
  1. 这部影片不光有血淋淋的暴力场面,还有扣人心弦的情节。

    The movie is not just blood and gore ; it has a thrilling story .

  2. “光有一个大学学位还不够,”一位优等生说。

    ' A college degree isn 't enough ' , said one honors student .

  3. 光有好的意愿还不够。

    Good intention alone is not enough .

  4. 光有主意并不能成事。

    Ideas just don 't accomplish themselves .

  5. 光有外资显然不够,只是劝告人们进行改革也不行。

    Foreign funds alone are clearly not enough , nor are exhortations to reform .

  6. 绝大多数互联网用户的机子上不光有HTTP服务器。

    Most internet users can 't just start up an HTTP server on their machines and have other systems connect in .

  7. “光有通胀目标制是不够的,”Blanchflower先生说。

    " Inflation targeting alone will not suffice ," Mr Blanchflower said .

  8. 单层器件的金电极对530~600nm区间的可见光有较强反射。

    Second , there is strong reflection among 530 ~ 600nm in the visible in Au electrode .

  9. 闪光釉的特征是对入射光有金属镜面般的反射,研究表明,这种反射是由釉中以(200)晶面平行于釉面的CeO2晶粒造成的,晶粒的取向程度越高反射越强。

    The optical characteristic of the glisten glazes is having metal-like mirror reflection of the incident light . It has been shown that the reflection is caused by CeO 2 grains in the glaze .

  10. 光有过人的胆量是不够的。

    It seems that only nerves of steel is not enough .

  11. 15.光有远见是不够的。

    15 . A vision on its own is not enough .

  12. 然而遗憾的是,光有非凡才华是不够的。

    The sad truth is , great talent is not enough .

  13. 没有目标和方向,光有勤奋和勇气是不够的。

    Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction .

  14. 满足共振条件时,针尖对不同频率散射光有不同的增强效果。

    The enhancements of scattering lights of different frequencies are different .

  15. 我喜欢约翰,他不光有勇气,还挺性感的。

    I like john , he has got a lot of hair .

  16. 在考埃尔看来,光有自信还不够。

    Believing , in Mr. Cowell 's view , was not enough .

  17. 投资初创企业要取得成功,光有现金还不够。

    Investing successfully in startups takes more than a pocketful of cash .

  18. 男人光有相貌是不够的。

    Good looks alone in a man aren 't enough .

  19. 一个有颜色的表面反射的光有两个组分。

    The reflection of light from a colored surface has two components .

  20. 噢,光有这些可不够。

    Oh , now that 's not gonna be enough .

  21. 不光有走极端时的两个选择。

    There aren 't just two options at the extreme .

  22. 光有理念,但却缺乏有效的执行方案可谓一钱不值。

    An idea without an effective implementation plan is of little value .

  23. 古代有不少画家对山水画中的光有深刻的认识。

    Many artists on the ancient landscape in a profound understanding of light .

  24. 光有课程就行的日子已经一去不返了。

    The days of just the programme are gone .

  25. 契约的要素不光有前置、后置条件和类不变式。

    Pre-and post-conditions and class invariants are not the only elements of contracts .

  26. 琐碎细节:进行有效的行动管理,光有总的原则是不够的。

    Details matter : general principles are not enough to guide effective action .

  27. 伦纳德*鲁宾斯坦谈如何诚实处世:光有诚实的愿望是不够的。

    S.Leonard Rubenstein , on the skill of honesty : Intention is not enough .

  28. 感觉不到微风吹在脸上,光有翅膀有什么用。

    What goes with wing if you couldn 't feel wind on the face .

  29. 我讨厌光有一大堆空话而无实际行动。

    I hate all talk and no action .

  30. 你瞧,这可比原来光有树干的床要舒服多了。

    Look at that . that 's gonna be much more comfortable than that .