
shānɡ kǒu ɡǎn rǎn
  • wound infection
  1. 跟腱断裂病人术后伤口感染率并不很低,其中陈旧跟腱断裂病人的伤口感染率显著高于急性跟腱断裂病人(p<0.01)。

    The wound infection rate after operation for repair of achilles tendon rupture was not rather low , it was distinctly higher in old achilles tendon rupture patients than in acute ones ( p < 0.01 ) .

  2. 跟腱再断裂、神经血管损伤、伤口感染并发症的发生率的差异无统计学意义(p0.05)。

    The incidence of complications such as Achilles tendon re-rupture , neurovascular injury and wound infection was no statistical difference .

  3. 狗咬的伤口感染了。

    The wound from the dog bite had become infected .

  4. A组在骨折愈合上优于B组,且无术后伤口感染并发症。

    Bony union in Group B was superior to Group A.

  5. 各感染部位比较可见下呼吸道和术后伤口感染两组有显著差异(P<0.01P<0.05)。

    Comparing positions of nosocomial infection to non infection patients , the cost of lower respiratory tract and surgery incisions were significant increase ( P < 0.01 ; P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 4例术前损伤严重程度评分(ISS)≥22的患者出现骶尾部伤口感染,经清创后感染均控制。

    Four patients , whose preoperative Injury Severity Score ( ISS )≥ 522 , appeared postoperative infection . All the infection were healed by debridement .

  7. 结果术后无一例发生骨筋膜室综合症(OCS)及严重伤口感染,早期未肿胀病例经预防治疗后无一例发生张力性水泡,未见有严重药物毒副作用发生。

    Results No complication occurred in all patients , no osteofascial compartment syndrome ( OCS ) occurred , no wound infect , no blisters after operation .

  8. 方法回顾168例非结核分枝杆菌(NTM)伤口感染患者诊断、治疗及4年半以来随访情况。

    Methods A hundred and sixty-eight patients with NTM incision infection were retrospectively reviewed in terms of diagnosis , treatment and follow-up in a period of 4.5 years .

  9. 方法:分为①毒力实验组:35只二级昆白小鼠随机分为4组,②伤口感染实验组:35只SPF小鼠,腿部致伤后随机分为4组;

    Methods : ① Virulence test group : Divide 35 mice into four groups in random , ② The group with wound infected : Divide 35 SPF mice into four groups in random after their legs were injured ;

  10. 结果其中19例在使用抗生素后出现AAC,19例均为长期慢性肝病肝移植术后患者,且合并腹腔、肺部或伤口感染并发症;

    RESULTS Among the 71 cases , 19 cases showed AAC after using antibiotic . All the 19 cases were post liver transplantation patients , and ~ complicated with celiac , lung and cut infection .

  11. BPD后的早期并发症包括1例肺部感染(4.5%)和一例伤口感染(4.5%);晚期并发症包括三例切口疝(13.6%)和两例消化性溃疡(9.1%)。

    Early complications after BPD included one pulmonary infection ( 4.5 % ) and one wound infection ( 4.5 % ); late complications included three incisional hernias ( 13.6 % ) and two peptic ulcers ( 9.1 % ) .

  12. 结果手术全部成功,平均手术时间45min,平均住院时间5d,无伤口感染、血肿及阴囊积液,无复发病例。

    Results All the operations succeeded , the average time was 45 minutes , and the average hospital stay was 5 days . No cut infection , hematoma and scrotum hydrocele and recurrence occurred .

  13. 1例术中导针误穿过C1前弓皮质约3.5cm,进入咽部,未发生脊髓损伤及伤口感染并发症。

    The guide needle was cut into the pharynx due to incorrectly penetrating the C 1 anterior arch of atlas for 3.5 cm in one case but no early complications such as spinal cord injury and local infection occurred .

  14. 术后8h、24h、48h、72h及1w进行观察,了解每种方法对伤口感染情况、最终愈合时间、伤道细菌量及血中白细胞记数的不同影响。

    At the time of preoperative point ( 0h ) and postoperative ones of 8h , 24h , 48h , 72h and lw , the WBC counts were measured and the bacterial cultures and counts were performed as well as the wounds healing time were observed .

  15. 按照Mazur评分系统评估疗效,16例患者,优6例,良8例,中1例,差1例,优良率达87.5%。1例发生伤口感染,无深部感染;

    According to Mazur function assessment system , the curative effect was excellent in 6 patients , good in 8 , fair in 1 and poor in 1 , the excellent and good rate was 87.5 % .

  16. 本组无手术死亡,无术后腹腔残余脓肿及胃肠瘘,无粘连性肠梗阻及伤口感染,平均手术时间45min,平均住院时间为5d。

    No operative death , no postoperative abdominal residual abscess and gastrointestinal fistula ( after operation ), no adhesive ileus and wound infection were found in this group . Average operative time was 45 minutes and average hospitalization time was 5 days .

  17. 结果所有病例无膝关节内外翻现象,仅有5例(8%)术后有轻度的胫骨平台再次塌陷,有3例出现伤口感染皮瓣坏死,参照Lysholm评分标准,优良率达90·4%。

    A slight re-collapse of tibial plateau occurred postoperatively only in 5 patients ( 8 % ) . The infection of wound and necrosis of skin flap occurred in 3 patients . According to Lysholm score standard , the excellent and good rate was 90.4 % .

  18. 认为严重胫骨开放性骨折治疗宜尽早彻底清创,骨折暴露复位,采用SGD骨科多功能单侧外固定支架固定,既有利于骨折愈合,也有利于软组织修复及减少伤口感染。

    Cleaning wound early and completely , opening and reducing of fracture , fixing with SGD multi-purpose external bone fixing support to treat severe open fractures of tibias were not only useful to u-nion of fracture and soft tissue restoration but also to reducing infection rate of wound .

  19. 小儿外科伤口感染的调查与分析

    A survey and analysis of surgical site infections in pediatric surgery

  20. 无伤口感染及关节融合不愈合。

    None of them had infection or disunion of joint fusion .

  21. 手外伤伤口感染细菌分布及耐药性分析

    Distribution and resistance of bacterial infection in trama wound of hand

  22. 外科伤口感染;危险因素;目标性监测。

    Surgical wound infection ; Risk factors ; Objective monitoring method .

  23. 1例术后伤口感染合并肺部感染死亡。

    Patients with postoperative wound infection associated with lung infection death .

  24. 目的:控制骨科创伤患者伤口感染的发生。

    Objective : To prevent infection of the wound 's cut .

  25. 士兵们因伤口感染纷纷返回。

    The soldiers were coming back with infections in their wounds .

  26. 地震伤员开放性伤口感染相关因素及目标监测

    Target monitoring and relative factors of open wound infection of earthquake casualty

  27. 术后未见伤口感染及眼底缺血表现。

    No postoperative wound infection and retinal ischemia was found . 2 .

  28. 无钢板断裂或螺钉松动,无伤口感染;

    No plate fracture , screw loosening or infection occurred .

  29. 创伤弧菌引起伤口感染1例

    Wound infection caused by traumatic vibrio : A case report

  30. 儿童急性阑尾炎伤口感染的预防:1项为期26年的前瞻性研究

    Wound infection prophylaxis in pediatric acute appendicitis : A 26-year prospective study