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  • sea cucumber
  1. 被动调Q腔内单共振光参变振荡器和Cr~(4+):YAG激光器

    Passively Q-switched intracavity single resonant optical parametric oscillator and Cr ~ ( 4 + )∶ YAG laser

  2. 试验结果表明,连续激光二极管抽运声光Q开关内腔光参变振荡器是获得高频人眼安全激光的一种有效途径。

    CW laser diode pumped AO Q-switched intracality optical parametric oscillator is a good chice for high-repetition-rate eye-safe laser .

  3. 非谐振腔型KTP光参变振荡器

    KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator with a Non-Resonant Configuration

  4. 气孔随机分布的PCF波长可调谐的特性可能为光参童振荡器和可调谐激光器的设计提供新的途径;

    The SC wavelength tunable property in the random PCF can provide a novel answer to optical parameter oscillator and tunable laser .

  5. 数值模拟了拍瓦激光器前端非共线光参变放大(OPA)过程中存在波前畸变的抽运光对信号光光束质量的影响。

    The influence of wave-front-distorted pump pulse on the beam quality of the amplified signal pulse in the non-collinear optical parametric amplification ( OPA ) is numerically simulated .

  6. 负折射率材料中光参变放大光谱带宽的研究

    Research on Spectral Bandwidth in Optical Parametric Amplification of Negative-Index Media

  7. 高稳定高转换效率光参变放大器倍频抽运光源研究

    Highly Stable Second-Harmonic Pumping Source with High Conversion Efficiency for Optical Parametric Amplifier

  8. ZnGeP2光参变振荡器晶体参数的数值分析

    Calculation and analysis of ZnGeP_2 optical parametric oscillator

  9. 在频域上进行了光参变激光器对钛宝石激光脉冲作选取放大并频率扩展的理论分析和数值模拟。

    A mathematical formulae for a sliced , amplified and frequency expanded Ti ∶ sapphire laser is setup and computed , by using optical parametric effect in time and frequency domain .

  10. 我们不能拿来整部正典圣经,然后光考参圣经里的其他章节来解读另一些章节。

    We don 't take the whole Canon of the Bible and interpret it all by reference to other parts of the Canon .

  11. 方法于486nm波长处用分光光度法测定参芪补血冲剂中果糖的含量。

    Methods The content of soluble Polysaccharide was determined by spectrophotometry at the wavelength of 486 nm .