
shāng yáng
  • impairment of yang
伤阳[shāng yáng]
  1. 寒邪伤阳理论及其免疫相关性实验的研究

    The Study of " Pathogenic Cold Impairing Yang " Theory and Its Immune-related Experiment

  2. 目的:①对寒邪伤阳理论的相关概念、学术渊源及致病特点进行初步系统的整理。

    Objective : ① To summarize the related concepts , academic sources and pathogenic characteristics of " pathogenic cold impairing yang " theory .

  3. 凉燥组小鼠RS增加与CM加快,与凉伤肺阳而致肺津不化,凝成痰饮有关。

    In cool-dryness group , increase of mucoitin secretion and quickening of CM are related with injury of lung-yang by cool-dryness , coagulating as phlegm-yin .