
  • 网络Dispersion;Fiber dispersion;chromatic dispersion
  1. 光纤色散对WDM系统性能的限制

    Limitation of Optical Fiber Dispersion on the Performance of WDM System

  2. 光纤色散与OFDL信号处理

    Optical Fiber Dispersion in OFDL Signal Processing

  3. 光纤色散对WDM系统中受激喇曼散射串扰的影响

    Stimulated Raman Scattering Crosstalk in WDM Systems under the Effect of Fiber Dispersion

  4. 光纤色散斜率对应用中点谱反转技术的WDM系统传输带宽的影响

    Transmission Bandwidth Limitation Imposed by Fiber Dispersion Slope in WDM Systems with Mid span Spectral Inversion

  5. 在线放大器为PSA的动态孤子通信系统传输性能受光纤色散参量影响的研究

    The effect of the fiber dispersion parameter on the transmission performance of dynamic-soliton system using PSA as in-line amplifiers

  6. 光纤色散对ROF系统传输性能影响的分析

    Analysis of Fiber Dispersion Influence on the Transmission Performance of ROF Systems

  7. 详细分析了光纤色散效率对产生宽带、平坦的SC谱的决定性的影响以及各种高阶非线性效应可能具有的影响及其抑制。

    The determinant effect of dispersion slope of the fibers on the wide and flat SC spectra generated has been analyzed in details .

  8. 通过对光纤色散斜率的优化设计并综合考虑泵浦脉冲功率、脉冲宽度对SC谱谱宽和平坦度的影响,获得了平坦、超宽的SC谱。

    A flat and ultra-broad-band SC spectrum is obtained by optimizing the fiber parameters and the peak power , pulse width of pump pulse .

  9. 由于PSA增益的相敏特性,光纤色散导致孤子脉冲主瓣幅度下降,脉宽展宽,出现旁瓣。

    Because of the phase-sensitive nature of PSA 's gain , fiber dispersion will also cause soliton pulse amplitude descending and its width broadening .

  10. 简述了RadioOverFiber(ROF)通信技术,从理论和VPI仿真实验两方面系统地分析研究了光纤色散问题对ROF光通信系统的影响。

    Brief introduction of Radio over Fiber ( ROF ) communication technology and research on effect of fiber dispersion on ROF optic communication system are given .

  11. 仿真研究了传输信道和光功率对光码分多址系统性能的影响,分析了传输距离、光纤色散系数、光纤衰减、入纤光功率等与误码率和Q值的关系。

    The influences of length , dispersion index and attenuation index of transmission fiber and incident optical power on BER ( bit error rate ) and Q value of the system is analyzed .

  12. 电子色散补偿(EDC)技术作为一种新的光纤色散补偿技术正在逐步进入实用化阶段。

    As a new technology for fiber dispersion compensation , Electronic Dispersion Compensation ( EDC ) is gradually being applied in practical projects .

  13. 光纤色散对FFH-OCDMA系统误码率的影响

    Impact of Fiber 's Dispersion on BER of FFH - OCDMA Systems

  14. 该方案有效减小了光纤色散的影响,为提高ROF系统性能提供了一种简便、低成本的解决方法。

    This scheme effectively reduces the influence of the fiber dispersion , and provides a simple , low-cost solution for improving the ROF system performance . 5 .

  15. 本文主要分析光纤色散以及有初始啁啾的脉冲、激光器的相位调制噪声、有非线性效应时光纤色散对WDM系统传输容量的影响。

    This paper mainly analyzes some effective factors on the transmission capacity of WDM systems , such as optical fiber dispersions , the pulse with original chirps , the phase modulation noise of lasers , optical fiber dispersion with non linear effects .

  16. 结果表明,在FFH-OCDMA系统中,光纤色散导致解码自相关光脉冲峰值功率和光脉冲取样能量的降低,进而导致系统误码率(BER)的增加。

    The results of simulation show that dispersion seriously reduces the peak power and sample energy on the FFH OCDMA system . Hence , bit error rate ( BER ) of system is increased by dispersion .

  17. 利用ABCD矩阵分析法,分析了光纤色散、光纤非线性、饱和吸收体的幅度调制、增益介质带宽等参数对超短脉冲掺铥光纤激光器输出脉冲脉宽、啁啾的影响。

    With ABCD matrix , the influence of some parameters , such as the fiber dispersion , nonlinearity , amplitude modulation coefficient of saturable absorber , the gain medium bandwidth , to the pulse width , chirp of ultrashort pulse thulium-doped fiber laser output effect .

  18. 相干光正交频分复用(CO-OFDM)系统具有频谱利用率高、传输容量大、抗光纤色散和偏振模色散、接收灵敏度强等特点。

    Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( CO-OFDM ) systems have the advantages of high spectrum efficiency , high communication capacity , strong resistance to chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion , and high receiving sensitivity .

  19. 应用非线性薛定谔方程(HONLS)理论,考虑光纤色散三阶效应,推导出无啁啾的高斯脉冲沿光纤传输时脉冲变化的表达式,并对理论结果进行了数值模拟与分析。

    Using the nonlinear Schrodinger ( HONLS ) equation theory , the analytic expression was derived by taking into account the third-order dispersion as a Gauss pulse without chirp propagation along the single-mode fiber . The theories were numerically simulated and analyzed .

  20. 环形结构塑料光子晶体光纤色散特性分析

    The Analysis of Dispersion Properties in Ring-structured Plastic Photonic Crystal Fibers

  21. 光纤色散与损耗对光量子密钥分发系统的影响

    The influence of dispersion and loss on quantum key distribution system

  22. 并分析研究了光纤色散对不同宽度脉冲的影响,对脉冲压缩技术的研究具有一定的参考价值。

    And the pulse broadening of varied pulse width are analyzed .

  23. 光纤色散仪测量不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty of Measurement of Fibre Optic Chromatic Dispersion Test Sets

  24. 相位共轭技术在补偿光纤色散中的应用

    Application of phase conjugation to compensation for the fiber dispersion

  25. 光子晶体光纤色散的无量纲化计算方法

    Dispersion calculation of photonic crystal fibers by the normalization technique

  26. 结构偏差对保偏光子晶体光纤色散特性的影响

    Influence of Structure Deformation on Dispersion Character of Polarization-Maintaining Photonic Crystal Fibers

  27. GB/T14075-1993光纤色散测试仪技术条件近红外圆二向色性测量仪

    Specifications for optical fiber chromatic dispersion measuring set near-infrared circular dichroism instrument

  28. 用对称相位调谐方法测量光纤色散

    Measurement of optical fiber chromatic dispersion by asymmetric phase modulation

  29. 光纤色散参量对光孤子系统传输性能的影响

    Effect of The Fiber Dispersion Parameter on the Performance of Average-Soliton Transmission System

  30. 高阶模补偿单模光纤色散技术研究

    Research of the technology of compensating single mode fiber dispersion by high-order mode