
  • 网络Film;plain film
  1. Bi代石榴石磁光膜/金属反射层/玻璃多层结构磁光盘的优化设计

    Optimization Design of Bi-substituted Garnet Film / Metal Reflective Layer / Glass Multilayered Magneto-optical Disks

  2. 农用聚乙烯吹塑转光膜的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Light Converting Polyethylene Blown Film for Agriculture

  3. 大尺寸Bi、Al替DyIG磁光膜的均匀性研究

    Research on homogeneity of big area bi 、 al substituted dyig magneto-optical films

  4. 为了研究转光膜的光学特性和机械性能,将两种不同的转光剂(A、B)添加到聚乙烯树脂中,采用母料法制备转光膜。

    In order to research optical and mechanical properties of the light conversion film , the light conversion film was prepared through matrix material mixing method by blending light conversion agent with polyethylene resin .

  5. 扣棚30天后,转光膜比PE长寿无滴膜的透光率高8.1%,比PVC无滴膜高19.5%。

    After covering film 30 days , the light rotation film 's translucency ration is higher 8.1 % than PE long-life no-dip film and 19.5 % than PVC no-dip film .

  6. 高光膜由PVC、胶粘剂、PET膜复合而成。根据其特点研制的环氧树脂胶粘剂与传统的胶粘剂相比,不需要对粘贴面PET膜进行特殊的表面处理,使用十分方便。

    High light film is composed of PVC film , adhesive and PET film , According to its characteristics , epoxy resin adhesive of developed is better than traditional adhesive , it has no treating for the surface of PET film , it is convenient to be used .

  7. 结构选择优化及过正量膜厚控制在激光析光膜中的应用

    Application of Selective-Optimizing Design and Variable Overshoot in Laser Beam-Splitter

  8. 转光膜性能研究相关问题的探讨

    Discussion of the Correlative Questions in the Research of Light Conversion Film

  9. 稀土-过渡族合金双层磁光膜的交换耦合性能分析

    Exchange Coupling Effect of Rare-earth Transition Metal Double-Layer Magneto-Optical Films

  10. 还研制出了一种聚氯乙烯基红光转光膜。

    A new type of PVC-based red light conversion film was developed too .

  11. 我国农用转光膜的研究进展

    Research Progress of Light Conversion Agricultural Films in China

  12. 同时提出了目前农用转光膜所存在的缺陷和相应的发展方向。

    Defects of existing light conversion films and developing trends are also provided .

  13. 农用转光膜的性能研究

    Study on Property of Light Conversion in Agricultural Films

  14. 转光膜的温光效应及其对春大白菜生长发育的影响

    Effect of Spectrum Conversion Film on Temperature , Light and Growth of Chinese Cabbage

  15. 转光膜处理的春大白菜生长势显著增强,产量提高,品质改善。

    So spectrum conversion film remarkably increased yield and improved quality of Chinese cabbage .

  16. 讨论了转光膜荧光强度与膜厚度的关系及光谱校正问题。

    Dependence of intensity on thickness of LCFF and fluorescence spectra correction are investigated .

  17. 高光膜胶粘剂的研制

    Research of adhesive for high light film

  18. 转光膜的制备及性能研究

    Preparation and performance of light conversion film

  19. 彩色微滤光膜制造技术

    Manufacturing Technology for Color Microfilter Coating

  20. 本文介绍农用聚乙烯调光膜的制造、性能和应用。

    The production , property and application of agricultural PE film are described in this paper .

  21. 通过转光膜的对照试验,研究了转光膜覆盖对菠菜生长及产量品质的影响。

    The experiment studied effects of light conversion films on growth , yield and quality of spinach .

  22. 用于各类无胶类光学材料分条、复卷,比如扩散膜、被光膜。

    Used for slitting and rewinding various kinds of non-adhesive optic materials such as diffuse film and so on .

  23. 转光膜能能提高棚温、增强光合速率,促进作物生长。

    Light rotation film can raise the greenhouse 's temperature , enhance the photosynthetic efficiency , and accelerate the crops growth .

  24. 可订制生产各种彩色,复光膜,热转印彩色图案的无纺布袋子!

    Producing all kinds of color can be customized , complex film , thermal transfer color images of non-woven fabric bag !

  25. 收获时,转光膜Ⅰ、Ⅱ处理的春大白菜产量分别比对照增加7.53%和13.70%。

    The yield under spectrum conversion film ⅰ and ⅱ increased 7.53 % and 13.70 % respectively as compared with CK .

  26. 在普通农用薄膜生产过程中,添加一种荧光稀土络合物,制成农用光膜。

    The agricultural fluorescent film was made by adding the fluorescent com - plexes of rare earth in common agricultural plastic film .

  27. 同时研制出了一种聚氯乙烯基蓝光转光膜,并观察到蓝光转光剂的发射峰在转光膜中的蓝移现象。

    At the same time a novel PVC blue light conversion film is developed and blue shift of the emission peak of the blue light agent is observed .

  28. 通过测试转光膜的荧光光谱和机械性能,得出以下结论:与普通薄膜相比,转光膜有明显的转光效果;

    According to the fluorescent-spectrometric and mechanical properties testing results , it can be concluded that , firstly , the better light conversion characteristic can be obtained after adding light conversion agent ;

  29. 经有机化改性处理,转光膜具有较好的防潮和抗荧光衰减性能,实地扣棚9个月后仍有30%的荧光发射I相对。

    Through the modification in organic way , the light conversion film is moisture-proof and fluorescent anti-decay which still keeps fluorescent emission in 30 % I ( a.u ) after 9 months in farmland .

  30. 通过对供试转光膜的性能测试和农艺性状分析,表明转日光型聚乙烯农用棚膜具有优异的光学效应和生物效应,有益于农作物的增产增收。

    Determining the properties of test films and analysis of agronomy characters showed that the light conversion polyethylene films had active effects in promoting light synthesis , biological behavior and plant growth in agriculture .