8. 单层带通FSS的带内传输损耗机理

    Mechanism of in-band transmission loss in single-layer bandpass FSS

  9. 用BPM方法分析了波导结构的传输损耗,用有限元法分析了二维PIN结的电注入特性。

    The transmission characteristics of the new waveguide structure were analyzed using BPM method . The finite difference method was employed to analyze the 2D PIN junction injection characteristics .

  10. ,但是宏基站的3G信号在穿透建筑物墙壁时传输损耗和空间损耗较大,因此室内会有3G信号覆盖不到的地方,这样会使通信质量受到影响,甚至会导致通信的中断。

    But the 3G signal of the micro base station will encounter a loss when it penetrates the wall of the building , which will influence the communication quality and even result in the discontinuity of the communication .

  11. 实验结果表明:只有非寻常折射率产生增量△n6,其中TM单模波导的传输损耗低达0.1dB/cm(633mm)。

    The experimental results show that only the extraordinary index is increased and the propagation loss in the TM single-mode waveguides as low as 0.1 dB / cm at 633 nm .

  12. 氟树脂用作POF芯材时,可降低POF的传输损耗,提高POF的耐温性、POF的传输带宽和POF的耐老化性能等,透明氟树脂是优异的POF芯皮材。

    While fluororesin is used as the core of POF , it can reduce the loss of POF , im - prove the temperature resistance , bandwidth and permanence of POF .

  13. 分析了摄象法热轧圆钢直径在线检测系统的误差,并给出该系统综合误差的补偿方法以及测量小型棒材的综合测试结果。CCD摄象法测量有机聚合物光波导传输损耗

    Furthermore , a relative monitor system is built and the comprehensive compensation error of the photographic method is given . Lastly , the diameter measuring results of small hot bar are presented . CCD Camera Photographing in Detecting the Propagation Attenuate Coefficient of Polymer Waveguides

  14. 不同入射角激光束在大芯径SI-PDF光纤中的传输损耗

    Transmission attenuation of laser beams with different incident angles in large-core SI-PDF optical fibers

  15. 基于耦合模理论,分析了考虑传输损耗的条形波导中切伦科夫(Cherenkov)二次谐波(SHG)的问题。

    Based on the coupled mode theory , second harmonic generation ( SHG ) in the form of Cherenkov radiation from a channel waveguide has been investigated taking the propagation loss into account .

  16. 随着科学技术的发展,低轨道(LEO)卫星通信由于其具有发射功率低,传输损耗低,传输时间短,轨道资源丰富等特点,、越来越受到人们的关注。

    With the development of science and technology , the Low-Earth Orbit ( LEO ) Satellite Communications are more and more cared by people due to their low power , less transmission loss , short time-delay , abundance tracks and so on .

  17. 实验结果表明精制效果明显提高,制备的GI-POF的传输损耗明显降低。

    The experimental result shows that the pureness of MMA increases clearly and the loss of GI-POF prepared using this MMA reduce evidently .

  18. 结果表明,不同加工方法使得平板FSS的中心谐振频率产生漂移,该差异可能是FSS单元边缘毛刺影响的结果,该影响对FSS在各种入射角条件下的传输损耗等性能也略有影响;

    The experimental results show that the resonant frequency of planar FSS is moved by the machining method , the edge burr of FSS cell may effect the property , and may also effect the transmission ratio for different incidence angles .

  19. 微细笔直写获得的条形光波导成功地实现了通光,在波长为1550nm处的最小传输损耗为0.59dB/cm。

    The waveguides successfully achieve the function of guiding the light . The minimum propagation loss measured is 0.59 dB / cm at 1 550 nm .

  20. 以AlGaAs为例,利用该模型数值模拟了波导传输损耗、波导长度和变换效率的关系以及泵浦功率和和频功率间的关系。

    For example , AlGaAs , using this model , the simulation of the numerical value relationship of device length and conversion efficiency for different transmission loss is given , as well as the relationship of pump power and conversion wavelength power .

  21. 文章综述了测量非线性光学(NLO)聚合物薄膜材料光波导传输损耗的三种新方法及原理,分别给出了典型的实验装置结构图,并对它们的特点进行了比较。

    The principles of the common methods to measurement the propagation loss of the NLO polymer film optical waveguide are summarized , and the typical experimental arrangements are presented . A comparison of the characteristic of these methods is given .

  22. 针对直径20mm的工业用不锈钢管道,实验测得其传输损耗为1.3dB/m,表明该管道可用作微波传输线向微机器人供能。

    The experimental results have shown that the attenuation of industrial stainless pipe of 20 mm diameter is about 1.3 dB / m , Thus the pipe is suitable for supplying power to micromachine .

  23. 介绍了一种采用铜-聚酰亚胺薄膜多层基板的多芯片组件(MCM),它解决了高频下维持较低交调噪声带来的传输损耗增大,以及大量LSI芯片的同时切换噪声增大的问题。

    This paper describes a multichip module having a copper-polyimide thin-film multiplayer substrate . This new substrate overcomes the problems of increased transmission loss at high frequencies while maintaining low crosstalk noise and the increased simultaneous switching noise with the large number of LSI chips .

  24. 按理论计算设计制作了8×8矩阵光开关,测得波导传输损耗为0.1dB/cm,光纤-波导耦合损耗为0.5dB/point。

    The SiO2 waveguide propagation loss of 0.1 dB / cm and fiber-waveguide coupling loss of 0.5 dB / point were measured out .

  25. 利用棱镜耦合测量了该平面光波导的暗模特性并利用RCM拟合得到其折射率分布,利用端面耦合的方法测量了波导的近场光强分布以及传输损耗。

    We perform the prism coupling method to measure the dark modes and reconstruct the refractive index profile of the planar waveguide by the reflectivity calculation method ( RCM ) . A typical end-face arrangement is utilized to measure the near-field intensity distribution and the propagation loss .

  26. 外层反转节距为500mm,内层为350mm,外护层剥离长度为700mm,两层的松线长度都大于20mm,同时可得到优良的传输损耗。

    The reverse pitch was 500 mm for external layer and 350 mm for internal layer . By removing the cable jacket for 700 mm , ribbon stack length of more than 20 mm were obtained for both layers . And good initial transmission loss was also obtained .

  27. 用5层非对称平面波导理论和等效折射率法(ERIM)分析了金属电极对聚合物脊形光波导横向模式特性及其传输损耗的影响。

    By using the theory of the five asymmetry planar waveguide and the effective refractive index method ( ERIM ), the mode characteristics and propagation loss of the optical ridge waveguide , which is covered by the upper and lower electrodes , were analyzed .

  28. 从理论上讲,弯曲和形变都会增大光纤的传输损耗。

    Theoretically bend and deformation increase transmission losses in the fiber .

  29. 双光束色散法测试光纤传输损耗系数的研究

    Research on Measuring Fiber Transmission Loss Coefficient Using Two-Beam Dispersion Method

  30. 不同电波传播模式的传输损耗比较

    A Comparison of Transmission Loss of Different models of EM propagation